Dr. Glen A. Thorp May 29, 2011
(All Rights Reserved) I Corinthians 15:1-11, Acts 9:1-6
INTRODUCTION: “Sedition of the Jews against Pontious Pilate,”*
recorded by Jewish historian Flavius Josephus: in Jewish Antiquities (note * at the end of this message.)writes about how the Jews were punished and killed for their protests of Pilate’s, Governor of Palestine insult of the Jews by his actions including bringing images of Roman gods into Jerusalem, during the night. Jews who challenged that action were arrested, punished and tried for insurrection. Jews fought against Rome up until Jerusalem was demolished and burned. Josephus quotes a follower of “The Way:” “We are not extinct!” Why? Because he (Jesus) appeared alive to his followers again and again. If you are a Christian why?
:Because someone told you the “Good News?”
:You hold on to as Desperate Hope?”
:You have Faith? If so, faith in what or whom?
What do you believe about Jesus’ resurrection, of which we have been writing and studying? Christians have designated the weeks after Easter as a time for reading and reflecting on Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances, thus today’s Scriptures and message. If you haven’t yet read Acts 9:1-9 and
I Corinthians 15:1-11 in which the Apostle Paul writes:
“I want to make clear ... the nature of the good news I preached to you;
that gospel which you received, on which you stand, and through which you are being saved...something you hold on to tenaciously. It is not something haphazard or random...It is something I received and passed on to you. Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was laid in the tomb, and that he was raised up on the third day according to the scriptures...” I Corinthians 15:3.
Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances are historical facts.
The resurrection of Jesus is central/foundation to the Good News we received, on which we stand and by which we are being saved. Otherwise
our faith is null and void. It is a belief that is in vain, worthless.
We have received the Good News.
Paul writes: “You received it from me.”
“You have heard from others.”
“You have read in the Scriptures ...”
- First hand accounts from
- Eye witnesses.
Not a made up story.
In addition to the disciples, Jesus was seen by over 500 people at one time, many who were still alive when Paul this letter. James also saw his brother Jesus. Written before the Gospel of Mark I Corinthians is the earliest written account of Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances. Over the last weeks we have looked at some of those. Jesus appeared to the disciples in the Upper Room twice, to Two disciples on road to Emmaus. Jesus met and appeared to the seven disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Two weeks ago, we read how Jesus reinstated Peter by leading him though the pain of his denial of Jesus to forgiveness.
We stand on the Good News.
It is one thing to hear about something.
It is another to act on it. Job 4:4 states:
Your words have kept people on their feet ...
strengthened those with faltering knees.
Our Stability - Proof comes from11 men who staked their lives on Jesus by leaving their jobs, friends and family and seemed to have lost everything when they Ran, Denied and even Betrayed knowing Jesus finding their world upside down when Jesus was arrested, tried, crucified and buried. How did these same men become bold, confident and outspoken. Read Acts 7:55-60.
A young man named Stephen was arrested and condemned to death by stoning. Note a man named Saul, who gave approval to his death. Acts 8:1-3 records how he sought to arrest and bring to trial those who belonged to
The Way for proclaiming that Jesus who had been crucified was alive! Because of that threat and persecution many who followed the One who said:
I AM the Way ... (thus the name for the followers of Jesus) Scattered to cities of safety, including Damascus, Syria.
Saul received written authorization to go to Damascus, find, arrest and bring back those heretics to Jerusalem for trial and punishment.
Restating: Acts 9:1-6,
“A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum,”
(a 1962 Broadway Musical, words & music adapted by Stephen Sondheim.)
“A funny thing happened on the way to Damascus,” 150 miles NE of Jerusalem. Damascus, Syria is in today’s (5/28/11) Wall Street Journal
“In Syria, Allegations of New Levels of Torture ...”
Damascus Bears Down/Widespread detentions have been reported throughout Syria this Spring, 8 week uprising, beginning on March 8, against President Bashar al-Assad.
Jesus appearance to Saul ... “as one abnormally born.”
was Not a vision ... But an encounter and Eye witness of the risen Christ that dramatically changed his life and name to Paul. Paul moved from being a “prosecuter” of those who claimed Jesus was alive to one who was “prosecuted” for teaching that Jesus was alive. He wrote:
“Many of us have staked our lives on Jesus.”
Reason for existence of Community of Followers of Jesus is poorly understood. It was not just his great teaching or miracles.
It was because of the resurrection appearances On Which we stand! Is Highest Privilege (Romans 5:2)
Hope of resurrection releases us from failure and fear,
Grows as we learn all God has in mind for us. One day we will be in the Living Presence of Jesus, either here on this earth or when we die who said: I Am the resurrection & life ...
We are being saved by the Good News.
Present tense verb is Continuos Action. (I Cor. 15:4)
Aorist tense verb: Christ Died - But is NOT dead.
Christ Buried - But is NOT in the grave
Perfect tense verb: Christ was Raised - Force continues ...
All that means, He is Alive Now!
Whole process is part of God’s plan disclosed in Scripture
Death of Jesus - to deal with sin.
Resurrection - to deal with death and fear.
is our greatest hope!
Do you really believe this Good News?
It is something we have received from eye witness.
Paul lists some of them I Corinthians 15:1-11.
It is something on which we Stand.
On which we Stake our lives.
It is the Hope of our Salvation.
CONCLUSION: Christians have written statements of what they believe. One the first was the Nicene Creed. If you don’t have access to a copy, go to your search site on the Internet and type: Nicene Creed. It is something we Christians Affirm aloud stating what we believe. For those of you who read or say by memory this creed,
Is it true or just words?
Have you experienced the Risen Jesus?
How did Jesus find you?
How did you respond?
Sometimes God breaks in a spectacular manner, as He did with Saul,
other times in a quiet experience. There is no one way of responding to The Good News about Jesus.
It is Good, if we stand by faith on what we received,
It is Good knowing we will be save (are being saved.)
Like Saul, we Start of a new life with Jesus at the center.
This is the transforming power of the Resurrection.
Have you encountered the Risen Jesus?
If so, you likely heard, Received, the news from someone.
If not, you Received that Good News today.
If you want the Hope say:
“Jesus I stake my life, that you are aliive.
I believe you died to forgive my sin/disobedience.
I believe you rose from the dead & appeared to 500 people.
I believe you are alive & one day I will see you in person.
Footnote: *The War of the Jews:
“After this he (Pilate) raised another disturbance, by expending that sacred treasure which is called Corban (Temple Money) upon aqueducts, whereby he brought water from the distance of four hundred furlongs. At this the multitude had indignation; and when Pilate was come to Jerusalem, they came about his tribunal, and made a clamor at it. Now when he was apprized aforehand of this disturbance, he mixed his own soldiers in their armor with the multitude, and ordered them to conceal themselves under the habits of private men, and not indeed to use their swords, but with their staves to beat those that made the clamor. He then gave the signal from his tribunal [to do as he had bidden them]. Now the Jews were so sadly beaten, that many of them perished by the stripes they received, and many of them perished as trodden to death by themselves; by which means the multitude was astonished at the calamity of those that were slain, and held their peace.”
“After this time there appeared Jesus, a wise man. For he was a doer of startling deeds, a teacher of people who receive the truth with pleasure. And he gained a following both among many Jews and among many of Greek origin. And when Pilate, because of an accusation made by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, those who had loved him previously did not cease to do so. And up until this very day the tribe of Christians, named after him, has not died out.”
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Dr. Glen A. Thorp, May 14, 2011
(All Rights Reserved) John 21:1-25
INTRODUCTION: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry,” was the tag-line of 1970's movie: Love Story staring Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw.
Not apologizing may be good for a romantic story, but it does not work in the real world. How do you react when someone has hurt or betrayed you?
Do you seek revenge or hold a grudge? Doing so may impact your emotional & physical health. It may also impact the lives of others and make the news.
Frank McCourt, Co-Owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers admitted that his bitter, on-going, divorce from the other Co-Owner, his wife, Jaime,
had lead to the Dodger’s possibly not being able to make the May 31st payroll. Bud Selig, Baseball Commissioner, appointed Tom Schiffer to over-see the day to day operations of the Dodgers. A Judge in the LA Superior Court, speaking to a couple in a bitter divorce, held up a newspaper article about the McCourts said: "See what happens when there is a fight over property rather than finding a solution. Both will loose everything."
The Biblical tag-line is: “Love is forgiving even if another does not apologize or say I’m sorry.” That is the theme of John 21. (Read it.)
The story did not make headline news. It was something that occurred between two people. Noone else knew. One failed Jesus and felt totally inadequate in serving him, let alone being a leader. I am referring, of course, to the Apostle Peter.
Jesus had told Peter, during his last supper with the disciples, before he was arested, tried and crucified, that before the crack of dawn,
“you, Peter will deny me three times.” ( John 13:38) Earlier Jesus had said to his disciples “serve one another and love each other as I have loved you ... It is by your love for one another that others will know you are my disciples.” That sounded so easy! Peter learned, it was not easy.
The events of that night occurred just as Jesus had predicted. Jesus betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas, was arrested by the Temple Guards and taken to the home of the high priest. John and Peter followed behind. Peter waited in the courtyard by a charcoal fire, while John went inside. A maid said to Peter: “You were with him.” "I was not!", replied Peter. He tried sneaking away but someone said: “Were you not with the Galilean?” "I did not know the man!" said Peter. Trapped he moved back towards the fire, when someone said: “You were with the Galilean!”
"I swear I don’t know the man!" At that very moment the rooster crowed. Peter’s heart broke. He was crushed. He remembered what Jesus had said just a few hours earlier, You will deny me three times before the rooster crows. We don’t know what Peter did or whether he ever told the other disciples what he had done. He did weep bitterly.
The story of Jesus’s resurrection does not end with Easter. As a matter of fact on the Christian Calender the 40 days after Easter are called Eastertide reflecting on Jesus’ appearances before the disciples. Locked doors, couldn’t keep Jesus out. Twice he showed himself. Jn. 20:24-29
In John 21:3 Peter tells the other disciples he was returning to fishing. (The Infinitive verb means a continuos activity, not just once,) In other words, Peter was saying: “I am going back to a career of fishing.” He felt guilty, a failure and unworthy. John 21:4-14 sets the stage for Jesus’ conversation with Peter. Instead of judgement and retribution, Jesus met Peter at his point of despair and vulnerability with Forgiving Love.
Love’s Healing Power intersects with Peter and other disciples when they discover their skills as fisherman had become rusty. Peter may have thought, "even the fish have turned against me," when they caught no fish.
(The following is set in outline form. Follow along by re-reading John 21)
1. Jesus lead the disciples to the fish.
a. Asks a question: “Caught anything?”
b. Disciples respond: “No!”
c. Jesus guides them to where there are fish.
d. The result disciples were un-able to haul in the net full of fish.
e. John recognized the voice and my have recalled a similar event three years before when he was called by Jesus to follow him, responding:
"It is the Lord!"
f. Impetuous Peter dressed & swam to shore.
g. Jesus had started a charcoal fire and was warming some bread and roasting some fish.
2. Jesus nourished the disciples with fish and bread.
a. He said: “Bring some fish. Come and have some breakfast.”
b. Jesus wanted the disciples to know he was not a spirit or ghost.
He had a body that was recognizable and could eat.
This was the Jesus’ third appearance since his resurrection.
c. Jesus demonstrated there were enough resources for his commission.
d. Jesus was Nourishing spiritually and physically.
e. Church will be made of variety of people. (153 variety of fish caught)
f. The Old Testament Prophet Ezekiel 47:9 spoke of turning the Dead Sea, (a hopeless situation) into life-giving fresh water resulting in a
“Large numbers of fish.” John 21:11 says: "153 large fish were caught."
Matthew 13:47-48 records Jesus’ parable of a net full of fish.
3. Jesus lead Peter through his disowning Jesus.
a. Jesus asks Peter: "Do you love (agape) me more than these boats, this life of fishing or the disciples?"
b. Peter: “Yes, Lord, you know I love you.”
Peter uses the Greek word: phileo.
c. Agape used by Jesus means unconditional love. Phileo used by Peter is brotherly love. Pliladelpia is English
d. Jesus says to Peter: "Tend my lambs."
e. Jesus asks second time: "Do you agape me?"
f. Peter: “Yes Lord, you know I phileo you.”
g. Jesus says: "Shepherd my sheep."
h. Jesus asks: "Do you phileo/love me?"
i. Peter grieved: “Lord you know all things, you know
“I love/phileo you.”
j. Jesus says: "Tend my sheep."
k. Jesus lead Peter through an experience that would remove the cloud of his denial. Today, some call the process “healing of memories.” Using imagery and association of burning coals Jesus lead Peter through the painful experience of denying knowing Jesus three times. Jesus asked him three times: “Do you love me?" Jesus forgave Peter. But, Peter was un-able to forgive himself. Thus Jesus lead Peter through the painful memories.
4. Jesus’ commission for Peter was not easy.
a. Jesus’ commission was repeated in two ways. Shepherd the flock & Tend my lambs. Peter was to Lead and Teach based on what he had heard from Jesus. It would lead to Peter’s death, John 21:19. Peter and the other disciples lead the church along the path prepared by Jesus.
Early Christians were called "People of the Way," for they followed One who said: "I AM the Way, the truth & the life." (John 14:6)
“What about John?,” Peter asked Jesus: (John 21:20" "If it is my will that he remain/abide until I come, What is that to you?" responded Jesus.(21:22)
"YOU MUST FOLLOW ME!" (Repeated twice.)
We tend to compare ourselves with others, rationalizing our own level of devotion to Christ. Jesus says to you and me: "Follow me."
Each of us may have different assignments or experiences.
b. Jesus saw in Simon Peter who he would become.
Jesus sees in us what we will become. Jesus Asks you and me:
“Do you love me more than your material security, more than your job or more than your friends?"
c. Christians are called "Easter People:" because every morning we rise in the hope of Easter. l
d. Sir Walter Raleigh. was asked: “Shall we live again after death?”
“I only hope so.” said Raleigh.
"From which grave, and earth, and dust the Lord shall raise me up."
CONCLUSION: Jesus’ approach with Peter is effective in facing our own grievous failures, anger or self-pity. Love’s Healing Power
will work:
Close your eyes. Ask: Is there a “hidden secret” in my life that would make headlines if a reporter discovered it? Few of us will find ourselves in the public eye, but even if noone else knows, God knows. We may think: “I’m not worthy of serving God because of this.”
- It may something others know about.
- It may be something for which we have sought God’s forgiveness but have been un-able to forgive ourselves.
- It may be something no one knows about.
- It may be a “skeleton in the closet.” hidden.
- It may be an abusive act or word.
- It may be unfaithfulness of a spouse.
- It may be guilt we’re trying to cover with drugs or alcohol.
- It may be stealing ...
- It may be holding a “grudge”
- It may be anger towards parents ...
- It may be abuse we have suffered ...
- It may be lack of self worth
Open your eyes. When you are unable to receive God’s forgiveness or feel unworthy of being used by God, think about this story and how Jesus met Peter and the other disciples at the point of despair, and lead Peter, with love, through steps leading to healing .
Love’s Healing Power is forgiving and wanting to remove our shame and restore us to wholeness.
Love’s Healing Power suspends punishment.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."(John 3:16)
"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:9)
Love’s Healing Power is not a one time event: when we first asked God’s forgiveness and accepted his gift of life by believing that Jesus’ death and resurrection is the: way to God and truth leading to life in its fulness here on earth and eternally with God, when we die. It is available to us at any point in our lives, especially when we fall short of living as God asks and we feel unworthy of being in God’s presence. If Peter was forgiven and restored to leadership after what he did, each of us can be assured we too will be forgiven, no mater what we do, because God’s love forgives even if we don’t say “I am sorry.”
Living in the hope and power of Jesus’ resurrection we live in the joy of life not fear of death or judgement. We live in Love’s healing power!
If you have never asked for God’s forgiveness and placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, this would be a good time to do so.) Simply pray: “God I have not lived as you want.
I have disobeyed you commandments - sinned- and have messed up my life trying to justify or cover up my attitude and actions. Please forgive me.
By faith I accept you’re forgiveness through Jesus.”
God’s Healing Power will come upon you.
You will be forgiven. You will have a new start.
You will be a new person.
The old will passed away, the new will come.
You will be a new person, A child of God,
A follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian,
An Easter Person living in hope, joy & love not fear of judgement.
(All Rights Reserved) John 21:1-25
INTRODUCTION: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry,” was the tag-line of 1970's movie: Love Story staring Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw.
Not apologizing may be good for a romantic story, but it does not work in the real world. How do you react when someone has hurt or betrayed you?
Do you seek revenge or hold a grudge? Doing so may impact your emotional & physical health. It may also impact the lives of others and make the news.
Frank McCourt, Co-Owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers admitted that his bitter, on-going, divorce from the other Co-Owner, his wife, Jaime,
had lead to the Dodger’s possibly not being able to make the May 31st payroll. Bud Selig, Baseball Commissioner, appointed Tom Schiffer to over-see the day to day operations of the Dodgers. A Judge in the LA Superior Court, speaking to a couple in a bitter divorce, held up a newspaper article about the McCourts said: "See what happens when there is a fight over property rather than finding a solution. Both will loose everything."
The Biblical tag-line is: “Love is forgiving even if another does not apologize or say I’m sorry.” That is the theme of John 21. (Read it.)
The story did not make headline news. It was something that occurred between two people. Noone else knew. One failed Jesus and felt totally inadequate in serving him, let alone being a leader. I am referring, of course, to the Apostle Peter.
Jesus had told Peter, during his last supper with the disciples, before he was arested, tried and crucified, that before the crack of dawn,
“you, Peter will deny me three times.” ( John 13:38) Earlier Jesus had said to his disciples “serve one another and love each other as I have loved you ... It is by your love for one another that others will know you are my disciples.” That sounded so easy! Peter learned, it was not easy.
The events of that night occurred just as Jesus had predicted. Jesus betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas, was arrested by the Temple Guards and taken to the home of the high priest. John and Peter followed behind. Peter waited in the courtyard by a charcoal fire, while John went inside. A maid said to Peter: “You were with him.” "I was not!", replied Peter. He tried sneaking away but someone said: “Were you not with the Galilean?” "I did not know the man!" said Peter. Trapped he moved back towards the fire, when someone said: “You were with the Galilean!”
"I swear I don’t know the man!" At that very moment the rooster crowed. Peter’s heart broke. He was crushed. He remembered what Jesus had said just a few hours earlier, You will deny me three times before the rooster crows. We don’t know what Peter did or whether he ever told the other disciples what he had done. He did weep bitterly.
The story of Jesus’s resurrection does not end with Easter. As a matter of fact on the Christian Calender the 40 days after Easter are called Eastertide reflecting on Jesus’ appearances before the disciples. Locked doors, couldn’t keep Jesus out. Twice he showed himself. Jn. 20:24-29
In John 21:3 Peter tells the other disciples he was returning to fishing. (The Infinitive verb means a continuos activity, not just once,) In other words, Peter was saying: “I am going back to a career of fishing.” He felt guilty, a failure and unworthy. John 21:4-14 sets the stage for Jesus’ conversation with Peter. Instead of judgement and retribution, Jesus met Peter at his point of despair and vulnerability with Forgiving Love.
Love’s Healing Power intersects with Peter and other disciples when they discover their skills as fisherman had become rusty. Peter may have thought, "even the fish have turned against me," when they caught no fish.
(The following is set in outline form. Follow along by re-reading John 21)
1. Jesus lead the disciples to the fish.
a. Asks a question: “Caught anything?”
b. Disciples respond: “No!”
c. Jesus guides them to where there are fish.
d. The result disciples were un-able to haul in the net full of fish.
e. John recognized the voice and my have recalled a similar event three years before when he was called by Jesus to follow him, responding:
"It is the Lord!"
f. Impetuous Peter dressed & swam to shore.
g. Jesus had started a charcoal fire and was warming some bread and roasting some fish.
2. Jesus nourished the disciples with fish and bread.
a. He said: “Bring some fish. Come and have some breakfast.”
b. Jesus wanted the disciples to know he was not a spirit or ghost.
He had a body that was recognizable and could eat.
This was the Jesus’ third appearance since his resurrection.
c. Jesus demonstrated there were enough resources for his commission.
d. Jesus was Nourishing spiritually and physically.
e. Church will be made of variety of people. (153 variety of fish caught)
f. The Old Testament Prophet Ezekiel 47:9 spoke of turning the Dead Sea, (a hopeless situation) into life-giving fresh water resulting in a
“Large numbers of fish.” John 21:11 says: "153 large fish were caught."
Matthew 13:47-48 records Jesus’ parable of a net full of fish.
3. Jesus lead Peter through his disowning Jesus.
a. Jesus asks Peter: "Do you love (agape) me more than these boats, this life of fishing or the disciples?"
b. Peter: “Yes, Lord, you know I love you.”
Peter uses the Greek word: phileo.
c. Agape used by Jesus means unconditional love. Phileo used by Peter is brotherly love. Pliladelpia is English
d. Jesus says to Peter: "Tend my lambs."
e. Jesus asks second time: "Do you agape me?"
f. Peter: “Yes Lord, you know I phileo you.”
g. Jesus says: "Shepherd my sheep."
h. Jesus asks: "Do you phileo/love me?"
i. Peter grieved: “Lord you know all things, you know
“I love/phileo you.”
j. Jesus says: "Tend my sheep."
k. Jesus lead Peter through an experience that would remove the cloud of his denial. Today, some call the process “healing of memories.” Using imagery and association of burning coals Jesus lead Peter through the painful experience of denying knowing Jesus three times. Jesus asked him three times: “Do you love me?" Jesus forgave Peter. But, Peter was un-able to forgive himself. Thus Jesus lead Peter through the painful memories.
4. Jesus’ commission for Peter was not easy.
a. Jesus’ commission was repeated in two ways. Shepherd the flock & Tend my lambs. Peter was to Lead and Teach based on what he had heard from Jesus. It would lead to Peter’s death, John 21:19. Peter and the other disciples lead the church along the path prepared by Jesus.
Early Christians were called "People of the Way," for they followed One who said: "I AM the Way, the truth & the life." (John 14:6)
“What about John?,” Peter asked Jesus: (John 21:20" "If it is my will that he remain/abide until I come, What is that to you?" responded Jesus.(21:22)
"YOU MUST FOLLOW ME!" (Repeated twice.)
We tend to compare ourselves with others, rationalizing our own level of devotion to Christ. Jesus says to you and me: "Follow me."
Each of us may have different assignments or experiences.
b. Jesus saw in Simon Peter who he would become.
Jesus sees in us what we will become. Jesus Asks you and me:
“Do you love me more than your material security, more than your job or more than your friends?"
c. Christians are called "Easter People:" because every morning we rise in the hope of Easter. l
d. Sir Walter Raleigh. was asked: “Shall we live again after death?”
“I only hope so.” said Raleigh.
"From which grave, and earth, and dust the Lord shall raise me up."
CONCLUSION: Jesus’ approach with Peter is effective in facing our own grievous failures, anger or self-pity. Love’s Healing Power
will work:
Close your eyes. Ask: Is there a “hidden secret” in my life that would make headlines if a reporter discovered it? Few of us will find ourselves in the public eye, but even if noone else knows, God knows. We may think: “I’m not worthy of serving God because of this.”
- It may something others know about.
- It may be something for which we have sought God’s forgiveness but have been un-able to forgive ourselves.
- It may be something no one knows about.
- It may be a “skeleton in the closet.” hidden.
- It may be an abusive act or word.
- It may be unfaithfulness of a spouse.
- It may be guilt we’re trying to cover with drugs or alcohol.
- It may be stealing ...
- It may be holding a “grudge”
- It may be anger towards parents ...
- It may be abuse we have suffered ...
- It may be lack of self worth
Open your eyes. When you are unable to receive God’s forgiveness or feel unworthy of being used by God, think about this story and how Jesus met Peter and the other disciples at the point of despair, and lead Peter, with love, through steps leading to healing .
Love’s Healing Power is forgiving and wanting to remove our shame and restore us to wholeness.
Love’s Healing Power suspends punishment.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."(John 3:16)
"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:9)
Love’s Healing Power is not a one time event: when we first asked God’s forgiveness and accepted his gift of life by believing that Jesus’ death and resurrection is the: way to God and truth leading to life in its fulness here on earth and eternally with God, when we die. It is available to us at any point in our lives, especially when we fall short of living as God asks and we feel unworthy of being in God’s presence. If Peter was forgiven and restored to leadership after what he did, each of us can be assured we too will be forgiven, no mater what we do, because God’s love forgives even if we don’t say “I am sorry.”
Living in the hope and power of Jesus’ resurrection we live in the joy of life not fear of death or judgement. We live in Love’s healing power!
If you have never asked for God’s forgiveness and placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, this would be a good time to do so.) Simply pray: “God I have not lived as you want.
I have disobeyed you commandments - sinned- and have messed up my life trying to justify or cover up my attitude and actions. Please forgive me.
By faith I accept you’re forgiveness through Jesus.”
God’s Healing Power will come upon you.
You will be forgiven. You will have a new start.
You will be a new person.
The old will passed away, the new will come.
You will be a new person, A child of God,
A follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian,
An Easter Person living in hope, joy & love not fear of judgement.
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