Wednesday, April 26, 2023



                                                 "Called Twice"                                                                                                         (Reinstated)

The story did not make headline news.  It was something that occurred between two people.  Noone else knew.  One failed Jesus and felt totally inadequate in serving him, let alone being a leader.  I am referring, of course to the Apostle Peter.

Jessus had told Peter that before the crack of dawn, he would deny knowing Jesus three times.  (John 13:38).  Jesus had told his disciples to serve one another and love each other as he had loved them.  "It is by your love for one another that others will know you are my disciples."  That sounded so easy!

The events that Thursday night occurred just as Jesus had predicted.  Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas.  Jesus was arrested by Temple Guards and taken to the home of the High Priest.  John and Peter followed behind.  John went inside, while Peter waited in the courtyard by a charcoal fire.  A maid said to Peter:  "You were with him." "I was not!" said Peter, trying to sneak away, when someone said:  "Were you not with the Galilean?" "I did not know the man!," responded Peter.  Trapped, Peter moved back towards the fire, when someone said:  "You were with the Galilean!"  Peter responded:  "I swear I don't know the man!"  At that moment the rooster crowed.  Peter's heart broke.  He was crushed. He remembered what Jesus had said just a few hours earlier, "You will deny me three times before the rooster crows."  We don't know what Peter did or whether he ever told the other disciples what he had done.  He did weep bitterly. (Luke  22:62)

The story of Jesus' resurrection does not end with Easter.  Jesus appeared to some of his followers and disciples.  Mary Magdalane and other Women, went to the tomb on the First Day of the Week,  and wee surprised by finding an empty tomb and an Angel saying:  "Jesus is not dead.  He is Risen, just as he said!"  Jesus appeared to the women and said:  "Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, there they will see me."  (Matthew 28:1-10) 

Two followers of Jesus were returning to their home in Emmaus, despondent, when Jesus started walking with them asking:  "what and you discussing?" (Read Luke 24:13-35).  For more of Jesus' Resurrection appearances to multiple people in different locations read (I Corinthians 15:1-11).  

Jesus met with the disciples, behind locked doors, twice, including Thomas (John 20:24-29)  This is why we Christians use the 40 days after Easter, Eastertide, to reflect on Jesus' various appearances.  

The disciples went to Galilee, as they had been instructed, It was the same location where Jesus first Called them.  Andrew, who had been a disciple of John the Baptist and witnessed Jesus' baptism (John 1:35-42) said to his brother, Simon:  "We have found the Messiah!  Come and see! Jesus said:  You are Simon.  You shall be called Peter.  I will make you Fishers of Men. 

Peter felt unworthy of Serving Jesus, after he denied knowing Jesus, and said to the disciples he was going fishing.  (The infinitive verb means a continuous activity, not just once.) He was saying: "I am going back to a career of fishing."  He felt guilty, a failure and unworthy of following Jesus. 

The first part of John 21 sets the stage for Jesus' conversation with Peter.  Instead of Judgement and retribution, Jesus meets Peter at his point of despair and vulnerability with "Forgiving Love."

Love's Healing Power intersects with Peter and the other disciples when they discover their skills as fishermen had become rusty.  Peter may have thought:  "even the fish have turned against me."


Jesus met them, early in the morning as they returned from a night of fishing, without catching anything.

Jesus guides the disciple to the fish.  He asks:  "Caught anything?"  Disciples respond:  "No!"  Jesus guides them to where there are fish.  "Cast your net on the right side of the boat."  They did and because of the large number of fish, were unable to haul in the net.  John recognized the voice and may have recalled a similar event three years before when Jesus had called him to follow him, responding:  It is the Lord!  Impetuous Peter dressed and swam to shore.  Jesus had started a charcoal fire and was warming some bread and roasting some fish.

Jesus nourished the disciples with fish and bread.  153 different varieties of fish were gathered in the nets by the disciples.  "Come and have some breakfast" Jesus said:  One wonders if the disciples remembered Jesus feeding 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves.  Jesus wanted his disciples to know he was not a spirit or a ghost.  He had a body that was recognizable and could eat.  This was Jesus' third, recorded, appearance since his resurrection.

Lessons Jesus was teaching:  There will always be enough resources for the Commission the disciples would receive.  They were nourished spiritually and physically.  Those who would follow Jesus, as a result of the disciples' testimonies, would become Ecclesia (The Called our Ones), The Church and it would be made of a variety of people.  Ezekiel 47:9 says:  There will be a Large number of fish.  Matthew 13:47-48 records Jesus' Parable of a Net Full of Fish.

Read John 21:15-25.  Jesus lead Peter through his disowning Jesus by BURNING COALS.  Jesus asks Peter:  Do you love me more than these boats, this life of fishing or these disciples?  Peter responded:  "Yes, Lord, you know I Love You."  (There are multiple words for LOVE in Greek.)  In this conversation two are used:  Agape and Phileo.  Jesus uses Agape which is God's Unconditional Love, love that is demonstrated with no expectation in return.  It is the Love Jesus showed his disciples and all of us when he died on the cross taking upon himself all sin.  John 3:16 says it clearly:  For God so loved the word that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal love.  Peter responds with Phileo, which is "brotherly and sisterly love."  Philadelphia, "City of brotherly love" comes from Phileo. Jesus says to Peter:  Tend my lambs.  

Jesus asks a second time:  Do you Agape me?  Peter responds:  Yes Lord, you know I Phileo you. Jesus:  Shepherd my sheep.  Jesus asks a third time:  Do you Phileo me?  Peter was grieved: Lord you know all things, you know I Phileo you. Jesus:  Tend mu sheep.  

Imagery and association lead Peter through the painful experience of denial.  Some suggest it was penitence.  I believe Jesus used the charcoal fire to lead Peter through his painful (healing of memories).  Peter was forgiven, even though he denied knowing Jesus.  Peter was unable to forgive himself.  Jesus was saying:  I have a task for you:  "Feed my Sheep."  

Jesus was Calling Peter for a Second Time to Follow him.  He was reinstating and commissioning Peter and the other disciples to take the Good News to all Nations:  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.  Make them my disciples.  Proclaim what you have seen and heard so they may have Fellowship with one another as you have fellowship with me.  "Our Fellowship is with the Father and with the Son, Jesus Christ."  (I John 1:3)

Jesus' commissions for Peter would not be easy.  The commission was repeated two ways.  Shepherd the flock and Tend my lambs.  Leadership and Teaching are based on what was heard from Jesus.  Peter and the other disciples lead the Church along the path prepared by Jesus.  Early Christians were called People of The Way.  They were following the One who had said:  I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life.  (John 14:6) Peter experienced and then taught of LOVE'S HEALING POWER.

Jesus saw Peter as the one whom he would become.  Jesus sees in us what we will become.  He asks us:  "Do you love me more than your material security?  Do you love me more than your job or your friends?  Life will not be easy.  You will pay a price for following me.  Speaking to Peter, Jesus said:  When you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch our your hands and someone else will dress you and lead you to where you do not want to go.  "Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God.  Jesus said:  "Follow Me!"  (John 21:18-19)

Peter asked:  "What about John?"  Jesus responded:  If it is my will that he remain and abides until I come, what is that to you? YOU Must Follow Me! (Repeated Twice)  (John 21:21:22)

We tend to compare ourselves to others, whether to rationalize our own level of devotion to Christ or their talents and Spiritual Gifts.  We are Easter People.  "Every morning is Easter."

Jesus Christ is Lord of the Church and Lord of our lives.  The Christian Life is one lived in the presence and power of the One who crucified and rose from the dead!  

N.T. Wright:  Bishop of Duran, England author of many books writes:  "Easter was a pilot project.  What God did for Jesus that explosive morning is what God is intending to do for the whole creation.  We who live in the interval between Easter and that eventual hope CALLED as the new-creation people here and now.  That is the hidden meaning of the greatest festival Christians have...

The real meaning of about new creation which has already begun.  The creator God is remaking the world challenging all other powers that think that's their job...Christianity's critics, then and now, have always sneered that nothing has changed.   But in fact, everything has.  The world is a different place...

It is up those who follow Jesus to show that this is so.  Easter gives Christians a double vocation.  They are themselves to be part of the new creation, plunged into Jesus' death and finding new life in His resurrection.

Secondly, they are agents of justice and beauty planting signposts in the Easter soil which points to the renewal of all things."

We are Called as New-Creation People.  We are Called to  invite others to Come and See.

"That You May Believe "

Jesus' approach with Peter is effective in facing our own grievous failures, anger or self-pity.  Love's Healing Power will work for us.

Close your eyes and reflect, Are there any "hidden secret" in your life that would make headlines if a reporter discovered it?  (Open your eyes and continue reflecting.)  Few of us will find ourselves in the public eye, but even if no one knows, God knows.  We may think "I'm not worthy of serving God because of this."  

It may be something others know about.  It may be something we have sought God's forgiveness but have been unable to forgive ourselves.  

It may be something no one knows about.  It may be a "skeleton in the closet," hidden. It may be an abusive word or act.  It may be unfaithfulness to a spouse.  It may be guilt we try covering with drugs.  It may be stealing... It may be holding a "grudge." It may anger towards parents... It may be abuse we have suffered... It  may be the lack of self-worth.

When we are unable to receive God's forgiveness or feel unworthy of serving God, let's think about this story and how Jesus met Peter and the other disciples at their point of despair.  Jesus lead Peter with Love through steps leading to Healing and being Reinstated as a Follower of Jesus and Leader of His Community, which is called the "Body of Christ."

If Jesus forgave Peter and empowered Peter to serve Him, Jesus will forgive us. We are called as witnesses of what we have Seen and Heard. What has Jesus meant in our lives.  

LOVE"S HEALING POWER is forgiving and wants to remove our shame and  restore us ...  LOVE'S HEALING POWER suspends judgement and punishment.  

Peter was CALLED TWICE... Maybe more than twice.  "He Did Follow Jesus." Jesus said:  Follow Me."  Are you Following Jesus?

 (Peter faithfully followed  Jesus and served Jesus' Church.  As Jesus said:  Peter was dressed and taken to the cross by another person, under Emperor Nero's Order.   Peter asked to be crucified upside down, because he couldn't imagine dying in the same way as Jesus, who forgave and restored Peter to full responsibility and fellowship.                                  

* Times On Line, April 2009

Saturday, April 8, 2023


RESURRECTION POWER                                                       

What glorious music we have on Easter!  It is because Jesus Christ Rose from the grave that we can sing praises to our God, even when facing the uncertainties of tomorrow! 

Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15:17,19 clearly states that: If there were no resurrection, we of all people should be most pitied.  If Christ wasn’t raised, then all you are doing is wandering about in the dark.*

Our faith would be null and void if Jesus were still in a tomb The Nicene and Apostle’s Creeds affirm: He was crucified under Pontius Pilate.  He suffered, died, and was buried.  On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures. (I Co. 15:3-4) Do we just recite those words?  Or is it something we BELIEVE?

Body of Executed Leader Missing!  (Read John 28:1-15)

Do you believe this Good News?  “Jesus Our Lord” has risen is at the center of Christian Faith.  Because Christ rose from the dead, as he had told his disciples, we know that what he said was true.  Because he rose, He Lives & Represents us to God the Father. 

Because he rose & defeated death, we know we also will be raised.  Matthew’s account is consistent with the other Gospels, (Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18), although each focus on a different part.

Those who had given their lives to Jesus for three years were distraught, even though Jesus had told them multiple times what he would face, they had seen their Master tried as common criminal and crucified in the most humiliating way the Romans knew.  They failed to hear or believe that last part of what Jesus said:  Three days later he will rise!

Matthew writes that the women saw Jesus taken down from the cross and placed in a borrowed tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, which had never been used. Sundown on that day (Crucifixion), began the Jewish Sabbath, therefore the women did have time to properly prepare Jesus’ body with spices and ointments, as was their custom. Those women, who journeyed with Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, spent that Sabbath mourning. The disciples, closets to Jesus, were huddled in the Upper Room, where they had eaten their last supper with Jesus, behind bolted doors, for fear of being arrested.

All hope was lost.  Their dreams shattered; their purpose of living gone.  You may have experienced a little of that on Good Friday.  At the earliest possible moment, as soon as the Sabbath ended, Saturday, at sunset, the women who had cared for Jesus and his disciples throughout the years of His ministry, purchased and prepared spices. The next morning, as light began to break the darkness, they left their secure homes & went to the tomb, prepared to anoint Jesus’s body with spices as an act of love and respect.

Matthew’s account of that Life Changing Morning, the Resurrection Power, is something that does not loose value with the current fickle fluctuations of Wall Street.  It is for those feeling spiritually dry & wanting a new vision of hope.

This amazing TRUE story chronicles what the disciples went through before fully realizing that Jesus was alive.  If you are reading about Jesus’ resurrection for the first time, you likely are having difficulty comprehending how the significance of the Resurrection Power is LIFE for YOU!

1.      At First the Story may seem a Fabrication. It is impossible to believe.  Let’s look at the facts. Women were concerned about who would roll the stone from the entrance to the tomb. The sealed stone+ was removed not so Jesus could get out. It was so Others could see he was not there. (Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, writes: Now there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works, - a teacher of such men as received the truth with pleasure.  He drew over to him both many Jews and many Gentiles.  He was (the) Christ, and when Pilate, as the suggestion of the principle men among us, had condemned him to the cross...*

2.     Checking out the Facts you may still be puzzled. The women who entered the tomb were alarmed when they saw an angel dressed in clothing white as snow (bight as lightning).  Don’t be afraid, he said, I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here.  He is risen from the dead!  Come see where the body was lying. Now go, tell his disciples (including Peter) that he is risen from the dead & he is going ahead of you to Galilee.  You will see him, just as he told you.  (Women were the first Eyewitness.) The women ran quickly from the tomb.  They were frightened but filled with joy.  They rushed to give the disciples the Good News.(Lk 24:11) But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it.  Notice it was Women who were the first to be Commissioned to tell the Good News!  

3.     It was when the Followers Encountered Jesus Personally that they were able ACCEPT the fact of the RESURRECTION.  Jesus appeared to Mary. (Jn. 20:11-18) Sensing another presence, she turned and saw Jesus but didn’t recognize Him.  Mary’s Grief & Assumptions blinder her from seeing Jesus.  Mary was looking in the wrong direction.  She was riveted on the tomb. When Jesus approached, she didn’t look at him but stared at the grave. 

JoJosephus continued: Those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again on the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct today. *

The same may be true of us.  Many of us fail to see Jesus or Comprehend His presence, because we are wrapped up in our own assumptions & focused on other areas of life or bitterness/grief.  Some of us focus on the sorrow & tragedy we have experienced.  Others of us may be looking for answers in Philosophies or other religions.  Some of us are just hiding, not wanting to take any risks.  Mary was not thinking rationally. 

It was when Jesus called Mary by name that she Recognized Him “Rabboni!” (is the Hebrew for Teacher.) 

It was only when Jesus appeared to the Disciples that they believed, even if they didn’t fully comprehend.

What does it mean for us? Fact may direct our inquiry.  Jesus approaches each of us, inviting us to respond to his invitation.  It is when we Personally Meet Jesus that we are able to accept the fact of the resurrection and what it means for us.

 Jesus’ resurrection is key to the Christian Faith, because:

A. Just as Jesus said, he rose from the dead. We can be confident that He will accomplish all he promised.  We are not wandering about in the dark, because Christ was raised! (I Corinthians 15:19)*

     B.  Jesus’ bodily resurrection shows us that the Living Christ, is the Truth, the Life & Ruler of God’s Kingdom and alive now!

     C.  We can be certain of our resurrection because Jesus was resurrected, Death is not the end—there is future life (Eternal Life).

     D.  The divine power that brought Jesus back to life is God’s gift & available to us in brining the spiritually dead back to life.

     E.  The resurrection is the basis of our witness to the world. Like the disciples, the evidence is there. Why is it that some believe while other do not?  Why is it that viewing the same information leads to different conclusions?

Ultimately it goes back to what John wrote at the beginning and end and stressed throughout his Gospel, namely that some believed because they were ready and had a need in their life.  Those content with life—may think “Don’t upset my comfortable life.”  Those who have not thought of their lives being contrary to God’s will, may not be receptive to Jesus’ message of Promised “Full Life.” 

We who believe Jesus, do so because we trust the Scriptures. We who believe in Jesus’ resurrection do so because we believe those who told the story were eyewitness to Jesus.  We who have followed the Living Christ, do so because this story is true and that He commissioned us to take that Good News to all the world. Yes, it is still Good News.

Mary met Jesus, liberating her from her past, giving her New and Real Life.  It was May Magdalene who was given the joy of being the first to see the Risen Jesus.

Do you believe that Jesus was crucified and buried? If so, do you believe that he is still in the grave? Or Do you believe he was raised from the dead? 

If Jesus was raised from death, what are the implications for your life?  Paul wrote: “Jesus is the First Fruits.”   That is, each of us will be raised into God’s presence the same way Jesus was raised from the dead. This is the Heart of the Gospel.  Because Jesus was raised from death, those who believe in Him will recognize Him as their Risen Lord and Savior.

Where are you in your Stage of Belief?

Are You Personally Experiencing the Resurrection Power of Jesus, the Risen Lord?

I hope you have enjoyed "Journeying With Jesus into Jerusalem, his Triumphal Entry, his week publicly teaching and preparing his disciples for what was going to happen. Reading about his Trial resulting in his death on a Roman Cross and burial.  Today, you have learned why all this happened and how Jesus from the beginning told his disciples that on the "Third Day" he would rise from the grave.  We have also learned what all that means to us and how we are commissioned to tell others that "Jesus Is Alive!"

*Scripture is quoted from The Message, version of the Bible.

+ The Works of Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews and a History of Jewish Wars ETC.

Friday, April 7, 2023



                                                    “IT IS FINISHED”

How we say, “It is finished” expresses a great deal about our attitude regarding the task we have completed.  We work on a task, right up to the deadline, and say: “Well that will do. It is as ready as it ever will be. It is finally finished.”  What we are saying is: “I am not completely satisfied.” If I had more time, energy, or creativity I could and would make changes.

 Once in a while, after careful planning, good use of time and incredible luck, we have the satisfaction of saying, victoriously, “It is finished!”  We are able to say, “It is finished,” not because we have reached a deadline, but because it is finished according to the plan, and there are absolutely no changes to be made, everything is exactly as we wanted it.  There is no second guessing.   It is perfect!

 That is precisely what Jesus meant, when hanging on the cross in agony and said:  It Is Finished!” We might ask, “What is Finished?” (Read John 19:16-30)

There are Two Responses to that question. One is Chronological. The Other is Theological. Let us look at the Chronological one first.

Jesus spent three years in active ministry.  He called, trained and commissioned his disciples appointing them as Apostles, Messengers of the Good News, "The Kingdom of God is Hand."  They were able to heal, teach and do the things that Jesus did.  

Last week I asked to write down in your own words, the answer to this question:  "Who Is Jesus?" Peter said:  "You are the Christ, the Son of God." (Mathew 16:13-20) Then Jesus shocked the disciples when he told them he needed to go to Jerusalem, where he would be arrested, tried, mocked and crucified. On the third day be raised to life."  Peter said:  "No Lord! That can't happen to you" Jesus responded:  "Get Behind Me Satan!" (Mathew 16:21-23) Read of Jesus' Anticipated Glory when he was transformed on Mt. Hermon. (Mathew 17:1-13). Jesus then Re-Taught the disciples what "Greatness" was, using a child and then servant. (Mathew 19:13-15)

We began this week with Jesus Triumphantly entering Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey as "Prince of Peace." People used their cloaks and branches to lay a carpet on which the beasts of burden, carrying Jesus walked.  During the week Jesus, cleared the temple area of money changers. (Luke 18:45-46), healed the sick, taught openly about the Kingdom of God.  He then spent two days alone with his disciples, telling them, he was leaving this earth and would return.  In the meantime, Jesus would send a "Helper" (Holy Spirt) to be with them and remind them of everything Jesus had taught and done.  Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples, instructing his disciples, and through them us, how the meal would be a reminder of all Jesus had done and taught.  "The bread was his body, and the wine was his shed blood."  The disciples didn't fully understand what he was saying until Jesus appeared to them after he was raised from the grave.  "Do this in Remembrance of Me." (The Lord's Supper/Eucharist.)

Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane, (Olive Press) to pray.  Three times he asked his disciples to prayer for him.  Each time they fell asleep.  Jesus Prayed:  "Father if there is any other way of removing the sin of humanity, "May This Cup Pass from Me. But not my will by Thine Be Done."  

Read John 18:1 and following verses.  "Jesus completes his Mission..."  The conclusion was the Cruel Crucifixion on a Roman Cross.  Even in agony Jesus cares for his mother:  "Dear women, here is your son (Apostle John).  And to John, "Here is your mother." (John 19:26-27)

Everything that Jesus came to do on earth was "Finished."  

The Theological Meaning: Until Jesus came to Earth, a complicated system of sacrifices was given by God as a way of receiving forgiveness of sin.  Sin/disobedience separates people from God and often from one another. From the begging, God instructed that the blood and sacrifice of animal was how sin was forgiven. People kept disobeying God and sinning. God sent prophets calling people to return to following God and not worship other idols.  They spoke of a Messiah who would come to free them from sin.  Jesus was that Promised Messiah.  He came not as a conquering king but a Prince of Peace. 

Most know John 3:16. It was fulfilled through Jesus' death on the cross.  For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will be saved. That is the reason Jesus said:  "It Is Finished!"  He came to earth to take upon himself all the sin of the world, then, now and into the future.  

There was nothing left to be accomplished.  Jesus said: "It Is Finished!"  With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (Died) (John 19:30) It is up to us to accept or refuse his forgiveness and promised life. 

I am often asked, why is today called "Good Friday?"  A cartoon "Wizard of Id, by John Hart gave an answer.  Wizard of Id:  "I hate the term Good Friday."  Friend:  "Why?".  Id:  "My Lord hanged on a tree (cross) that day."  Friend:  "If you were going you were going to be hanged on that day and He volunteered to take your place, how would you feel?"  Id: "Good" Friend:  "Have a nice day."

Read the rest of John 19 to learn what happened next.  On Saturday, reflect on what life would be like if the story of Jesus ended there   What would life be like if Jesus had remained in the grave.

Fortunately, there is Good News!  I will write to that tomorrow and post it on Sunday!