Saturday, August 20, 2011


Dr. Glen A. Thorp August 21, 2011
Philemon 1-25, Psalm 139:1-18 (All Rights Reserved)

INTRODUCTION: The giant wrecking ball hit the wall with dynamite force snapping bricks and concrete like twigs. Repeatedly, the powerful pendulum reduced the wall of what had been St. John’s Hospital, Santa Monica, Ca., where my, wife, Jeannie had two separate surgeries to remove cancer from her body. What had once been her hospital room lay in rubble. The steel reinforcing bars set aside, the rubble was ground up into sand and carried away so that new construction could begin. Today earth movers prepare the earth for the foundation of a brand new hospital facility.

Life has many walls and fences dividing, separating, and compartmentalizing. Not walls made of concrete, stone or wood, but personal obstructions blocking people from each other and from God.
Jesus Christ came as the great wall remover, tearing down the partition of sin separating us from God and blasting the barriers keeping us from each other. Christ’s death and resurrection opened the way to God, bringing all who believed in him into God’s family.

Roman, Greek and Jewish cultures were littered with barriers, as society assigned people to classes and expected them to remain in their place - men, women, free, slave, rich, poor, Jews, Gentiles and Greeks.

In contrast, God’s Word recorded in Galatians 3:28
In Christ’s family there can be no division into
Jew and Non-Jew, slave and free, male and female.
Among us you are all equal. That is,
we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ.

TRANSITION: This life-changing truth forms the backdrop for Paul’s personal letter to Philemon, and plea for Onesimus. (Philemon is the shortest book in the Bible with only 25 verses, yet is one the most revolutionary in the New Testament.)
Onesimus was a slave who “belonged” to Philemon.
Apparently he had stolen from his master and run away.
He found Paul, under house arrest, in Rome which lead to Revolutionized Relationships. Onesimus came to faith in Christ who radically forgave him and brought him into his family. Paul writes: revolutionized relationship meant he was sending Onesimus back not only as a slave but as a brother in Christ.

The barriers of slavery, Onesimus’ theft and desertion were no longer a divide – they were removed by Christ.
This letter is a masterpiece of grace, tact, a profound demonstration Christ’s power and Christian fellowship of Revolutionized Relationships in action.

Let us look, in more depth, at the dramatic story of the conversion of a runaway slave and implications for us.

Philemon and his wife Apphia hosted the Christian community of Colosse, Asia Minor (today’s Turkey) in their home. Onesimus as slave served the guests. Slavery was a major factor in building and maintaining the Roman Empire. 60 million slaves formed a constant danger. If they ever revolted there would serious trouble. Rebellious slaves were promptly eliminated. If a slave ran away, at best s/he would be branded on the forehead with a the letter F = fugitivus, Latin for fugitive, runaway. At worst a slave would be tortured and or crucified. Paul learned firsthand, what it was like being a slave, from Onesimus = useful. Paul puns on Onesimus’ name: Once useless, was he beaten or told he was useless? Was that why he ran away?
Did he steal to have money on which to live?
When Christ revolutionized his life, Onesimus lived into his name and character. Useful to me and you.

SPECULATION: How did Onesimus find Paul?
Was that his intention or by accident? There are no accidents with God. God transformed Onesimus from being a slave of sin to being a free man in Christ.
Paul writes: Onesimus, who became my son while I was in chains.
My very heart ... Useful - Profitable. Indispensable ...
(vs. 16)

Why did Paul send Onesimus back to Philemon? Identified? Trying to remain incognito?
Epaphras recognized Onesimus as Philemon’s slave in the home where Christians met. Is that why Onesimus came clean?
Paul knew well the risk of sending Onesimus back ...
A slave was a living tool not a person. Master had absolute power over a slave. A Roman named Pliny: writes: “A slave was carrying a tray of crystal goblets. He dropped and broke one. The master ordered that the slave be thrown into the fishpond in the courtyard, were the lampreys (fish with rasping teeth that sucked out blood) tore him into pieces.”
The slave was deliberately held down.” (William Barclay, Philemon,)

Some believe it is strange that Paul does not attack the institution of slavery. Revolutionized Relationships come from God’s revelation in Christ. All are One. The Master regards the slave as “brother” while the dishonest slave found new life in Christ who “knew no sin” and came not to be served but to serve “purchased with blood.” Paul wrote this letter from Rome @ 60 AD to convince Philemon to forgive, not punish his runaway slave and accept, Onesimus, as a brother in faith.
Christian Revolutionized Relationships are full of forgiveness and acceptance. Is there someone who has wronged you and whom you are having difficulty forgiving? Pray that God will guide and work through you in removing the barriers between him or her.
Treat him or her as you would want to be treated.

Paul as friend of both Philemon and Onesimus, could have used his authority, as an apostle, to tell Philemon what to do. Yet he chose to appeal, in Christian love, rather than ordering him.
Tactful persuasion accomplishes more than commands.
Courtesy and respect in relationships exhibit Christ’s love.

v. 4-16 Paul reflected on Philemon’s faith and love.
How he opened his home to the Christians.
Paul described himself as an old man and prisoner of Christ who is in chains. I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that any favor you do will be spontaneous and not forced. Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good – no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear the Lord.

Christians did not have the political power to change the slavery system. God through Paul radically revolutionized relationships. The Good News begins changing social structures by changing people within those structures. In Christ Onesimus and Philemon equals. Paul personally guaranteed payment for any stolen property or wrong for which Onesimus might be responsible. His investment in the young Christian no doubt encouraged and strengthened Onesimus’ faith.
Reciprocal Relationships - demonstrate confidence.
We can invest in others through Bible study, prayer, encouragement, support and friendship.

Philemon owed his life to Paul who lead him to Christ.
Paul as Philemon’s spiritual father hoped Philemon would feel a dept of gratitude that would be repaid by accepting Onesimus with a spirit of forgiveness.
v.20 Says in charming wit: Let me make some Christian profit out of you! I am writing with confidence for I know you will do more than I ask. (21)

v.23 Epaphras founded the church in Colossea and fought to hold it together in spite of growing persecution and struggles with the false teachers in prison for preaching
v.24 Compare names with those in Colossians 4:10-14.
Mark is the same as the author of 2nd Gospel of the NT.

CONCLUSION: Paul urged Philemon to be reconcile with
his slave, receiving him as a brother and fellow member of God’s family. Reconciling means reestablishing relationships. Christ reconciled us to God and others. Many barriers come between people. But Christ can break down those barriers of race, social status, sex, personality differences. Jesus Christ Revolutionized Onesimus’ Relationships with Philemon from slave to brother.
Christ can revolutionize our most hopeless relationships into deep and loving friendships.

Bishop of Ephesus? 50 years later, Ignatius, one of the Christian Fathers, who was executed (martyred) writes to the churches of Asia Minor including the Church at Ephesus. He has much to say about their wonderful Bishop. Name? Onesimus. Ignatius uses the same pun as Paul: Onesimus by name, Onesimus by nature the profitable (useful) one to Christ. Was he the run away slave? If so, that is truly Revolutionary!
Onesimus was Freed, became a Student, Ordained as a Pastor, a life of a different type of Service and Given Authority as a Bishop.

Radical Forgiveness - Revolutionized Relationships.

True story: Maria Fearing was born in slavery 1838.
She said: “I will go to Africa some day if I can.”
Freed from slavery in 1865 at the age of 27 she found her way to Talledega College where she completed 9th grade and taught in a nearby school. Years later she returned to supervise boarding school students. There she met a William Shepphard, co-founder of the Presbyterian Mission to Congo. He was recruiting other African Americans to join him in that mission. Maria, at 56 yrs. old, volunteered herself to the Mission Committee who rebuffed her application. She sold her little house, collected money from friends and returned to the committee, offering to pay her own fare and support herself on the field, if she were allowed to travel with the Sheppard party.
Reluctantly, the committee agreed.

In the Congo, Maria’s house became a haven for young girls in need: orphaned, sickly, abused, enslaved. Girls called her: mama wa mptu - “mother from far away.” For 20 years, Maria continued her work as mother and evangelist. 3 of the first 7 converts, who experienced the Revolutionized Relationship through the Mission later carried on the work started by Maria. Other girls in Congo and yes around the world experience those Revolutionized Relationships that come through faith in Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Dr. Glen A. Thorp August 14, 2011
II Peter 3:1-18, Psalm 57 (All Rights Reserved)
(Teaching to Live Well!)

INTRODUCTION: “This must have been one the worst weeks of the year.” As a result of the Standard & Poor’s downgrade of the United State’s credit rating from AAA to AA+, the Stock Market plunge 634.76 points, on Monday. The worst drop since 2008. Tuesday, after the Federal Reserve indicated it would keep interest rates where they were for two years, the Stock Market jumped 420 points. Wednesday, the Market was back down 500 points. Ended week: up 126.

“Rioters Spread a Trail of Theft and Destruction Across London, Birmingham, Nottingham and Manchester, England. This worst outbreak of civil unrest in a decade, was sparked by the shooting of a local man by the police, aggravated by economic uncertainty and lawlessness youth broke windows of shops then stole items like cell-phones and plasma TVs. Fires were set causing destruction to building, buses and cars. The masked hooligans took advantage of the situation to have fun destroying and stealing.

Tuesday, through Twitter and Premier Christian Radio thousands of volunteers showed up with brooms to clean up the affected neighborhoods. One man said: “I am more encouraged by thousands who came to help than I am discouraged by those who caused such destruction.” England follows the pattern began last summer in France and evidenced this year in Greece.

It reminds me of the riots that occurred in SE LA after the police were acquitted of excessive force of the beating of Rodney King in Sylmar,1992.
During times of economic downturn, almost any incident can spark a riot, looting and destruction to property.

This week the bodies of 30 Special Forces including 25 Navy Seals, were flown home. Last week, a Chinook helicopter transporting 38 members of the Special Forces, including 8 Afghans, crashed killing all aboard. It was the worst loss of life in one incident in the Afghan war.

We live in uncertain times: Economic, Drought, Fires etc. The 9.0 earthquake in Japan followed by a huge tsunami causing mas destruction, including four nuclear plants lead to evacuation of large areas in Northern Japan, shut-down of automobile assembly plants and rationed amount of electricity resulting in office workers arriving in casual clothes because the A.C was turned off. During a normal calendar year Southern California has around 367 earthquakes of 3.0. That is more than one every day. We take them for granted. After the 1994 Northridge Earthquake of 6.7 one our church members gave me Psalm 57:1-2
O God in you ... my soul takes refuge.
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings
until the disaster has passed.

Psalm 18:31-33 (Read) Who is God beside the Lord?
Who is the Rock except our God?

It is said that the safest place during the “BIG ONE” is the Golden Gate Bridge. It is said to be able withstand a 9.0 earthquake. Sway and Cantilever Construction: every bit of concrete, pavement and steel interrelated with two giant cables attached to two pillars deeply embedded into Bed Rock. God is our Bed Rock!

Each of the Scriptures has a similar theme:
Embracing Life rather than being paralyzed by it.
Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain wisdom. The Message: Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely & well!
II Peter Was written to warn, teach about False Teachers
and handling heresy within their community.
I Peter addressed handling persecution (trials from outside.)

3:1 Dear friends, this is my second letter to you.
I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate
you to wholesome thinking. Emb!racing Life

Three Great Truths on which to do this.

1. Time to God is not the same as to us.
God may have seemed slow to act as Christians faced persecution every day and were seeing their friends die. False teachers: Scoffed:
“See Jesus did not keep his word. He has not returned." (3:8)
Psalm 90:4: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years,
and a thousand years are like a day.

Time as viewed from human and divine perspectives:
Century - human calendar like a couple of hours with God.
Reversal of relationship between days and years. That is true.

2. Time is regarded as an opportunity.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise ...
He is patient with you." (Time for Repentance)
Jesus is waiting so more people will come to believe.
Jn.10:10 I have come that you may have life, have it to the full
In the mean time we are embracing life to the fullest.

Living each day as it may be our last and planning as if Jesus will not return for a long time. Each day is a gift to use, to develop ourselves,
to grow closer to God and to render service to another.
Embrace God’s gift of time.

3. God does not wish that any should perish.
Not wanting anyone to perish,
But everyone come to repentance.

Genesis 15:16 For the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure God told Abraham 400 years before fulfilled, longer than the USA has existed.

v. 10 The day of the Lord will come like a thief.
The heavens will disappear with a roar,
the elements will be destroyed by fire and
the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.

"Everything that is done will disclosed." (NRSV)
Maintains the nuances of the Greek preserving the basic verb: erga from the word “to work, to do.”

Day of Lord: (Read) Isaiah 34:4. Joel 3:15,16 –2:12,13
Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 6:12-17
Acts 3:19-21, Romans 2:4

Epicureans, False Teachers: “Since God had yet to intervene to reverse human injustice, it was proof that there would be no ultimate judgment of humans before God ... Truth: Divine judgement was seen in connection with redemption.” “New Heaven/Earth”
“In his kindness, God holds back his judgement giving people time to repent. It is easy to mistake God’s patience for approval of the wrong way we are living.”

“Everything God does is true to God’s character.
God is merciful, knows all, and acts justly –
and his timing is perfect.” (Application Bible, Gn. 15)

v. 5 God created the world by His Word.
God’s Word will play a similar part in the final catastrophe. God does not need to submit to the so called laws of the universe. (Richard Dawkins)

v. 9 God’s mercy is an alternative explanation for
the alleged delay of the parousia the coming of a head-state.

C.S. Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms, p. 137
“God was everlasting. His life was infinite in time.
Nothing outlasts God, nothing slips away from Him.
Timeless as an eternal present.”
The Eternal may meet us in what is by our present measurements, a day or a minute, or a second but we have touched what is not in any way commensurable with lengths of time, whether long or short.”

Psalm 18:31-33 “God promises to give us strength to meet challenges, but he doesn’t promise to eliminate them ... God stands beside us, teaches us, and strengthens us to face them.” (Application Bible)

II Peter 3:18 Grow in grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Elmer Leslie, The Psalms.
“The greatest contrast between God and man is that between eternity and finitude. We fragile children think of a millennium as a vast epoch. But eternal God as though it were but yesterday. God has appointed man a time of living comparable to a swiftly passing watch in the night. (3 hours)
Like grass luxurious in the morning only to wither by evening tide under the harsh oriental sun.

Pray that God, the great teacher, will teach people to pay earnest heed to the brevity of life and therefore embrace each passing day with a wise heart. Truly apply that wisdom when omprehending the shortness of human life.”
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Psalm 57:2 In the shadow of your wing I will take refuge..

Indescribable majesty and power. Keep trusting God.
In God’s timing will come and save ...

CONCLUSION: Pray Like There’s No Tomorrow!
Story: Roger lead Mr. Hanover to Christ on May 7. Five years later he met Hanover’s wife, learning that same day May 7, Mr. Hanover was killed in an car accident. Mrs. Hanover: I prayed that my husband would accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. I thought God had not kept his promise.
I stopped living for God because I thought God had not kept His Word!”

Peggy Noonan, Opinion writer the Wall Street Journal:
After the London Riots (August 13, 2011, A13)
“The riots in Britain left some Americans shaken...
We have been to England, visited a lot of those neighborhoods.
They were peaceful; now they’re in flames...We saw something over there that in smaller ways we’re starting to see over here...
The violence has root causes that government can’t reach...” Noonan quotes a couple of British Newspapers: “Young people have been looting shops they like: JD Sports and Mobile Phone shops,,,yet Waterstone’s Bookstore was left alone...Criminality in a raw form, not politics...”
“Philadelphia right now is under curfew because of flash mobs. Young people send out the word on social media, and suddenly dozens or hundreds of them hit a targeted store, steal everything on the shelves, and run, know one will stop or catch them...
Some of these young people come from brokenness, shallowness and terror...2009, census data, there are 74 million children under 18... 20 million live in single parent families...Over 700,000 children have been the subject of reports of abuse.
The problem, at the bottom, is love, something we never talk about in public policy discussions because it is too soft and cannot be quantified or legislated. But little children ( I would add, adults) without love and guidance are afraid. They are terrified–they have nothing solid in the world, which is a pretty scary place. So they never feel safe. As they grow, their fear becomes rage...violence.
What’s needed cannot be provided by government.”

Embracing Life starts with Embracing God's Love Appreciating every moment of life and Seeking to Demonstrate the Transforming Power of God's Love to all, espcially those who have not known love and live in fear. Perfect love casts out fear.