Jesus Christ From: Kingdom Analysis HR. Subject: Twelve Management Trainee
you for placing your confidence in Kingdom Analysis HR and submitting the
resumes of the 12 men you have picked for management trainee positions in your
new organization. Your keen insights have been helpful in our evaluation, but we
have gone a few steps further. All 12 have taken our scientifically developed
aptitude tests and met one on one with our psychologist and other consultants.
Although you have complete confidence in the 12 it is the Kingdom Analysis HR
staff opinion that most of your management trainee nominees lack the proper
background, education and aptitude for what you are doing. Fundamentally they
have no team experience or overall concept what a team does.
More specifically: Simon Peter has fits of anger and could be said to be emotionally unstable. Andrew has failed to exhibit any documented qualities of leadership. Sons of Thunder - James and John only show a drive for personal gain --- company loyalty is not in their vocabulary. Thomas questions everything and it has been determined that this attitude would eventually undermine team morale and cause division. Matthew did not qualify to interact with the Scribes and Pharisees in Jerusalem. James, the son of Alphaeus and Simon-the Zealot definitely could be described as clinically depressed, and indications are they stirrup everyone they meet. We highly and collectively recommend you continue searching for management trainees.
suggestion is to look for people with experience, managerial ability and proven
leadership. There is a however a slight ray of hope - one of the candidates
shows marked potential. He tested
well in creative ability. Our staff has concluded he meets people well and
exhibits a keen business mind. He is either a nifty name dropper or sincerely
has contacts in high places. He ranked highest in motivation, ambition and
innovation. Our staff overwhelming
agrees to recommend Judas Iscariot for the position of Chief Operating
Officer and potential Chief Executive Officer of the future. The remaining
profiles were all clearly suspect as to ability, loyalty or adaptability so
we need not pursue their qualifications. We believe this will save you a great
deal of money by not continuing our evaluations of this group.
wish you every success in your new venture.
Kingdom Analysis HR *
God's Empowering Spirit demonstrates that
God does not call the Equipped ...
God Equips those God Calls ...
That is what happened 50 Days after Jesus’ Apostles abandoned him, and Peter denied knowing Jesus. Peter had been an unstable leader during Jesus’s early ministry. Bravado was his downfall.
we learned a past blog: "Called Twice,"), Jesus forgave and restored the humbled Peter. Now he is boldly speaking to thousands from
all over the Mediterranean area. (Read Acts 2:1-21)
How did that happen? According to Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came upon these fishermen, tax collector and zealots they were empowered.
God’s empowering Spirit not only enabled and equipped the Disciples to witness of Jesus, God’s empowering Spirit enables and equips us to do the same. We are not expected to do God’s work in our own strength or resources.
Three Soul-Shaking Aspects which are also with us.
Experiencing God’s Divine Presence.
Acts 2:2-4)
This is what Jesus said to
Nicodemus (John 3:8)
Holy Spirit is like the wind...
Fire: In the Old Testament = God’s Presence.
John the Baptist: After me will come one who will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. (Matthew 3:11)
Symbol: Flames/
God’s presence was known in a
spectacular way:
The Holy Spirt came as violent wind and tongues of fire.
Jesus: Where two or three
are gathered in my name, their I AM.
When we gather in Jesus’ name, we are promised of His presence.
We accept God’s Divine Presence
by Faith.
There are times when God’s presence seems more real than others: Retreats, intense prayer or gathering of large numbers of Christians in conferences or crusades.
Often, we “try recapturing that “presence.” It rarely works.
God’s Presence was revealed
in different ways:
After the Prophet Elijah defeated the Prophets of
Baal, on Mount Carmel, (I Kg18:18-39) he was threatened by Queen Jezebel. Elijah ran for his life to the desert. Often after a great spiritual experience, we have a letdown or feel attacked. That was the case with Elijah. After a period or sleep and nourishment, "The Word of the Lord" came to Elijah asking" "What are you doing here?" (Read I Kings 19:9-13) (Notice God was Not in the earthquake, wind or fire, but
in still small voice...gentle whisper.
Pentecost reminds us that the way we Experience God’s Divine Presence is through the Holy Spirit. Like wind, we cannot grab a hold of it. We will experience God’s Empowering Spirit just as did those early disciples.
The second Soul-Shaking experience was:
Experiencing God’s Divine Power
As soon as God’s Spirit came upon the disciples, they immediately began speaking of what following Jesus meant in their lives. They began speaking in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them.
These disciples, who 50 days earlier, were hiding behind locked doors, were impelled onto the streets and likely into the Temple, loudly speaking about Jesus.
What a ruckus. Each disciple speaking in a different language all at the same time. They drew a crowd of curious pilgrims who had come to Jerusalem for Pentecost. (Acts 2:8,11-13).
Are not all these men... speaking, Galileans? How is that we hear them speaking our language? Amazed and perplexed, they asked what does this mean? Some of these men are drunk.
When the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples, barriers of language and culture were demolished through God’s unifying Spirit.
What seemed like chaos was
God’s restoring order and communication lost at the Tower of Babel, built to
reach God on their own terms. (Genesis
Result: God confused their languages ... spread to different parts of the world. Pentecost began reversing that process. God made it possible for people to hear in their own language what Jesus had done for them. The Miracle was not so much that the disciples spoke in other languages but that the Holy Spirit opened their ears ... to hear the good news.
Throughout Acts the Holy Spirit lead Jewish Christians through cultural barriers. Samaritans (8:14-17), Gentiles (10:44-48) -Transforming Saul into Paul. (Ac 19:1-19)
Since the disciples were all speaking at one time, Peter stood and began clarifying what was happening. (Reread Ac. 2:14-18)
uneducated fisherman gave an eloquent explanation: What is occurring is a
fulfillment of the Prophet Joel. Peter
elaborated on how Jesus of Nazareth, whom the authorities had crucified, 50 days
ago, God had raised from the dead. Peter
eloquently showed how Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of the promised
the rather short message 3,000 people made the decision to accept what Peter said was truth and place their lives under the guidance of Jesus Christ.
your life. Turn to God and be
baptized, each one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are
forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)
When God’s Divine Power (1:8) gripped the disciples, they couldn't help but proclaim what they had learned from Jesus and were empowered to tell others.
We too, gripped by the Holy Spirit, become God’s messengers of the Good News. When we allow God’s Spirit to use us, we discover God’s Divine Power replacing fear with courage and free flowing words empowering us to speak of what Jesus means in our lives, restoring order, communication and hope.
Experiencing God’s Divine Guidance.
Jesus had told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until God’s Power came upon them. Then they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and the uttermost parts of the earth. That is what began occurring on Pentecost. Clearly, they were witnesses in Jerusalem.
Jesus had said: When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. (John 16:13)
As those early Christians, who gathered to commemorate Jesus’ last meal with his disciples and witnesses, recalled
His teachings, and in prayer sought his guidance, we too read the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life and teaching as we celebrate the Lord's Supper. It is also a time for us for telling our stories of God's presence and power in our lives.
was the Spirit of Truth guiding the Christians in caring for one
another. Their love for each other
demonstrated God’s love to others. Acts
records how the God’s Spirit led the disciples, individually and corporately in fulfilling what Jesus had told them to do. There are 40 references to the Holy Spirit in first
13 chapters of Acts.
Acts and the Epistles, record how the disciples did not make any decisions or move
before (1:24) consulting God in prayer.
Deacon Philip was walking on a road, when the Holy Spirit guided him to an Ethiopian on
his way home from Jerusalem. The Ethiopian was
reading a Torah (Jewish Scriptures) which he apparently had purchased hoping to learn about
God. Philip asked: Do you understand what you are
reading? How can I, unless someone
explains it? responded the Ethiopian. (Acts 8:31)
Guided by the Holy Spirit, Philip
explained the Scripture. The result was the
Ethiopian invited Jesus into his life and was baptized. The disciples, guided by the Holy Spirit gave
guidance in the qualifications of the office of Service/Deacons. (Acts 6:1-7)
The Apostle Paul "was eager to get to Jerusalem for Pentecost, if possible" (Acts 20:18). Paul sent for the elders in Ephesus to meet him at the ship port (Acts 20:17). speaking to them/"Shepherds" Paul reminded them that The Holy Spirit made them overseers of the church. (Acts 20:28)
That same Spirit guided Peter and John, giving them courage and what to say when brought before the
Sanhedrin (Jewish Governing Body) for speaking about Jesus. (This was after they had healed a crippled beggar, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. (Acts 3:6) "Filled with the Holy Spirit, "their response was eloquent." How
did these uneducated Galileans speak so boldly? The Leaders realized, these two had been with Jesus, for they had done what
Jesus did and spoke as he did. (Acts 4:8, 13)
in the 21st century, we have the same promise of God’s divine
guidance. When we seek God’s wisdom,
we will receive it. It may come through
corporate decisions. We pray, seeking
God’s guidance, following God’s guidelines recorded in Scripture when electing
Church leaders and choosing which way to go in ministry.
That same Spirit enables us to act with boldness. That same Spirit will guide us into the future. The same Spirit leads us to those ready to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Pentecost marks the commencement of the ekklesia (Greek word for Church) made up of individuals of various nationalities. Their belief in God and God’s presence through the Holy Spirit led to a unity of communication. Today the Church is comprised of people from all parts of the earth. Something special occurs when Christians gather around the Lord’s Table. We are all partaking in a sacrament commemorating an act of love and celebrating the presence of God’s Spirit in a manner common to all. We may not understand the language but fully comprehend what we are doing. This is evidence of God’s Spirit in our lives.
dramatically reminds us that God does not act haphazardly. God chose Pentecost as the day for the Holy
Spirit to come upon God’s people for it was the day God gave the Law to Moses on
Mt. Sinai. The Prophet Jeremiah
In Pentecost God fulfilled God’s Promise of engraving God’s law upon people’s hearts, rather than just upon stones.
Pentecost was when people from all parts of the world were in Jerusalem and witnessed the events that occurred that day. Whether or not they believed what they had heard and seen, I am sure the pilgrims returned to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Libya, Cyrene and Rome telling of that amazing day. They had heard a message in their own language by people that normally don't speak their language. God demonstrated in a bold and dramatic way that the curse, which began at the tower of Babel, had been removed. God was no longer going to confuse the language of people, rather offer a way for them to understand one another and respond to God’s love.
Pentecost is the fulfillment of the prophet Joel. Up to this point God’s Spirit had come upon National Leaders: Kings, Priests and Prophets. God spoke to the people through a handful of individuals.
God taught through trained, and Spirit filled leaders. Joel said the day was coming when the Spirit of God would come upon all people responding to God, whether male, female or slaves, God would come upon ordinary individuals. That prophecy was fulfilled on Pentecost in 33 A.D.
The Promise of that Prophecy is real for us. We believe that God’s Spirit is given to each person, who by faith, accepts Jesus. We believe that each one of us has the potential of tapping into that very Source of God. Each of us has been given a gift of God’s Spirit motivating us to service. When we reach out in God’s love to other people, using that Spiritual Gift, God’s Power is manifested to all.
Nothing will stop God’s plan from being fulfilled. May this Pentecost revitalize your own faith and corporate life. As you experience God’s presence today, may you allow God’s spirit to grip and use you in proclaiming God’s message in your community, with your family and friends. holding on to the assurance of God’s divine presence and guidance in your individual lives.
(RED is the color of Pentecost. Why not wear Red. If asked why you are wearing Red, you can tell them about Pentecost.)
*HR is a fictitious document to set the tone for this blog and illustrate how God acts differently than corporate America.
This will be my last Blog on Post Jesus' Resurrection events. I may blog later on other topics.
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