Friday, May 17, 2024



                                    "GOD'S EMPOWERING SPIRIT"


To: Jesus Christ From: Kingdom Analysis HR.                       Subject: Twelve Management Trainee Evaluations.

Thank you for placing your confidence in Kingdom Analysis HR and submitting the resumes of the 12 men you have picked for management trainee positions in your new organization. Your keen insights have been helpful in our evaluation, but we have gone a few steps further. All 12 have taken our scientifically developed aptitude tests and met one on one with our psychologist and other consultants. Although you have complete confidence in the 12         it is the Kingdom Analysis HR staff opinion that most of your management trainee nominees lack the proper background, education and aptitude for what you are doing. Fundamentally they have no team experience or overall concept what a team does.

More specifically: Simon Peter has fits of anger and could be said to be emotionally unstable. Andrew has failed to exhibit any documented qualities of leadership. Sons of Thunder - James and John only show a drive for personal gain --- company loyalty is not in their vocabulary. Thomas questions everything and it has been determined that this attitude would eventually undermine team morale and cause division. Matthew did not qualify to interact with the Scribes and Pharisees in Jerusalem. James, the son of Alphaeus and Simon-the Zealot definitely could be described as clinically depressed, and indications are they stirrup everyone they meet. We highly and collectively recommend you continue searching for management trainees.

Our suggestion is to look for people with experience, managerial ability and proven leadership. There is a however a slight ray of hope - one of the candidates shows marked potential. He tested well in creative ability. Our staff has concluded he meets people well and exhibits a keen business mind. He is either a nifty name dropper or sincerely has contacts in high places. He ranked highest in motivation, ambition and innovation.  Our staff overwhelming agrees to recommend Judas Iscariot for the position of Chief Operating Officer and potential Chief Executive Officer of the future. The remaining profiles were all clearly suspect as to ability, loyalty or adaptability so we need not pursue their qualifications. We believe this will save you a great deal of money by not continuing our evaluations of this group.

We wish you every success in your new venture.

Kingdom Analysis HR *

God's Empowering Spirit demonstrates that

  God does not call the Equipped ...

  God Equips those God Calls ...

That is what happened 50 Days after Jesus’ Apostles abandoned him, and Peter denied knowing Jesus.  Peter had been an unstable leader during Jesus’s early ministry.  Bravado was his downfall.

As we learned a past blog: "Called Twice,"), Jesus forgave and restored the humbled Peter.  Now he is boldly speaking to thousands from all over the Mediterranean area. (Read Acts 2:1-21)

 How did that happen?  According to Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came upon these fishermen, tax collector and zealots they were empowered.

God’s empowering Spirit not only enabled and equipped the Disciples to witness of Jesus, God’s empowering Spirit enables and equips us to do the same.  We are not expected to do God’s work in our own strength or resources.


 Three Soul-Shaking Aspects which are also with us.

Experiencing God’s Divine Presence.

(Re-read: Acts 2:2-4)

This is what Jesus said to Nicodemus (John 3:8)

Jesus: Holy Spirit is like the wind...

Fire: In the Old Testament = God’s Presence.

John the Baptist: After me will come one who will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. (Matthew 3:11)

Presbyterian Symbol: Flames/


God’s presence was known in a spectacular way:

The Holy Spirt came as violent wind and tongues of fire. 

Jesus: Where two or three are gathered in my name, their I AM.

When we gather in Jesus’ name, we are promised of His presence.

We accept God’s Divine Presence by Faith.

 There are times when God’s presence seems more real than others: Retreats, intense prayer or gathering of large numbers of Christians in conferences or crusades.

Often, we “try recapturing that “presence.” It rarely works. 

God’s Presence was revealed in different ways:

After the Prophet Elijah defeated the Prophets of Baal, on Mount Carmel, (I Kg18:18-39) he was threatened by Queen Jezebel. Elijah ran for his life to the desert.  Often after a great spiritual experience, we have a letdown or feel attacked. That was the case with Elijah.  After a period or sleep and nourishment, "The Word of the Lord" came to Elijah asking" "What are you doing here?" (Read I Kings 19:9-13) (Notice God was Not in the earthquake, wind or fire, but in still small voice...gentle whisper.

 Pentecost reminds us that the way we Experience God’s Divine Presence is through the Holy Spirit.  Like wind, we cannot grab a hold of it.  We will experience God’s Empowering Spirit just as did those early disciples.  

The second Soul-Shaking experience was:

Experiencing God’s Divine Power 

As soon as God’s Spirit came upon the disciples, they immediately began speaking of what following Jesus meant in their lives. They began speaking in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them.

These disciples, who 50 days earlier, were hiding behind locked doors, were impelled onto the streets and likely into the Temple, loudly speaking about Jesus.

What a ruckus.  Each disciple speaking in a different language all at the same time.  They drew a crowd of curious pilgrims who had come to Jerusalem for Pentecost.    (Acts 2:8,11-13).

Are not all these men... speaking, Galileans? How is that we hear them speaking our language? Amazed and perplexed, they asked what does this mean? Some of these men are drunk.                                                                           

When the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples, barriers of language and culture were demolished through God’s unifying Spirit

What seemed like chaos was God’s restoring order and communication lost at the Tower of Babel, built to reach God on their own terms.  (Genesis 11:7)

Result: God confused their languages ... spread to different parts of the world.   Pentecost began reversing that process.  God made it possible for people to hear in their own language what Jesus had done for them.  The Miracle was not so much that the disciples spoke in other languages but that the Holy Spirit opened their ears ... to hear the good news.

Throughout Acts the Holy Spirit lead Jewish Christians through cultural barriers.  Samaritans (8:14-17), Gentiles (10:44-48) -Transforming Saul into Paul. (Ac 19:1-19)

Since the disciples were all speaking at one time, Peter stood and began clarifying what was happening. (Reread Ac. 2:14-18)

This uneducated fisherman gave an eloquent explanation: What is occurring is a fulfillment of the Prophet Joel.  Peter elaborated on how Jesus of Nazareth, whom the authorities had crucified, 50 days ago, God had raised from the dead.  Peter eloquently showed how Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of the promised Messiah. 

Following the rather short message 3,000 people made the decision to accept what Peter said was truth and place their lives under the guidance of Jesus Christ.

                     Change your life.  Turn to God and be baptized, each one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

When God’s Divine Power (1:8) gripped the disciples, they couldn't help but proclaim what they had learned from Jesus and were empowered to tell others.

We too, gripped by the Holy Spirit, become God’s messengers of the Good News.  When we allow God’s Spirit to use us, we discover God’s Divine Power replacing fear with courage and free flowing words empowering us to speak of what Jesus means in our lives, restoring order, communication and hope.

Experiencing God’s Divine Guidance.

Jesus had told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until God’s Power came upon them. Then they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and the uttermost parts of the earth. That is what began occurring on Pentecost.  Clearly, they were witnesses in Jerusalem.

Jesus had said: When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. (John 16:13)

As those early Christians, who gathered to commemorate Jesus’ last meal with his disciples and witnesses, recalled His teachings, and in prayer sought his guidance, we too read the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life and teaching as we celebrate the Lord's Supper.  It is also a time for us for telling our stories of God's presence and power in our lives. 

It was the Spirit of Truth guiding the Christians in caring for one another. Their love for each other demonstrated God’s love to others.  Acts records how the God’s Spirit led the disciples, individually and corporately in fulfilling what Jesus had told them to do. There are 40 references to the Holy Spirit in first 13 chapters of Acts.

Acts and the Epistles, record how the disciples did not make any decisions or move before (1:24) consulting God in prayer.  Deacon Philip was walking on a road, when the Holy Spirit guided him to an Ethiopian on his way home from Jerusalem.  The Ethiopian was reading a Torah (Jewish Scriptures) which he apparently had purchased hoping to learn about God.  Philip asked: Do you understand what you are reading?  How can I, unless someone explains it? responded the Ethiopian. (Acts 8:31)

Guided by the Holy Spirit, Philip explained the Scripture.  The result was the Ethiopian invited Jesus into his life and was baptized.  The disciples, guided by the Holy Spirit gave guidance in the qualifications of the office of Service/Deacons. (Acts 6:1-7)

The Apostle Paul "was eager to get to Jerusalem for Pentecost, if possible" (Acts 20:18).  Paul sent for the elders in Ephesus to meet him at the ship port (Acts 20:17). speaking to them/"Shepherds" Paul reminded them that The Holy Spirit made them overseers of the church.  (Acts 20:28)

That same Spirit guided Peter and John, giving them courage and what to say when brought before the Sanhedrin (Jewish Governing Body) for speaking about Jesus. (This was after they had healed a crippled beggar, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. (Acts 3:6) "Filled with the Holy Spirit, "their response was eloquent."  How did these uneducated Galileans speak so boldly?  The Leaders realized, these two had been with Jesus, for they had done what Jesus did and spoke as he did. (Acts 4:8, 13)      

Living in the 21st century, we have the same promise of God’s divine guidance.  When we seek God’s wisdom, we will receive it.  It may come through corporate decisions.  We pray, seeking God’s guidance, following God’s guidelines recorded in Scripture when electing Church leaders and choosing which way to go in ministry.

That same Spirit enables us to act with boldness.  That same Spirit will guide us into the future.  The same Spirit leads us to those ready to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Pentecost marks the commencement of the ekklesia (Greek word for Church) made up of individuals of various nationalities.  Their belief in God and God’s presence through the Holy Spirit led to a unity of communication.  Today the Church is comprised of people from all parts of the earth.  Something special occurs when Christians gather around the Lord’s Table.  We are all partaking in a sacrament commemorating an act of love and celebrating the presence of God’s Spirit in a manner common to all.  We may not understand the language but fully comprehend what we are doing.  This is evidence of God’s Spirit in our lives.

Pentecost dramatically reminds us that God does not act haphazardly.  God chose Pentecost as the day for the Holy Spirit to come upon God’s people for it was the day God gave the Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai.  The Prophet Jeremiah said:(31:31-34)

In Pentecost God fulfilled God’s Promise of engraving God’s law upon people’s hearts, rather than just upon stones.

Pentecost was when people from all parts of the world were in Jerusalem and witnessed the events that occurred that day.  Whether or not they believed what they had heard and seen, I am sure the pilgrims returned to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Libya, Cyrene and Rome telling of that amazing day.  They had heard a message in their own language by people that normally don't speak their language.  God demonstrated in a bold and dramatic way that the curse, which began at the tower of Babel, had been removed.  God was no longer going to confuse the language of people, rather offer a way for them to understand one another and respond to God’s love.                                                

Pentecost is the fulfillment of the prophet Joel.  Up to this point God’s Spirit had come upon National Leaders: Kings, Priests and Prophets.  God spoke to the people through a handful of individuals. 

God taught through trained, and Spirit filled leaders.  Joel said the day was coming when the Spirit of God would come upon all people responding to God, whether male, female or slaves, God would come upon ordinary individuals.  That prophecy was fulfilled on Pentecost in 33 A.D.

The Promise of that Prophecy is real for us.  We believe that God’s Spirit is given to each person, who by faith, accepts Jesus.  We believe that each one of us has the potential of tapping into that very Source of God.  Each of us has been given a gift of God’s Spirit motivating us to service.  When we reach out in God’s love to other people, using that Spiritual Gift, God’s Power is manifested to all.

Nothing will stop God’s plan from being fulfilled. May this Pentecost revitalize your own faith and corporate life.  As you experience God’s presence today, may you allow God’s spirit to grip and use you in proclaiming God’s message in your community, with your family and friends.  holding on to the assurance of God’s divine presence and guidance in your individual lives. 

(RED is the color of Pentecost.  Why not wear Red.  If asked why you are wearing Red, you can tell them about Pentecost.) 

*HR is a fictitious document to set the tone for this blog and illustrate how God acts differently than corporate America.

This will be my last Blog on Post Jesus' Resurrection events.  I may blog later on other topics.  

Sunday, May 12, 2024

On The Vine: Power and Authority

On The Vine: Power and Authority:                                                                                                                         "POWER AND AUT...

Saturday, April 6, 2024


                                                "Called Twice"                                                                                                          (Reinstated)

The story did not make headline news.  It was something that occurred between two people.  Noone else knew.  One failed Jesus and felt totally inadequate in serving him, let alone being a leader.  I am referring, of course to the Apostle Peter.

Jesus had told Peter that before the crack of dawn, he would deny knowing Jesus three times.  (John 13:38).  Jesus had told his disciples to serve one another and love each other as he had loved them.  "It is by your love for one another that others will know you are my disciples."  That sounded so easy!

The events that Thursday night occurred just as Jesus had predicted.  Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas.  Jesus was arrested by Temple Guards and taken to the home of the High Priest.  John and Peter followed behind.  John went inside, while Peter waited in the courtyard by a charcoal fire.  A maid said to Peter:  "You were with him." "I was not!" said Peter, trying to sneak away, when someone said:  "Were you not with the Galilean?" "I did not know the man!," responded Peter.  Trapped, Peter moved back towards the fire, when someone said:  "You were with the Galilean!"  Peter responded:  "I swear I don't know the man!"  At that moment the rooster crowed.  Peter's heart broke.  He was crushed. He remembered what Jesus had said just a few hours earlier, "You will deny me three times before the rooster crows."  We don't know what Peter did or whether he ever told the other disciples what he had done.  He did weep bitterly. (Luke 22:62)

The story of Jesus' resurrection does not end with Easter.  Jesus appeared to some of his followers and disciples.  Mary Magdalane and other Women, went to the tomb on the First Day of the Week, and were surprised by finding an empty tomb and an Angel saying:  "Jesus is not dead.  He is Risen, just as he said!"  Jesus appeared to the women and said:  "Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, there they will see me."  (Matthew 28:1-10) 

Two followers of Jesus were returning to their home in Emmaus, despondent, when Jesus started walking with them asking:  "what were you discussing?" (Read Luke 24:13-35).  For more of Jesus' Resurrection appearances to multiple people in different locations read            (I Corinthians 15:1-11).  

Jesus met with the disciples, behind locked doors, twice, including Thomas (John 20:24-29)  This is why we Christians use the 40 days after Easter, Eastertide, to reflect on Jesus' various appearances.  

The disciples went to Galilee, as they had been instructed, It was the same location where Jesus first Called them.  Andrew, who had been a disciple of John the Baptist and witnessed Jesus' baptism (John 1:35-42) said to his brother, Simon:  "We have found the Messiah!  Come and see! Jesus said:  You are Simon.  You shall be called Peter.  I will make you Fishers of Men. 

Peter felt unworthy of Serving Jesus, after he denied knowing Jesus, and said to the disciples he was going fishing.  (The infinitive verb means a continuous activity, not just once.) He was saying: "I am going back to a career of fishing."  He felt guilty, a failure and unworthy of following Jesus. 

The first part of John 21 sets the stage for Jesus' conversation with Peter.  Instead of Judgement and retribution, Jesus meets Peter at his point of despair and vulnerability with "Forgiving Love."

Love's Healing Power intersects with Peter and the other disciples when they discover their skills as fishermen had become rusty.  Peter may have thought:  "even the fish have turned against me."


Jesus met them, early in the morning as they returned from a night of fishing, without catching anything.

Jesus guides the disciple to the fish.  He asks:  "Caught anything?"  Disciples respond:  "No!"  Jesus guides them to where there are fish.  "Cast your net on the right side of the boat."  They did and because of the large number of fish, were unable to haul in the net.  John recognized the voice and may have recalled a similar event three years before when Jesus had called him to follow him, responding:  It is the Lord!  Impetuous Peter dressed and swam to shore.  Jesus had started a charcoal fire and was warming some bread and roasting some fish.

Jesus nourished the disciples with fish and bread.  153 different varieties of fish were gathered in the nets by the disciples.  "Come and have some breakfast" Jesus said:  One wonders if the disciples remembered Jesus feeding 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves.  Jesus wanted his disciples to know he was not a spirit or a ghost.  He had a body that was recognizable and could eat.  This was Jesus' third, recorded, appearance since his resurrection.

Lessons Jesus was teaching:  There will always be enough resources for the Commission the disciples would receive.  They were nourished spiritually and physically.  Those who would follow Jesus, as a result of the disciples' testimonies, would become Ecclesia (The Called our Ones), The Church and it would be made of a variety of people.  Ezekiel 47:9 says:  There will be a Large number of fish.  Matthew 13:47-48 records Jesus' Parable of a Net Full of Fish.

Read John 21:15-25.  Jesus led Peter through his disowning Jesus by BURNING COALS.  Jesus asks Peter:  Do you love me more than these boats, this life of fishing or these disciples?  Peter responded:  "Yes, Lord, you know I Love You."  (There are multiple words for LOVE in Greek.)  In this conversation two are used:  Agape and Phileo.  Jesus uses Agape, which is God's Unconditional Love, love that is demonstrated with no expectation in return.  It is the Love Jesus showed his disciples and all of us when he died on the cross taking upon himself all sin.  John 3:16 says it clearly:  For God so loved the word that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal love.  Peter responds with Phileo, which is "brotherly and sisterly love."  Philadelphia, "City of brotherly love" comes from Phileo. Jesus says to Peter:  Tend my lambs.  

Jesus asks a second time:  Do you Agape me?  Peter responds:  Yes Lord, you know I Phileo you. Jesus:  Shepherd my sheep.  Jesus asks a third time:  Do you Phileo me?  Peter was grieved: Lord you know all things, you know I Phileo you. Jesus:  Tend mu sheep.  

Imagery and association lead Peter through the painful experience of denial.  Some suggest it was penitence.  I believe Jesus used the charcoal fire to lead Peter through his painful (healing of memories).  Peter was forgiven, even though he denied knowing Jesus.  Peter was unable to forgive himself.  Jesus was saying:  I have a task for you:  "Feed my Sheep."  

Jesus was Calling Peter for a Second Time to Follow him.  He was reinstating and commissioning Peter and the other disciples to take the Good News to all Nations:  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.  Make them my disciples.  Proclaim what you have seen and heard so they may have Fellowship with one another as you have fellowship with me.  "Our Fellowship is with the Father and with the Son, Jesus Christ."  (I John 1:3)

Jesus' commissions for Peter would not be easy.  The commission was repeated two ways.  Shepherd the flock and Tend my lambs.  Leadership and Teaching are based on what was heard from Jesus.  Peter and the other disciples lead the Church along the path prepared by Jesus.  Early Christians were called People of The Way.  They were following the One who had said:  I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life.  (John 14:6) Peter experienced and then taught of LOVE'S HEALING POWER.

Jesus saw Peter as the one whom he would become.  Jesus sees in us what we will become.  He asks us:  "Do you love me more than your material security?  Do you love me more than your job or your friends?  Life will not be easy.  You will pay a price for following me.  Speaking to Peter, Jesus said:  When you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands and someone else will dress you and lead you to where you do not want to go.  "Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God.  Jesus said:  "Follow Me!"  (John 21:18-19)

Peter asked:  "What about John?"  Jesus responded:  If it is my will that he remains and abides until I come, what is that to you? YOU Must Follow Me! (Repeated Twice)                (John 21:21:22)

We tend to compare ourselves to others, whether in rationalizing our own level of devotion to Christ or their talents and Spiritual Gifts.  We are Easter People.  "Every morning is Easter."

Jesus Christ is Lord of the Church and Lord of our lives.  The Christian Life is one lived in the presence and power of the One who crucified and rose from the dead!  

N.T. Wright:  Bishop of Duran, England, author of many books writes:  "Easter was a pilot project.  What God did for Jesus that explosive morning is what God is intending to do for the whole creation.  We who live in the interval between Easter and that eventual hope CALLED as the new-creation people here and now.  That is the hidden meaning of the greatest festival Christians have...

The real meaning of about new creation which has already begun.  The creator God is remaking the world challenging all other powers that think that's their job... Christianity's critics, then and now, have always sneered that nothing has changed.             But in fact, everything has.  The world is a different place...

It is up those who follow Jesus to show that this is so.  Easter gives Christians a double vocation.  They are themselves are part of the new creation, plunged into Jesus' death and finding new life in His resurrection.

Secondly, they are agents of justice and beauty planting signposts in the Easter soil which points to the renewal of all things."

We are Called as New-Creation People.  We are Called to  invite others to Come and See.

"That You May Believe "

Jesus' approach with Peter is effective in facing our own grievous failures, anger or self-pity.  Love's Healing Power will work for us.

Close your eyes and reflect, Are there any "hidden secrets" in your life that would make headlines if a reporter discovered it?  (Open your eyes and continue reflecting.)  Few of us will find ourselves in the public eye, but even if no one knows, God knows.  We may think "I'm not worthy of serving God because of this."  

It may be something others know about.  It may be something we have sought God's forgiveness but have been unable to forgive ourselves.  

It may be something no one knows about.  It may be a "skeleton in the closet," hidden. It may be an abusive word or act.  It may be unfaithfulness to a spouse.  It may be guilt we try covering with drugs.  It may be stealing... It may be holding a "grudge." It may anger towards parents... It may be abuse we have suffered... It  may be the lack of self-worth.

When we are unable to receive God's forgiveness or feel unworthy of serving God, let's think about this story and how Jesus met Peter and the other disciples at their point of despair.  Jesus lead Peter with Love through steps leading to Healing and being Reinstated as a Follower of Jesus and Leader of His Community, which is called the "Body of Christ."

If Jesus forgave Peter and empowered Peter to serve Him, Jesus will forgive us. We are called as witnesses of what we have Seen and Heard. What has Jesus meant in our lives.  

LOVE"S HEALING POWER is forgiving and wants to remove our shame and  restore us ...  LOVE'S HEALING POWER suspends judgement and punishment.  

Peter was CALLED TWICE... Maybe more than twice.  "He Did Follow Jesus." Jesus said:  Follow Me."  Are you Following Jesus?

 (Peter faithfully followed  Jesus and served Jesus' Church.  As Jesus said:  Peter was dressed and taken to the cross by another person, under Emperor Nero's Order.   Peter asked to be crucified upside down, because he couldn't imagine dying in the same way as Jesus, who forgave and restored Peter to full responsibility and fellowship.                                  

* Times On Line, April 2009

Saturday, March 30, 2024


RESURRECTION POWER                                                       

What glorious music we have on Easter!  It is because Jesus Christ Rose from the grave that we can sing praises to our God, even when facing the uncertainties of tomorrow! 

Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15:17,19 clearly states that: If there were no resurrection, we of all people should be most pitied.  If Christ wasn’t raised, then all you are doing is wandering about in the dark.*

Our faith would be null and void if Jesus were still in a tomb The Nicene and Apostle’s Creeds affirm: He was crucified under Pontius Pilate.  He suffered, died, and was buried.  On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures. (I Co. 15:3-4) Do we just recite those words?  Or is it something we BELIEVE?

Body of Executed Leader Missing!  (Read John 28:1-15)

Do you believe this Good News?  “Jesus Our Lord” has risen is at the center of Christian Faith.  Because Christ rose from the dead, as he had told his disciples, we know that what he said was true.  Because he rose, He Lives & Represents us to God the Father. 

Because he rose & defeated death, we know we also will be raised.  Matthew’s account is consistent with the other Gospels, (Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18), although each focus on a different part.

Those who had given their lives to Jesus for three years were distraught, even though Jesus had told them multiple times what he would face, they had seen their Master tried as common criminal and crucified in the most humiliating way the Romans knew.  They failed to hear or believe that last part of what Jesus said:  Three days later he will rise!

Matthew writes that the women saw Jesus taken down from the cross and placed in a borrowed tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, which had never been used. Sundown on that day (Crucifixion), began the Jewish Sabbath, therefore the women did have time to properly prepare Jesus’ body with spices and ointments, as was their custom. Those women, who journeyed with Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, spent that Sabbath mourning. The disciples, closets to Jesus, were huddled in the Upper Room, where they had eaten their last supper with Jesus, behind bolted doors, for fear of being arrested.

All hope was lost.  Their dreams shattered; their purpose of living gone.  You may have experienced a little of that on Good Friday.  At the earliest possible moment, as soon as the Sabbath ended, Saturday, at sunset, the women who had cared for Jesus and his disciples throughout the years of His ministry, purchased and prepared spices. The next morning, as light began to break the darkness, they left their secure homes & went to the tomb, prepared to anoint Jesus’s body with spices as an act of love and respect.

Matthew’s account of that Life Changing Morning, the Resurrection Power, is something that does not loose value with the current fickle fluctuations of Wall Street.  It is for those feeling spiritually dry & wanting a new vision of hope.

This amazing TRUE story chronicles what the disciples went through before fully realizing that Jesus was alive.  If you are reading about Jesus’ resurrection for the first time, you likely are having difficulty comprehending how the significance of the Resurrection Power is LIFE for YOU!

1.      At First the Story may seem a Fabrication. It is impossible to believe.  Let’s look at the facts. Women were concerned about who would roll the stone from the entrance to the tomb. The sealed stone+ was removed not so Jesus could get out. It was so Others could see he was not there. (Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, writes: Now there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works, - a teacher of such men as received the truth with pleasure.  He drew over to him both many Jews and many Gentiles.  He was (the) Christ, and when Pilate, as the suggestion of the principle men among us, had condemned him to the cross...*

2.     Checking out the Facts you may still be puzzled. The women who entered the tomb were alarmed when they saw an angel dressed in clothing white as snow (bight as lightning).  Don’t be afraid, he said, I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here.  He is risen from the dead!  Come see where the body was lying. Now go, tell his disciples (including Peter) that he is risen from the dead & he is going ahead of you to Galilee.  You will see him, just as he told you.  (Women were the first Eyewitness.) The women ran quickly from the tomb.  They were frightened but filled with joy.  They rushed to give the disciples the Good News.(Lk 24:11) But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it.  Notice it was Women who were the first to be Commissioned to tell the Good News!  

3.     It was when the Followers Encountered Jesus Personally that they were able ACCEPT the fact of the RESURRECTION.  Jesus appeared to Mary. (Jn. 20:11-18) Sensing another presence, she turned and saw Jesus but didn’t recognize Him.  Mary’s Grief & Assumptions blinder her from seeing Jesus.  Mary was looking in the wrong direction.  She was riveted on the tomb. When Jesus approached, she didn’t look at him but stared at the grave. 

Josephus continued: Those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again on the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct today. *

The same may be true of us.  Many of us fail to see Jesus or Comprehend His presence, because we are wrapped up in our own assumptions & focused on other areas of life or bitterness/grief.  Some of us focus on the sorrow & tragedy we have experienced.  Others of us may be looking for answers in Philosophies or other religions.  Some of us are just hiding, not wanting to take any risks.  Mary was not thinking rationally. 

It was when Jesus called Mary by name that she Recognized Him “Rabboni!” (is the Hebrew for Teacher.) 

It was only when Jesus appeared to the Disciples that they believed, even if they didn’t fully comprehend.

What does it mean for us? Fact may direct our inquiry.  Jesus approaches each of us, inviting us to respond to his invitation.  It is when we Personally Meet Jesus that we are able to accept the fact of the resurrection and what it means for us.

 Jesus’ resurrection is key to the Christian Faith, because:

A. Just as Jesus said, he rose from the dead. We can be confident that He will accomplish all he promised.  We are not wandering about in the dark, because Christ was raised! (I Corinthians 15:19)*

     B.  Jesus’ bodily resurrection shows us that the Living Christ, is the Truth, the Life & Ruler of God’s Kingdom and alive now!

     C.  We can be certain of our resurrection because Jesus was resurrected, Death is not the end—there is future life (Eternal Life).

     D.  The divine power that brought Jesus back to life is God’s gift & available to us in brining the spiritually dead back to life.

     E.  The resurrection is the basis of our witness to the world. Like the disciples, the evidence is there. Why is it that some believe while other do not?  Why is it that viewing the same information leads to different conclusions?

Ultimately it goes back to what John wrote at the beginning and end and stressed throughout his Gospel, namely that some believed because they were ready and had a need in their life.  Those content with life—may think “Don’t upset my comfortable life.”  Those who have not thought of their lives being contrary to God’s will, may not be receptive to Jesus’ message of Promised “Full Life.” 

We who believe Jesus, do so because we trust the Scriptures. We who believe in Jesus’ resurrection do so because we believe those who told the story were eyewitness to Jesus.  We who have followed the Living Christ, do so because this story is true and that He commissioned us to take that Good News to all the world. Yes, it is still Good News.

Mary met Jesus, liberating her from her past, giving her New and Real Life.  It was May Magdalene who was given the joy of being the first to see the Risen Jesus.

Do you believe that Jesus was crucified and buried? If so, do you believe that he is still in the grave? Or Do you believe he was raised from the dead? 

If Jesus was raised from death, what are the implications for your life?  Paul wrote: “Jesus is the First Fruits.”   That is, each of us will be raised into God’s presence the same way Jesus was raised from the dead. This is the Heart of the Gospel.  Because Jesus was raised from death, those who believe in Him will recognize Him as their Risen Lord and Savior.

Where are you in your Stage of Belief?

Are You Personally Experiencing the Resurrection Power of Jesus, the Risen Lord?

I hope you have enjoyed "Journeying With Jesus into Jerusalem, his Triumphal Entry, his week publicly teaching and preparing his disciples for what was going to happen. Reading about his Trial resulting in his death on a Roman Cross and burial.  Today, you have learned why all this happened and how Jesus from the beginning told his disciples that on the "Third Day" he would rise from the grave.  We have also learned what all that means to us and how we are commissioned to tell others that "Jesus Is Alive!"

*Scripture is quoted from The Message, version of the Bible.

The Works of Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews and a History of Jewish Wars ETC.

Monday, March 25, 2024


On The Vine: IT IS FINISHED:                                                                                         “IT IS FINISHED” How we say, “It is finished” expr...

Friday, March 22, 2024


                                  “The King’s Entrance”                                       

Everybody loves a parade, from the most simple to the most elaborate. It can be a Celebration of Victory, Advertisement or other event. When a sports team wins a national championship, the home town often has a parade through the city, with players on float. The fourth of July is commemorated with parades. On Thanksgiving, Macy's Department Store sponsors a parade and January 1, there is the Rose Parade.  All have both a commercial as well as a National Holiday reason for the parades.

             Jesus planned his entry into Jerusalem as a Deliberate and Dramatic Claim that he was the Messiah, the promised one.  (Read Mt. 21:1-11)

            Jesus had stopped people who wanted to call him Messiah.  It is not yet time for the Son of Man to be glorified, he said.

            This triumphal procession finally allowed his followers to express their pent-up excitement.  Word traveled through those who had come to Jerusalem as Pilgrims, like wildfire:  Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead (Read John 11:1-46) and restored sight to the blind. (of which we read last week). Is he the Messiah? 


What do you know about this passage of Scripture? We commemorate this event on Palm Sunday.  This year it is on April 2, this coming Sunday.  

Hosanna to the Son of David! (“Save Us!) – was associated with a Military Parade. The crowd received Jesus as a King.  Jesus boldly rode in as King of Peace and the crowd joyfully joined him.  

1.     Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly because he knew what he would face that week.

2.     Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly because he knew what others saw as defeat would be victory.

3.     Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly as a model for our lives.

We say, Without the Cross, there would be no resurrection.  The Eastern Orthodox say: Without the resurrection there would be no cross. (Think about that statement. Repeat it aloud.)

What did Jesus do and say that: Dramatically claimed he was the Messiah? God’s Anointed King.” The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem was predicted 500 years earlier:  Rejoice, O people of Zion!  Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem!  Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey's colt.  (Zechariah 9:9)

Jesus sent two disciples to get a colt with the password:  The Lord needs them now. He chose a colt rather than a horse, because a horse was associated with military victory.  Jesus came with a message of peace. He chose a colt on which no one had ever ridden.  God had instructed that any animal used for anything Sacred, such as carrying the ark of the covenant, in which the Law was kept, would not have been used for work. (I Samuel 6:7)


Jesus demonstrated he was Lord of the Universe when he rode the unbroken colt. I learned in Colombia, South America, in the Sinu region, where my wife, Eugenia, grew up and were donkeys and burros are used for transportation, an important lesson. The colt would go nowhere without the mother.  Thus, Matthew indicates that when Jesus mounted the colt, the donkey was along side of it.  Rarely, are two animals depicted in painting of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.  

Jesus wanted to change perceptions and expectations. Garments placed on the colt rather than a saddle. Jesus did not come as a warring king on a horse, but as gentle and peaceful King on a colt.

Garments were placed on the ground by those watching the procession.  We use red carpets to honor dignitaries. They used their own cloaks and leafy branches to form a carpet. The Gospel of John says:  A large crowd of Passover visitors took palm branches and went down the road to meet him. (John 12:12-13) Jerusalem is at an elevation where palm trees don't grow.  It was the custom of pilgrims to bring or buy palm branches to be used as temporary shellers in which to live while in Jerusalem.  If that is so, they took that which was their shelter and placed it on the ground in honor of the Messiah.  

Psalm 118:25-26 , was a "Psalm of Assent," sung by pilgrims as they approached the Temple in Jerusalem.  Oh Lord, save us; grant us success. From the Temple pilgrims heard:  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  From the house of the Lord we bless you. (Psalm 118:6)

The Gospel of Luke records a poignant moment As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.  He said, "If you, even you, had known on this day what would bring peace--but now it is hidden from your eyes...because you did not recognize the time of God's Coming. (Lk. 19:41-44) 

Three things which will help us live Triumphantly in God’s Grace are:

1.      Jesus is Lord, not just over nature but every area of life.

2.      Jesus radically changed the image of the Messiah.  The Jews were expecting a military conqueror that would overthrow the Roman Power.  

3.   He was the King of peaceJesus came as Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father...(Isaiah 9:6) Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem because he knew that despite appearances, he would end the week victoriously.

Jesus showed courage extending his last appeal of love.  Hosanna!

Read Matthew 21:12-17.  This is one of the reasons, Jesus was arrested, tried and turned over to the Gentiles (Roman Government), scourged (beaten) and condemned to death on a Roman cross.  Remember, Jesus had told his disciples, three times, that these things would occur when he arrived in Jerusalem. What did they forget would happen?

This coming week I encourage you read a portion of the next chapters, in Matthew, each day.  Notice how Jesus openly taught in the Temple area. On Thursday read:  Matthew 26.  What do we do, as a result of this event? Friday read: Matthew 27. Why do you think this Day is called "Good Friday?"

I have decided to write two more blogs this week one for Good Friday entitled:  "It Is Finished" and another one for Easter entitled: "Resurrection Power."  

Remember, Jesus entered Jerusalem Triumphantly because he knew, that despite appearances, he would end the week victoriously!  

What did the disciples forget?  Why do we end this coming week in Celebration?  On Sunday read:  Matthew 28:1-15

During Lent did you follow Jesus to Jerusalem to complete the reason he came to this earth, in the form of a baby?  If so, "Who is Jesus?"  In your own words, state who Jesus is.  Is He Lord of Your Life?

I will post Good Friday's blog in the middle of the week and Easter's on Saturday.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Who Am I?


                                           WHO AM I?
                                           (Psalm 139,  I Peter 2:9)

Every child, at some time asks:  "who am I?"
Think of a specific child, maybe who asked you
that question.  Write down your answer.
Who first told you who you were?
Who first said: "you are a good for nothing."
          "you can’t do anything right," or
          "you will never amount to anything." 
Was it your parents when they scolded you for misbehaving?
Was it a teacher, frustrated with your lack of improvement?

 In preparation for College, I was in an intensive plan,
 doing nine months of classes in seven months.
 This was because, in Latin America the school year runs from
 January through October. It also meant taking extra classes
 during vacation. I made the mistake of taking a biology
 course by correspondence. This was before classes on the
 Internet were available. Trying to learn, understand and apply
 biology, on my own was difficult. I had no lab for dissecting of
 frogs etc. Being on my own was a challenge. My grades were poor.
 I didn’t appreciate using vacation time for studying.
 I was not well motivated. I decided not to finish the class.
That coming January the Vice Principal of my High School,
 called me into the office and said:
           "Glen, you are a quitter and will never graduate."

When I received my Doctorate; one summer, while visiting
my parents in Guatemala, I went back to my school and
showed the Vice Principal my College, Seminary and
Doctorate diplomas. I said: "And you told me I would never
graduate." He replied: "I was simply trying to motivate you."
At that time, his statement did not motivate me. In fact, I felt like a failure.
I guess in retrospect, it was a motivation.
I wasn’t going to be told who I was by a vice principal.

In some schools, teachers can be ridged and more harmful than
encouraging to a student who doesn’t do exactly as the teacher
wants. Individuality may be lost. In her first year of teaching,
my wife, Jeannie, had the opportunity of starting two
departments: Spanish and Art. In her art class, she was trying to
teach students to draw their own hand, free style, without
looking at their paper.  As she walked around the class she
picked an example of what was good art and showed it to the
class. The student was a big, husky athlete who’s father was a
Sheriff. He was amazed that his drawing had been chosen.
Jeannie selected his piece because it was good. The benefit
was he was so appreciative that a teacher had affirmed him,
Jeannie knew if anyone would try harming her, this big
and strong student would defend her.

Was it a boss who asked for you to do a task over again
and "do it right this time!" Was it one of your children who
judged you as parentally inadequate?

At some time all of us have been told "you’re under-achieving,
under-giving, un-loving or un-caring. You’re not quite what the
Creator had in mind when you were made in God’s Image."
            O Lord, you have searched me and known me;
       You created my inmost being, you knit me together ...
             Search me, O God, and know my heart;
              test me and know my anxious thoughts
              See if there is any offensive way in me,
        and lead me in the way everlasting.  (Psalm 139)

        All we, like sheep, have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6)

       All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23)
St. Bernard wrote: "Every corner of my heart is a cage of
unclean birds." We all have learned well the litany of self-
condemnation, taught by the a world which says:
"you don’t live up to expectations or potential."
In other words, you are no good.

The Good News. written by Peter and demonstrated in baptism
is: "You were called out of darkness into God’s
marvelous light. Once you were not a people,
now you are the people God." (I Peter 2:10) 

Who tells you who you are?

You are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling
of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s
instruments to do his work and speak for him... (I Peter 2:9)

In baptism we are marked and sealed as Children of God and
given the privilege of sharing in Christ’s offices of priest,
prophet and king. Gentiles are admitted to status of Israel,
called as God’s holy people.
Baptism is the start of a journey towards commissioning. 
As Christians we are commissioned to do God’s work
speaking of the difference God has made in our lives.
 Jesus said: You are the light of the world.  Let your light shine ...
 Peter wrote Declare the wonderful deeds of the one who called
                    you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
 "Priesthood of all believers." This is who you are!

Who told you who you were?
Your parents, your children, your nation, your job,
your friends, your school, your bank account?

If you allow others to tell you who you are,
they will be happy to do so. But that is dangerous.

Through baptism, a Christian first and finally learns who
she or he is. It is a sacrament of Identity. Baptism asserts
rather than argues, it proclaims rather than explains, and
it involves rather than describes. When in desperation you
ask:  "Who in God’s name, am I?"

Each time we witness the sacrament of baptism it reminds
us of the water running down our head and hearing:
"I baptize you in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ..."

"You are in, God’s name, royalty, God’s own, claimed and
  ordained for God’s glorious and joyful work. 
 Therefore you had better get with it.

Unfortunately, baptism has become divisive, when,
the mode and purpose of baptism is discussed. "Unless one is baptized, one will never enter into God’s presence. Some see it as parents dedicating their child to God. Others say it is just a rite that has no major significance.
If these are true, why would Jesus have commanded us to
us to do something so utterly infective as baptism?

The problem has been we misplaced the action of baptism.
God is the initiator and primary actor. We are the
responders. God says:
"you are my child, I have chosen you, you are royalty,
 you are commissioned, you are loved!"
 The key is that the commission comes after the indicative:
                                 You Are ...
 Jesus said to his disciples: You did not chose me
 but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and
 bear fruit and that your fruit should abide.  (John 15:16) 
When a parent says: "Make something of yourself."
implied is that the child is not worth much as she or he is.
Using God’s model, parents would affirm their love for
their child, believe in their child and would be with their
child as s/he makes plans for the future. The child’s
behavior, hopefully, would arise from a desire of being
who she or he is rather than more than fear of what
she or he might become.

Baptism does not say: "You can be God’s own if you do or
believe this." Baptism says: You are God’s own

When Charles III of England was crowned King, the coronation did not make him royalty, he already was. When the crown was placed on his head by the Archbishop of Canterbury, he was confirming who Charles III was, the next in line of a royal family.

 Peter, draws on two sources: Exodus 19:5-6, Isaiah 43:21
 for his text. God said to the liberated slaves, "you are no
 longer slaves. You are chosen, royalty, priests and my
 instruments." Those titles now apply to the New Israel,
 those who follow Jesus Christ. (You and Me.)

 There is a Baptismal font (See Above) in the Belmont Abbey College,
  North Carolina, made from a huge stone.  It was a stone
  many had rejected as worthless or painful as a font.
  For on that very stone, a little over a hundred years ago,
  black slaves stood to be sold to the highest bidder.
  Today, that stone has been hollowed out and serves
  Belmont Abbey as its baptismal font. An inscription on the
  font reads: "On this stone men were sold into slavery.
  From this stone men are now baptized into freedom.
This is an illustration of : The stone the builders rejected
  (Jesus of Nazareth) has become the capstone. (I Peter 2:8).

  One of my emails:  cpconthevine's meaning is:
  "Communicating the Power to Change"
   through Jesus who said: I AM the VINE ...
   The one who remains in me will bear much fruit.

   12 years ago, I had the opportunity of serving the
  American Church in Paris, as the Interim Associate Pastor.
  They had just refurbished a baptismal font and placed in the
  Narthex, entry into the sanctuary, rather than in the front,
  as a reminder of each of their own baptisms and how a
  pastor placed water on their head or dipped under the
  water saying: "I baptize you in the name of the
                          Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

  Baptism says: This person is God’s chosen, royalty
 "baptize them in affirmation of that identity."

 A ministry with youth and children called LOGOS:
 focuses on "Treating all children and youth as royalty
 for they are children of God, prince and princes".

 Not all royalty behaves appropriately. Some think that
 because they are royalty, (Prince Harry and Prince Andrew and women),
 they don’t always follow the rules, protocol or ethics.
 That doesn’t make them any less royal. So too with us,
 we don’t always live the way Jesus called us to live:
"Loving and serving one another, allowing the light of
 Christ to sine through us." That does not mean we are not
God’s Children, God’s Chosen, God’s Priests.

A child caught misbehaving when told by his father that he
would face punishment, drew himself up to his full four-
feet height and proudly said:.
            "You can’t touch me, I’m baptized"
There, was a young man who knew who he was.
He needed to learn that royalty carries responsibility.

One day at a place called Calvary, we who were nobodies,
became somebodies. Those who where no people became
God’s people. We became royalty.

Ricardo Motivan, Actor and Television personality died
eleven years ago. At the peak of his career, he suffered a
severe fall from a horse. The result was excruciating pain:
"felt like broken class," pain was so unbearable that it
halted his career. He asked:
             "Who in God’s name Am I?"
After much struggle and reflection he concluded:
                  "I was conceived in love
             "knit together in my mother’s womb."

Jesus said: ( Matthew 10:30)
             Even the hairs on your head are numbered
So don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters & Papers From Prison:*
                              Who Am I?
"Who am I? They often tell me when I would step from my cell’s
confinement calmly, cheerfully, firmly,
like a squire from his country-house.
Who am I? They often tell me, those who talk to my warders
freely and friendly and clearly, as though it were mine to
command. Who am I? They also tell me.
I would bear the days of misfortune
equally, smilingly, proudly, like one accustomed to win.
Am I then really all that which other men tell of?
Or am I only what I know of myself,
restless and longing and sick, like a bird in a cage,
struggling for breath, as though hands were compressing
my throat, yearning for colours, for flowers, for the voices
of the birds, thirsting for words of
kindness,  neighbourliness, trembling with anger at
despotisms and petty humiliation, tossing in expectation of
great events, powerlessly trembling for friends at an
infinite distance, weary and empty at praying, at thinking,
at making faint, and ready to say farewell to it all?
                    Who am I? This or the other?         
Am I one person today, and tomorrow another?
Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others,
and before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling.
Or is something within me still like a beaten army,
fleeing in disorder from victory already achieved?
Who am I? They mock me, those lonely questions
of mine. Whoever I am, thou knowest, O God, I am thine.

Look at what you wrote to that child who asked:
Who Am I? Compare and contrast it to what you have, to
reading this.  How are they similar and different?
How can we treat the children in our homes and churches
more as Children of God? How can we more effectively
affirm them for who they are? 
How can we live with confidence in who we are?
Whenever I went on a date with a girl, in High School,
my mother would say, as I left the house,
"Remember Who You Are?" The last thing my mother
said when I left home for college was:
"Remember Who You Are?" She wasn’t saying
"remember you are Glen Thorp, don’t do anything to
embarrass our family or you could undermine all we have
tried doing for God in Guatemala, with one inappropriate
act." She was simply reminding me that I was a Child of
God and to act accordingly.
Let your light shine so that others may see your good deeds
                 and glorify your Father in heaven.

In some Christians traditions it is the custom, when leaving a Sancturary to dip one's hands in the
baptism font and touch one's head with their wet fingers,
reminding themselves who they were and saying:
                      I am a Child of God ...

*Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison
  Macmillian, New York: 1967, p. 347-348