Dr. Glen A. Thorp April 7, 2013
(All Rights Reserved) Matthew 28:16-20,
I Peter 1:3
(Second on Easter)
"Had Jesus simply died on the cross, no one would have considered him to be any kind of savior, let alone the Savior of the world." (Mark Roberts)*
Last week we saw how Jesus’ disciples, discouraged and disillusioned, would have dropped the matter of Jesus like a hot potato that had scorched their hands. Once burned by their failed Messiah, they were not have been willing to pick him up again. Surely they wouldn’t have invented some bizarre theory about Jesus’ death being the source of salvation for the world.
A few days after his death, Jesus showed up again. He appeared, not as one who somehow managed to survive the deathly ordeal of crucifixion, but as one who defeated death itself! The life of God surging through his veins was available to all who put their trust in him.
Jesus’ plan was to entrust his followers with the responsibility of telling everyone they met of His life, death, resurrection and amazing love.
Because God raised Jesus from the dead, we can have confidence that Jesus is indeed the Savior. He did not avoid the Cross, since his death was essential to God’s plan of forgiving all.
The Question is: Did Jesus’ Plan Work?:
The paradoxical plan of salvation, in which Jesus took our sin and in exchange placed us in a right relationship with God, succeeded. Plan Worked!
Three Observations drawn from the Scriptures:
Assured of God’s Power.
A. Nothing Less Than Resurrection Power.
Christians worship on Sunday rather than Saturday because they gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
Christians declared: Jesus Is Risen! on Easter. In reality, each Sunday, Christians should say: He Is Risen!, with a response:
He Is Risen Indeed!
Many of us attend worship because someone told us about Jesus. We heard our name called and our eyes were opened.
"Resurrection...gives shape and meaning to the rest of the story of God’s ultimate purposes...Excellent foundation for lively and creative Christian work in the present world." (N.T Wright)**
Some of us worship, like the disciples, with doubts.
God does not turn us away, rather invites us to come closer and see for ourselves. Worship is a time for raising questions and expressing doubts as well as honoring God.. Ultimately we will hear God say: "My Power, that created the Universe, that raised Jesus from the dead and empowered my people, throughout history to fulfill their given tasks, is available to you."
God’s Power: nothing less than resurrection power.
B. Authority Is Beyond Question.
All authority in heaven & earth: was given to Jesus.
When Jesus was asked by what authority did he healed, forgave sins, taught or did miracles etc. Jesus responded: My Father who is in heaven sent me ...
I do nothing on my own authority but speak as the Father has taught me.
God the Father gave Jesus authority over heaven and earth. It was on the basis of that authority that Jesus told his disciples to make disciples as they preached, baptized and taught.
Even as a Sheriff has authority to deputize anyone, so we too receive authority through Jesus Christ. Even as a deputy has the authority of enforcing the law or arresting someone, so have we been entrusted with the authority of forgiving sin (binding and losing) and have the (Keys of Heaven)
(Matthew 16:19)
We believe that this authority was given to all Christians not just Ordained Priests. We call it: "Priesthood of the Believers."
We have been given the power of rebuking Satan even as Jesus did, when Satan said: (Matthew 4:9)
All this I will give you, if you will bow down and worship me.
We can stand against the attacks of evil. (Ephesians 6:10)
We need not be afraid!
All authority comes from God, the creator and sustainer of all this earth.
God’s plan for creation includes Jesus, His disciples and us.
Assured of God’s Power..
Commissioned By God.
Jesus says to the disciples and to us.
As the Father has sent me, so do I send you.
As we are commissioned to tell others the Good News and make them disciples for God’s Kingdom.
A. Take This Message...to your friends and family.
When someone leaves, her or his last words are very important. Jesus’ last words were: "take this message ..." The Disciples had seen that not all responded to Jesus’ message but that did not stop him from continually reaching out. He warned his disciples that their task would not be easy. They were commissioned to do take this message, with them where ever they went.
B. Make Disciples ...in all parts of the world.
How were 11 men or a total of 500 people to accomplish such an enormous assignment? Jesus told them:
Wherever you go talk about me. Baptize those who favorably respond.
Teach them all I have taught you to obey.
In the NAME not NameS - Father, Son, Holy Spirit, (Trinity)
In other words: place my mark upon them and teach them my words. That is not what one would call a careful strategy. That was Jesus’ Plan and it worked! because the disciples who experienced God’s Power obediently did what they were commissioned to do. We are commissioned by God to share Jesus through our lives in God’s world Not by our own strength or strategy but God’s Power
Assured Of God’s Presence.
The disciple’s hearts must have almost stopped when they were commissioned with such a staggering task. Especially, when they realized Jesus was leaving them again.
The assignment was followed, in them same breath, with: and I will be with you.
A. Greatest Task ... in the world.
In previous missions Jesus had sent his disciples only to Jews. (Matthew10:5,6) Their mission now was worldwide. Jesus is Lord of the earth and he died for the whole world. "For God so loved the world"
We are to go–whether to our next door neighbors or to another country–and
make disciples. It is not an option. It is a commission given to all who call "Jesus Lord."
We are not all evangelists in the formal sense of that word. We all are gifted to "show God’s Love." As we use that gift we are furthering "Christ Great Commission."
As Ambassadors represents their countries, taking the message entrusted to them to other countries and how they act reflects on their home country, so we as Christ’s Ambassadors, represent God and are commissioned to deliver God’s Good News to this world. Everything we do reflects on God. When we love, give, forgive, show care and speak of Jesus, we reflect Jesus and God.
B. Greatest Presence ... presence in the world.
Jesus said: I AM With You! How is Jesus with us?
Jesus was with the disciples physically until he was taken into heaven,
then spiritually through the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:4)
John Calvin writes: "The pronoun I must be viewed as emphatic; as if he had said that the apostles, if they wished zealously to perform their duty, must not consider what they were able to do, but must rely on the invincible power of those under whose banner they fight."
The Holy Spirit would be Jesus’ presence that would never leave them or forsake them. Jesus continues being with us today through the Holy Spirit.
We are:
Assured of God’s Presence,
Commissioned By God
Assured of God’s Power
We have been Commissioned to carry on Jesus’ Plan. Wherever we go we are to talk about Jesus, telling of His love and desire for all to be forgiven and begin a new life.
I Invite you to write down, if you are a Christian, "why you are a Christian and what Jesus has done in your life." That way you will be "Ready to give reason for the hope within you."
"Do You Believe In Easter?" If so why?
Write it down.
If you are not a Christian and or do not believe in the message of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead celebrated at Easter, write down your reasons for not believing. Are you open to discussing those reasons? If so, I am willing to converse with you. In the message comment of this blog give me your contact information and I will try contacting you. Otherwise, I encourage you to speak to a Christian whom you know and trust with the reasons you don’t believe in Jesus or the reasons for Easter.
If you are a Christian, I encourage you to carry a small Bible, New Testament or Book of the Bible with you to use and give to the person with whom you are sharing the Good News Easter and God’ Transforming love..
Charge and Benediction at the end of worship.
Those attending worship will hear:
From the Old Testament:
The Lord bless you and keep you,
and be gracious unto to you.
The Lord lift up his countenance
upon you and give you peace.Both now and in Life everlasting. Amen.
From the New Testament:
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
And the Love of God,
and the Communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all. Amen.
The raised hands are a sign of authority which comes from Jesus. The Benediction is not a prayer. It is a Commission given with Jesus’ Authority.
* Mark D. Roberts, Jesus Revealed
** N.T Wright: (Bishop of Durham,
Church of England) Surprised by Hope