Dr. Glen A. Thorp
February 3, 2013
(All Rights Reserved) Nehemiah 2:11-18, 3:1-2, John 5:1-15
(Third in a series: “Seven Signs in John”)
Do you want to get well? The sick man was so discouraged
and depressed he heard fewer and fewer things.
Do you want to get well? Jesus asked.
The man had been an invalid for
38 years. His disease had
become a way of life. He said: “No one has ever helped me.”
He had given up hope on ever
being healed or helping himself.
man’s situation seemed hopeless.
(If you haven’t read John 5:1-5,
do so now. Verse 3 says:
A great number of disabled people used to lie -
(by the Bethesda
Pool near the Sheep Gate)*
the blind, the
lame, the paralyzed.
They waited for the moving of
the waters. From time to time
an angel of the Lord would come down and stir up the waters.
It was believed that the first one in the
pool after each such
disturbance would be cured of whatever disease she or he
Now you understand why the man, in
response to Jesus’ question:
Do you want to get well?
Was: No one has ever helped meget into the waters after they have been disturbed. (John 5:7)
Hopelessness is what many people feel.
According to a Sociologist at University of California Berkeley:
1/3 of homeless are mentally ill,
1/3 of homeless are Drug Afflicted,
1/3 of homeless are Knocked off their feet.
All have excuses: “No One Helps Me.”
No matter how trapped you may
God’s Transforming Power can minister to your deepest need.
Don’t let your problem or
hardship cause you to loose hope.
Two Reflections on Jesus’ Transforming
Power in John 5:1-15.
Jesus’ Glory is Revealed as
the Great Physician.
The Power of His Word Healed
an Official’s Son,
as we learned last Sunday (John
4:46-54)Here we see Jesus’ Authority on behalf of another,
When he said: Get Up and Pick Up your mallet.
(A poor person’s mattress was a straw mat.)
Jesus cannot be confined to
working a certain way.
Christ’s will was that the man
would be WHOLE.
Notice this time Jesus finds the
lonely person, unlike the
story last week where the
Official went to Jesus. The good news is Jesus didn’t wait to for those in need to find him.
Jesus found the friendless, those
who had no earthly help.
Jesus gave the paralytic full
attention. Jesus touched him with Transforming Power.
Healing was SHEER GRACE and Jesus’
Creative Power.
The healed man was confronted as
why he was carrying a
pallet on the Sabbath. Read Nehemiah 13:15-22 to understand the seriousness of Violating of the Sabbath.
Law of Moses: The Ten Commandments says: (Exodus 20:8)
Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.
Jesus returned to Jerusalem to
celebrate one of Three Feasts*
mandated in the Old Testament Law: Feast of Weeks/First Fruits
(Pentecost) because it came 50 days
after Feast of Passover.
Feast of Tabernacles (Of Lights, today called: Chanukah)
The religious leaders focused more
the “breaking of the Sabbath”
than the miraculous healing of the former
They saw carrying a mallet as
work. When confronted he replied: The man who made me well, told me to pick up your mat and walk.
In response to who told you to do this, the man said:
I have no idea. (John 5:9-13)
Jesus demonstrated the true
meaning of Sabbath and Pentecost
when his Transforming Power lead to healing the paralytic.
Later Jesus found the healed man
and brought the Physical and
Spiritual dimensions together. The man then went and told the
leaders, who
had questioned him, that it was Jesus who healed him.
Jesus was confronted by those
leaders, stilled focused on the law,
not the healing. Jesus responds:
“My Father is working until now and I myself AM working.”
God works on the Sabbath (John
gives life when children are born.God saves people on Sabbath.
Jesus identified himself with God, his Father. There was
no doubt that he was making himself equal to God. (John 5:18)
The religious leaders realized that
Jesus claimed:
a unique relationship with the
Father, and began finding ways of arresting him.
Previously, after Jesus
healed a man with withered hand, he asked:
Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill? (Mark 3:1-6)
Implicit was the claim: He was Lord of Sabbath, Son of God,
Workman of
God and had Authority to Forgive Sins.
Earlier a paralyzed man was carried
to Jesus by some friends,
lowered through a roof, because they could not get
the door for the number of people seeking Jesus’ healing power.
That was when Jesus said: Your
sins are forgiven. (Mark 2:1-12)
Unlike those who carried their
friend to Jesus,
No one helped the invalid at the
Bethesda Pool.
Notice the STEPS:
Jesus asks if
he wants to be cured.Jesus tells the man to get up “Action”
He was to attempt the impossible to walk.
That was the road to achievement and healing.
Jesus’ Glory is Revealed as the Great Physician.
The second reflection Jesus’ Transformational Power is:
The man’s Response to Jesus’
question Do You Want Healing?
After 38 years of no one ever helping
him. Lying by the pool
was a way of life. He had no hope of ever being healed and he had no desire of helping himself. No doubt there was
self-pity. After all his situation was hopeless.
Do you face a situation you see
as hopeless?
Do you have self-pity, maybe
rightly so, “no one cares...?”Sometimes it is harder being well than remaining sick.
Transformation leads to Responsibility.
It is easier to remain hurting: “Pathology”
Believing everyone is against me. “Co-Dependency”
Those are called “Practical Pathology” (Earl Palmer)
You may think “I don’t feel
hopeless or have self-pity,
I don’t need anyone or God’s Transformative Power.” That may be true. Have fun and enjoy your life but
sooner or later you will have to do something when
you are terribly offended by... or feel powerless…
Was the man disappointed in the
manner in which he
was healed? He had wanted to get into the bubbling water. That had been his life desire and hope for his cure.
We may say:
“I sort of hoped it would have been different.”
Sometimes we demand from God ...
and call it Faith.It is Impertinence. John records this Sign for the church.
“When we pray we may not get what we ask for.
We will get what God asks for.” (Palmer)
What is Your response to Jesus’
Do You want to be healed:Physically, Spiritually or Emotionally?
IF YOU want to be healed,
Are YOU willing to do what Jesus
tells you to do?
Do you want to Experience God’s Transforming Power.
Then say: “I am willing to trust and follow you.Tell me what you want me to do.”
This was the third miraculous sign that Jesus performed.
Demonstrating Jesus’ Transforming
In preparation for next weeks
blog: fouth miraculous sign
Demonstrating Jesus’ miraculous
provision, Read John 6:1-5-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jewish Feast Jesus attended:
Pentecost, Passover or Tabernacles? It is not clear. I opt for Pentecost.
If you have Bible with a the Plan
of Jerusalem in Jesus’ day,
note that the Pool near the
Sheep Gate is in the upper right corner. This Sheep Gate was discovered in 1871 and is used
today for selling of sheep. We saw the shepherds selling and
buying sheep on a couple of our visits to Israel.
Note the historical connection
with Nehemiah and the Rebuilding
of the wall around Jerusalem.
The High Priest and his priests
build the Sheep Gate“Trapezoidal in form, 165-220 feet wide by 315 feet long
divided by a central partition–thus John’s ‘five porticoes’ (v.2)
Stairways in the corners permitted descent into the pools.
In this hilly area the water may have come from underground drainage;
some of it, perhaps, from intermittent springs.” (Raymond Brown)