Dr. Glen A. Thorp November 20, 2011
Matthew 25:31-46, Psalm 65:1-13 (All Rights Reserved)
(Christ the King Sunday*)
INTRODUCTION: The highly anticipated DVD release of
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow: Part II” reminds me of how,
one year ago, four days ahead of the world debut,of the seventh movie:
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow: Part I,” the first 36 minutes of the film were available on file-sharing sites on the Internet. Warner Brothers said it would investigate how, despite all the security, this happened.
We have been re-watching a series of programs on how the “Harry Potter” movies were made. The first was started on location until there was difficulty with the owls being distracted by other birds & activity.
It was difficult finding a village without signs of contemporary life.
A Dinning Hall, in one of the Oxford Colleges, was ideal but impractical for filming. The result was building sets that replicated to every detail the “on site” locations.
Those living in California know that things are not what they appear on screen & know the secrets of making movies. Movie sets may look realistic, but they are just shells of the real. They are Just Illusions.
The same could be said of Scripture ... Historically,
Jesus of Nazareth was executed on a Roman Cross.
It would seem Jesus was defeated.
It would seem that His followers & those called Christians, naively follow/ed Jesus’ teachings with little evidence of benefit or reward
TEXT: Then the King will say ... “Come you who are blessed
by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared
for you since the creation of the world.” (Matthew 25:34)
Jesus was saying, “you are not living in vain ...
I was not defeated on the cross ...
I was raised from the dead into life ...
I was taken back to Heaven &
now sit at God the Father’s right hand.
Encourage one another to remain faithful to God by
living as I, Jesus taught, a holy & upright life.”
We are to see with eyes of faith, behind the movie set,facade & curtain
of life which is now concealed & will remain so until Christ returns.
Lessons from one of Jesus’ most vivid parables.
1.Jesus will be given the Title of King. Christ the King Sunday*
in his glory...he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory..
- He will Complete the work begun while he was on earth ...
- Glory we now obtain by faith, is a mere taste
of what will then have it’s full effect.
- Reign restraining the enemy & protecting the church.
- Will be openly established & the enemy will be crushed,
believing people will partake of an everlasting life
- Jesus will ascend to the Judgement Seat ... appear in glory
On earth he was seen as a Servant
Now he is seen as Ruler/Glory
- Nations: more than a simple struggle of one small nation.
- Judge whole world.
- Good & Bad will not share alike.
- He will bring reward for both.
- His kingdom will be fully established
That is when those in a right relationship with God
will receive the crown of glory.
That is when those not in a right relationship with God
receive the reward they deserve.
2.Today those living as obedient followers of Jesus
& pretenders or unbelievers are mixed together.
Read: Ezekiel 34:17-24** (Printed at end of this message)
It speaks of Separating sheep & goats because of the
fierceness of the goats ... (Note other reasons.)
What type of sheep are you:
A Trampler, Drinker, Muddier, Fat, Lean or butterer?
Or are you look out for the weak, Sick, injured, lost ...?
- Obedient followers realize the need of living together
Even sustaining serious attacks & annoyances
Being aware of being infected by values & cynicism
Living Innocent & holy lives are not wasted,
one day the differences will appear.
- The real evidence of being obedient is the way we act.
Not every one who calls me Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom, but the one who does what I command.
- Kingdom of which we take possession at the last day,
was prepared for us before we were born.
- Christ does not invite us to possess the kingdom by our own merits,
but says it is bestowed on us as heirs.
- Argument for being patient.
We do not run in vain.
Keep our minds from acting in pride
So our hope won’t be weakened by afflictions.
Remember the inheritance awaiting us in heaven.
For those who are addressed as Blessed of the Father.
3.Separate obedient from pretenders (Sheep from Goats)
- Treating all persons we encounter as they are Jesus
Is Not an easy task.
- Notice the six actions Jesus uses as illustrations.
- Doing for others demonstrates what we think about Jesus.
Feed the hungry, give the homeless a place to stay,
look after the sick & welcome strangers etc.
Acts of mercy we can do every day, in Jesus’ name,
Do not depend on wealth, ability or intelligence
Simple acts freely given & freely received.
No excuse neglecting those having deep need.
Not handing over just to the government.
Personal involvement in caring for others.
- Parable Jesus told opened the way of affirming simplest acts
- Not earning kingdom or piling up merit.
Helped out obedience to Jesus, care for humans
Others, if we had known we would gladly have...
we thought they were just an ordinary...
If we receive public praise & thanks...
Simply pandering to self-esteem
Not generosity, selfishness disguise
Giving for nothing but the sake of helping.
CONCLUSION: Receiving Our Inheritance implies there is:
- An inheritance - Take your inheritance (Matthew 25:34)
- A giver- The King will say ...Jesus is King (Matthew. 25:34)
- Receiving is based on believing & acting by faith that Jesus,
the Son of Man, is God’s Son, Our Savior.
Realizing that when do what Jesus asks we are not only ministering & helping another ...
We are doing it as unto Jesus himself ...
Two Stories: Francis of Assisi ... was wealthy high-born/spirited.
His life was not happy. He felt life was incomplete.
One day he met a leper, loathsome, repulsive in ugliness of the disease. Something moved Francis to dismount his horse & fling his arms around this wretched sufferer; & lo, in his arms the face of the leper changed to the face of Jesus.
Martin of Tours ... was a Roman soldier & a Christian.
One cold winter day, a beggar asked for alms. Martin had no money; saw man blue with cold & gave him what he had. Removed his soldiers cloak &
cut it in two, giving half to the beggar. That night Martin had a dream.
He saw the heavenly places, all the angels & Jesus in the midst of them.
Jesus was wearing half a Roman soldier’s cloak.
One the angels asked: “Master, why are wearing a battered old cloak? Who gave it to you?” Jesus softly answered: “My servant Martin gave it to me.”
(William Barclay, Gospel of Matthew, 360)
* Christ the King Sunday is the last Sunday of the Christian calendar year. It is the one Sunday of the year when Jesus is honored
& worship as “King of Kings & Lord of Lords”
Next Sunday is the First Sunday of the Christian Year.
It is the Start of Four Weeks of Advent in preparation for
the coming (that is meaning of Advent – Coming) at
Christmas. Advent also focuses on the Return of Christ,
of which Matthew 25:31-46 speaks.
** Ezekiel 34:17-24 (The Message)
17-19 "'And as for you, my dear flock, I'm stepping in and judging between one sheep and another, between rams and goats. Aren't you satisfied to feed in good pasture without taking over the whole place? Can't you be satisfied to drink from the clear stream without muddying the water with your feet? Why do the rest of my sheep have to make do with grass that's trampled down and water that's been muddied?
20-22 "'Therefore, God, the Master, says: I myself am stepping in and making things right between the plump sheep and the skinny sheep. Because you forced your way with shoulder and rump and butted at all the weaker animals with your horns till you scattered them all over the hills, I'll come in and save my dear flock, no longer let them be pushed around. I'll step in and set things right between one sheep and another.
23-24 "'I'll appoint one shepherd over them all: my servant David. He'll feed them. He'll be their shepherd. And I, God, will be their God. My servant David will be their prince. I, God, have spoken.