Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Power and Authority

                                               "POWER AND AUTHORITY"
                                                     (Ascension of Jesus)

Today is the official start of finishing season in Minnesota.  The state government has the authority to restrict fishing from the time that last ice melts on the lakes to the Sunday closest to May 15, often Mother's Day weekend.  For avid fishermen, the right to fish, means sometimes, Moms loose out.  States and countries have the authority of limiting the number of fish that can be caught.  Here, in Georgetown, Texas, Brushy Creek is the closest place to fish.  The limit of trout is 5 per day.

Authority is something with which many have trouble.  Some of us use to say:  "You can't trust anyone over 40.  That was until we turned 40.  In my first church, at the age of 25, I was one of the oldest on Session (Governing Board).  We decided to "Seek God's Leading" and act only if we had a unanimous vote.  We discovered that one person could stop a plan.  We realized that not everyone had the "good of the whole" in mind.  Sometimes, a personal issue or vendetta got in the way of God's leading.  After one very long night of praying, discussing and seeking a solution to an issue, we decided to check the Book Of Order (Constitution of the Presbyterian Church) To our amazement that with which we had wrestled was addressed in the authority of our denomination's constitution.  Our Ultimate Authority is the Holy Bible.  

While serving a church in Denver, Colorado, I decided to learn to fly-fish.  I could have purchased fishing gear and headed to the river, trying my skill at catching trout.  Instead, I asked someone who was a fly-fisherman.  He taught me how to caste, to observe the flying insects on the water and choose flies that were as close to those as possible.  What I learned was the secret to fly-fishing is selecting the appropriate bait, Then again, that is true for all fishing.

In Minnesota, I overheard, in a restaurant, men arguing for hours whether Red Devil or Yellow Stinger was most effective in catching Northern or Walleye Pike.  "The practice of the fine art of fish capturing,"* means not only selecting the appropriate bait but also knowing where to find the fish. 

Jesus called men to follow him.  He would teach them how to become fishers of people.  One of the first things those followers learned was the authority of Jesus didn't come from training in Rabbinical Schools but from God.  When Jesus was in Capernaum, Galilee, he spoke on a Sabbath. People said:  "What is this teaching?  With authority and power he gives orders to the evil spirits, and they come out."  (Lk 4:36).  When Jesus calmed a storm, in which the disciples were caught, saying:  "Be Still!" The disciples said:  "Even the wind and the waves obey him."  (Mk 4:41).  On the night, before Jesus was crucified, he prayed:  "Father, the time has come...You granted your Son. authority over all people that he might give eternal life to those you have given him.... As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world."  (Jn. 17:1, 18)  

Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples, following his resurrection from the dead, giving them a crash course on all that he had done and taught them.  When you leave on a trip, likely, you give instructions and authority for someone to care for your property of even to act on your behalf.  The Last Will and Testimony is a way of continuing your estate and legacy.  So, it was with Jesus.  His last charge and Commission, Blessing and Benediction began with a transfer of power and authority.  
                                            (Painting by Rembrandt)

Today, May 12, we remember the day Jesus transferred his authority to the disciples and then was taken to Heaven.  We call it "Asencion Day."

Jesus took his disciples to the Mount of Olives (first picture) overlooking Jerusalem.  He said:
All authority in heaven and earth has been giving to me.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely, I AM with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matt. 28:16) 

Since Jesus had supreme authority and power over all God's creation, his servants including us, may be assured his presence and power was with them and will be with us in all we do.  

There are several Implications:

We are under Christ's Authority.
This event marks the end of Jesus' resurrection appearances.  Jesus opened their minds, so they understood Scriptures. (Lk 24:44) Later, Peter addressing the crowd on Pentecost (which we will discuss next week) quotes Scripture (Ac. 2:16-39) Peter and John, entering the Temple to pray, were approached by a beggar asking for money.  Peter said:  "we don't have silver or gold.  What we have, we give to you."  Using Jesus' authority they did and said what Jesus had done and said in similar healing, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk. (Ac. 3:1-10) When Peter and John were arrested for "Speaking and acting in the name of Jesus," they were brought before the Sanhedrin (Jewish Court) and asked:  By what power and authority do you do this?  They responded:  By the Name of Jesus of Nazareth!  ... When they saw the courage... and realized they were ordinary men...who had been with Jesus ... they released them.  (Ac. 4:7-10)

We have been commissioned: 
Jesus said:  "Wherever you go, be a witness."  Jesus is Lord of the Earth.  Like the disciples we can Show and Tell of what God has done for us.  
Jesus said:  "Baptize and Teach everything you have learned."  There was a Series of ever-widening Circles.  The Good News of Jesus Life, Death and Resurrection, spread geographically across races, cultures, including Gentiles, (non-Jews).  God's Gospel has not reached its final destination., if someone in your family, workplace, school or community hasn't heard about Jesus Christ.  Let us be open to God using us in the ever widening of God's loving message. (Using what we learn about fishing, let us Observe, ask questions seeking to find a connection and showing God's Love)

"IN THE NAME OF ... used in Baptism gives the Authority in the Threefold formula:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We did not invent the idea of a Triune God.  It comes from Jesus himself.   (I will write more about this next week, when we celebrate the Coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples on the Jewish Day, 50 days after Passover, Pentecost.

We are Assured of Christ' Presence and Power.
Jesus said:  I will send you what the Father promised.  (Ac. 1:4)   Stay in Jerusalem until you have been clothed with power.  We have been commissioned and have important work to do, which can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Sometimes that means waiting and listening for God's plans.  We need God's timing and Power to be effective. Power involves courage, boldness, confidence, insight, ability and authority.  The disciples used all those gifts in fulfilling their mission. Those who believe in Jesus and accept him as Lord and Savior will experience the same power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.                                                          

The Gospel of Matthew begins and ends with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.  And they will call him Immanuel ... God with us. (1:23) And surely, I AM with you always, to the end of the age. (28:20)

Jesus perfectly lived in and carried out God, the Father's Plan.  Jesus Christ, in fellowship with the Father, shared divine power.  Thant power and authority came upon the disciples 10 days later, Pentecost, of which we will commemorate next week.  Authority: To act in surprising ways -- "Outside the normal way (box) of doing things. Power: To Act on behalf of another. Wherever we go, whether it is next door or to another country, we are to tell of Jesus means in our lives.  This is not an option for those who call Jesus Lord. We are not all evangelists.  We have all received a spiritual gift that enables God's love to flow through us to others.  As we remain in fellowship with Jesus, seeking to live as he taught, we have the comfort of knowing Jesus is always with us.  How can that be if he ascended into Heaven?  Through the Holy Spirit.

As the disciples gazed into the sky watching Jesus ascend, two Angeles said: This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into Heaven.   (Ac 1:11)

There Jesus took the rightful position of power and rank with the Father in the eternal realm.    Ultimate power raised Jesus from the dead.  The disciples learned to live in that resurrection power.  That is what we called to do.  Let us Go live and act/do in Resurrection Power for the world.

There is a story that when Jesus arrived in Heaven an angel asked:  "What did you do to continue your ministry on Earth?"  Jesus responded:  "I entrusted it to my disciples. " Do you have another plan if they don't do what you taught them?"  "No," responded Jesus, "The Holy Spirit will empower and lead them and through them the Good News will be taken to te the Whole World.  We are recipients of their faithfulness. Let us continue spreading the Good News to all we know.

(Next week I will write about Pentecost and Power the disciples received and used in witnessing, wherever they went, of what Jesus meant in their lives and could mean in those who heard their stories.)

* The phrase came from a member in the North Presbyterian Church, Denver, Colorado.