Saturday, November 25, 2023

Christ The King


                                 “Christ Is King* (Revelation 5:12)

     We just visited the first “Protestant” (Anglican) church build in Latin America. Belize City, Belize, C.A. (Belize used to be called British Honduras, Thus the reason of British influence. Belize was granted Independence in 1981 and became the seventh country in Central America.) Across the street was a house built for Queen Elizabeth II.  She only stayed there only once.  King Charles III has yet to visit Belize, let alone live in the house. We were struck by the power and wealth of the monarch, surrounded by poverty.  Since the building has not been used, Belize is going to use it for a museum. (See Below)

          This Sunday, the last of the Christian Year, is called “Christ the King Sunday.” It is a time for focusing on KING, Jesus Christ! 

           Living in the United States, Royalty is something we fought.  Our leaders are elected not crowned.  Blood line doesn’t determine who is elected as president.  For us Royalty is more associated with Hollywood Movies.

Thinking of the Second Person of the Trinity as King is difficult. what Revelation 11:15

The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ., and he will reign for ever and ever, affirm that Both Jews and Christians believe that many of the Psalms referred to the Promised Messiah, as much as they did to the events of their time... Christians noted how many of the passages describe, in detail, Christ’s life and death.  Jesus quoted from the Psalms.

          The difference is the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah.  We believe and celebrate that Jesus was the Messiah, Christ (Greek for Messiah).  We now wait for his promised return.

Read John 18:33-38.  Note the dialogue between Pilot, Roman Governor, and what he asks Jesus. John 18:33-38 Pilate: “Are you the King of the Jews?” (Royal Threat) 

Jesus: “My kingdom is not an earthly kingdom ...My kingdom is not of this world.”

           Pilate: “So you are a King.” 

          Jesus: “You say I AM a king... came to tell of Truth.”

          Pilate: “What is Truth?”

          Jesus taught his Disciples, and through them us how to pray.  We call the pattern he gave us:  The Lord’s Prayer: This wonderful prayer begins focused on Who God Is: “Our Father who is in heaven.”

There are six petitions. The first: "God’s name be hallowed.”

                                      The second: "Thy Kingdom Come:” May thy kingly rule be established in our life-time and n our day.  God is sovereign.  We are seeking to live in that kingdom.  Jesus began his ministry: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”  All his teaching revolved around his conception of the Kingdom of God and the new order of things when God alone will reign.  He told of how all things would be transformed and how people’s characters would be different.

“The Kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ. And he will reign forever and ever.”

                             “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."*

Rev. 5:12 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain – to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessings.

          The Third Petition: “Thy will be done.”

Asking for God’s Kingdom to Come is Asking for God’s Will/Plan to be done on earth, as it is done in heaven.  We use: “Thy will be done ...” in our weekly prayers, it may be the most difficult of the petitions to make.  Because God’s will/kingdom has meant: suffering, loneliness and even death for some who faithfully followed God and not Culture.  Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is such an example. Other examples are The Apostle Paul’s imprisonment. Others are Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox, (Founders of Reformed/Scottish Church and known as Presbyterian in the United States of America.)

                     If we believe God Cares For Us, God’s Kingdom means direction, purpose, plan and security, no matter the circumstances.  (Read Romans 8:25-28) Note that even out of what might be seen as disaster/failure God brings good. Thus, we can live in hope!

Hope for the future fills the present with significance.  All that is happening is furthering God’s Kingdom.  Our desire is to cooperate with God’s plan.  The Kingdom is in the future, but it is not remote and imaginary. In praying “Your Kingdom Come” we are saying: “May your rule be the norm for my life.”  May God help us live in that Kingdom now. The Gospel of Mark records: “Jesus went about proclaiming the kingdom of God is at hand.” Jesus’ actions and teachings evidenced God’s presence/kingdom.

                      If God’s kingdom has already come, why do we pray that it will come?  We are affirming our desire that God will continue working in our lives.  We are saying:

“I am willing to do whatever you want me to do.  It was because of Paul’s obedience that he wrote from jail, The letters to the Philippian and Colossian Churches:

“Rejoice in the Lord always ...”  (Philippians. 4:4)

          Read Joshua 5:13-15. The power present with Joshua was neither impersonal nor magical. Power related to a Person: a Person who has continuity in history.  The continuity of a Supernatural Leader was made explicit in the incident near Jericho.  Here the One who met Joshua said:

“As commander of the LORD’S the army I AM come,” implying that this ONE had been present, before, in a

different capacity.  Joshua had been present and seen this Presence before.  Now this One was coming as Commander. of the LORD’s Army.  “Joshua fell face down in reverence.”

          This parallels Moses experience. Read Exodus 3:1-22. Moses was called by a Person – The Great “I AM.”   Through the Burning Bush.

“Take off your sandals for you are standing on holy ground.” Joshua received the same instruction.  He quickly unstrapped his sandals and kicked them off, knowing he was in Moses’ place.  When God spoke to Moses from a burning bush, God mentioned the past.  “I AM the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Moses hid his face before the same God who appeared before and called Abram.” 

“I AM not a new God.”  Continuity in Leadership --Joshua. Moses had said, as he transferred leadership to Joshua: 

Deut. 31:7-8 “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the LORD swore to their forefathers to give them and must divide it among them as their inheritance.  The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will neither leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

God had lead Moses and the people through a cloud in the day and fire at night.  Those ended when the people crossed the Jordan River, on dry ground, and the men were circumcised, and they celebrated the Passover.  Now Commander of the LORD’S Army meets, affirms and gives orders on how Jericho will be taken. 

Because Joshua knew the ONE kept his promises, Joshua was able to say to the people, in front of the walls of Jericho, without fear: “Shout for the LORD has given you the city.”  (Joshua 6:16) Why? (Schaeffer, Joshua)

“Because the Power was Personal, and Person was there.” (Jericho was about 7 Acers and walled, Fortress.) The Rear Guard started marching, totally surrounding the city.  It had a psychological impact.  There was fear of leaving the security/city. They knew what the Jews had done on other side of Jordan.  They were aware that the river had stopped.  “Their hearts melted, and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelites.” (Josh 5:1)    

The kingdom of God comes through Jesus, comes through us, and will come when Jesus returns to this earth, to complete what he began.  We cannot build the kingdom of God.  Only God can.  But we can make ourselves available for God’s use.

Ph. 2:9-11    God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

When Jesus told his disciples he would leave for a while: “I AM going to prepare a place for you.  I will come back and take you to where I AM.” 

“Do not be Afraid.  I will not Leave or Forsake you.  The Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you.  (Will Guide and Empower you.)  Peace, I give to you, not as the world gives.  Let not your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid.”(John 14:27) 

When Christ returns to this earth he will come in the capacity as King.  “Word of God.”  (Revelation 19:13) and will rule. All will recognize his right to rule. There will be peace.  We can regard Jesus as Lord now as a willing commitment or when he returns/called into his presence.

There is a Hym that affirms the meaning of Christ as King: 

The King Is Coming! 

O the King is coming, the King is coming!  I just heard the trumpets sounding. And now His face I see. O the King is coming, the King is coming! Praise God, He is coming for me!

Are you ready to meet the King?  Have you bowed your knee and acknowledged Him as Lord?  If not, today is a good time?

If you are ready to meet the King I invite you to affirm your faith, using the Apostle’s Creed.

          Next week I will begin a new set of blogs during the Four Weeks Advent in Preparation for the First Coming of Jesus born as a baby in a humble setting.  We call it Christmas.  The blogs will focus on the promised return of Jesus Christ the Christ.

*The Messiah composed by Frederic Handle



Saturday, November 4, 2023

Amos Outline


Prophet of Justice and Righteousness - Outline*

The Title                                                                                      (1:1)
     Identification of Amos ("burdened bearer") and
             location in Israel's history (Pre-Exile, 760-753 B.C.)
     The Voiced of Yahweh (God)                                             (1:2)

I.  Oracles Against the Nations (Circular Condemnation)        (1:2)
          A.  Prophecies against neighboring states                    (1:3-2:3)
                     Syria (Damascus) Phoenicia (Tyre) Ammon
                     Philistia (Gaza)     Edom                  Moab
          B.  Prophecies against Judah and Israel                       (2:4-16)

II. Judgment Against Israel                                                      (3-6)
         A.  "Your election does not absolve you from guilt."       (3:1-2)
         B.  "Judgment part of the Covenant."                             (3:1-18)
         C.   Sins of Israel and their rewards.                              (3:9-4:5)
                    "Perverted Righteousness" and "Playing Religion."   
         D.   Yahweh's repeated warnings have fallen on deaf ears. (4:6-11)
         E.    The way of escape.                                                       (5:4-17)
         F.    "Day of the Lord -- Not what you expect!"                     (5:18-20)
        G.     "Playing at Religion -- nauseating worship."                (5:21-26)
        H.      Final Rewards -- luxurious living condemned.            (5:27-6:24)

III. Five Visions of Coming Judgment                                           (7:1-9:10)
                        -- Brief biographical note.                                      (7:10-17)
        A.  Locust swarm                                                                   (7:1-3)
        B.  Divine fire                                                                         (7:4-6)
        C.  Plumb Line                                                                     (7:7-9)
        D.  Basket of summer fruit                                                     (8:1-3)
                        ("Hear this" -- against wealthy merchants.)           (8:4-14)
        E.  Stricken Temple                                                                (9:1-4)

IV. Promise of Restoration and Prosperity                                     (9:11-15)
                        "Never to be rooted out ..."

V.  Key word for Amos is Plumb Line to remember theme.

VI. Verse to memorize:  Amos 5:24 (New International Version)
                        "Let justice roll on like a river,
                          righteousness like a never-failing stream."


*((I have been asked if I could give an outline of Amos.  Here is the outline of Amos I used in preparing for writing the blogs on Amos.)

Amos 9



 Amos 9, the fifth vision, is of the Temple and real for those of us who live or have lived in earthquake territory.  Note the message of v.1-4.  V. 7 God would not treat Israel differently than other nations.  God is not just the God of Israel and Judah, but sovereign over all nations, and the universe.

 Amos’ message is not only judgment but also a promise of restoration and prosperity v. 11-15. Amos ends with a sense of hope.  Interwoven throughout Amos is God’s warning but also an appeal for Israel to turn from her selfish lives and return to God.  In the midst of judgment there is opportunity for escape.  Israel did not change her ways until it was too late.  Israel failed to hear God’s promise of one day returning to the land from which they were taken and rebuilding the society that once existed.  Amos spoke in a time of prosperity and peace.  They couldn’t believe they would lose it all.  Maybe while in captivity, seeking for answers as to why, Amos 9:11-12 was discovered.

The promise was not fulfilled by an earthly political ruler, but by the Messiah.  The Apostle James quoted this verse, Acts 15:16-17, finding the promise fulfilled in Jesus’ resurrection and the presence of Jews and Gentiles in the Christ’s church.  

After this I will return and rebuild David's fallen tent.  I will rebuild and restore it, that the remnant of men will seek the Lord, and all Gentiles who bear my name, says the Lord, who does these things that have been known for ages. 

18known from long ago.[b]

V. 13-17 describes a time of prosperity.  God is Just and will not tolerate evil.  Judgment will come at one point or another.  However, there is always hope of forgiveness.

Amos:  Prophet of Justice and Righteousness, called people to a “right relationship with God” (that is the meaning of Righteousness) and each other.  Israel exchanged her relationship with God for relationships with other gods.  The consequences: the poor were neglected, and self-satisfaction dominated.  What looked like a healthy society on the surface would soon collapse.  All the prophesies were fulfilled.

What is the purpose of studying Amos and what does it have to do with Jesus and us?  Scripture does not condemn wealth.  When wealth is shared with those in need The Heart of Jesus is revealed.  Jesus said, "I AM the way the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through me. " (John 14:6)


Amos' message applies to our nation.  Not only are we not following God's Plumb Line, (TRUTH), there is nothing on which to base "right" or "wrong."  The moto of the United States is "In God We Trust."  Is that true?  If not God, in whom or what do we trust?  In Amos' day, God's people wanted the "good life" and be like their neighbors worshipping gods made of stone, wood or metal."  Because they failed to live according to God's Law/ Plumbline, God allowed them to be conquered and scattered throughout the Mediterranean region.        

The Keyword/image of the plumb line and Amos 5:24 reminds us of Amos’ message.  Let Justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream. 


Pray that God will show you how to equitably use the resources God has given you in ministering to those in need.  Pray also that you are in a right relationship with God and are living according to His plumb line and His Word.  Continue praying for those in leadership of our nation.

                    (This is the last of my blogs on Amos.  I am going to take a break from writing for a while. I will indicate on my FB and Email when I will resume writing.)

(I have been asked if I could post an outline of Amos.  In the next post, I will publish the outline of Amos I used in preparing for writing the blogs on Amos.)


 Chapter 8           



The plumb line is great way of remembering the message of Amos.  Read Amos 8, which has another vision.  What does this vision have in common with the three in Amos 7?   How is it different?   

Years ago, before a drought, hit California, our plumb tree was abundant with fruit.  We picked them before the squires, birds and yes, a coyote ate them, as they had the previous year.  Our purpose was to give them to neighbors and take some to church.  First, we would enjoy some of the delicious fruit and make jelly etc.  Because of busy schedules, by the time we were ready to give away the fruit, it was overripe, not the fresh or as beautiful as when they were picked.  There was terrible smell.  We learned many lessons and were heartbroken that others were not able to enjoy the fruit because of our preoccupation with other things.

Note the specific charges in this vision.  What does it say about the condition of Israel?  Hear this v. 4-14.   Is spoken to among others, wealthy merchants who rob the poor and trample down the needy!, who kept the religious festivals but not in the right spirit:  They Couldn’t wait for the Sabbath day to be over.   We are only about one month away from Advent, the four weeks of preparation of the birth of Jesus.  In some denominations Christians fast until Christmas Eve. Many of us, may fast during Lent. Some Christians who are required to fast or avoid eating certain foods may say: “I miss …”  Advent and Lent are not so much about “giving something up … as doing something for someone, listening to a person.  In so doing they are demonstrating what Jesus taught, (The Heart of Jesus). Ritual without a genuine spirit of serving God is a sham and meaningless.

Apathy towards God’s Word would result in famine, not, only of food and water but in hearing the words of the Lord.  People will stagger … searching for word of the Lord but will not find it. (Amos 8:11-12)

Imagine if you had no access to a Bible or worship services, would you stagger searching for God’s Word?  Give thanks to God for the freedom and opportunity of reading the Bible, God’s Word in this wonderful country.

Give thanks to God for His Word.  Pray for those who are forbidden from reading the Bible or have never heard of the transformative love shown through the heart of Jesus. Pray that the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) will be evident in your life. 


Next week I will conclude this series with Amos 9 and then take a break from writing for a while.

Amos 7


                              AMOS:  PROPHET OF JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS

                                                                       AMOS 7                      

What is a plumb line?  What is it used for?  Read Amos 7.  There are three visions in this chapter.  What are they?  What are the consequences of each of the visions?  Vs. 7-9 is a vision of a Plumb line. What do you learn about the plumb line?  Today we may also use a level or laser for the same purpose.  

plumb line is a “A cord from which a metal weight is suspended pointing directly to earth’s center of gravity; used to determine the vertical from a given point.”  (Dictionary, Arlex) In other words, it is a device used to ensure the straightness of a wall.  A wall that is not straight will eventually collapse.  God said:  I will test my people with this plumb line.  I will no longer ignore all their sins.  How do you determine whether something is in plumb with God’s Will?

The “Center of Gravity” ensures the plumb line is perfectly vertical and the measurement is trustworthy.  So too it is with God’s Word/Law:  giving us a foundation and measure that it trustworthy.   When followed we are plumb with the Heart of Jesus.  Visiting the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas we learned how Astronauts have to “adjust“ to the lack of gravity.  At first it is “fun,” then energy is used looking for something to hold on to.  It impacts how food is prepared and eaten and how to get rid of waste.   There is a deterioration of the bones.  NASA is preparing to send people to Mars.  Before then, there will be a need of finding a solution for osteoporosis.  I am sure there are many of you hoping that will be soon.                                                                                                        

Are we grasping for solutions other than God’s Laws as illustrated by gravity? Are we like Israel, leaving God’s Law and turning to other gods?

Notice Amos’s prayer to God on behalf of Israel, v. 2 & 5.  What did God do?  Do we intercede for our nation, family, and friends?  V. 10-17 illustrates how people may react when we talk about God’s plumb line.             

Pray:  Prayer is a powerful privilege.  Let us pray for our Nation, its leaders in all levels of Government, Business and Education that they would follow God’s Plumb Line.  Pray for your family and friends that they may know and follow God’s Word.  (Read Psalm 119:1-9)