Dr. Glen A. Thorp October 16, 2011
I Timothy 6:3-21, Luke 16:19-31 (All Rights Reserved)
INTRODUCTION: Some of the richest people I know are poor
Some of poorest people I know are rich.
It is not what we own that is important.
It is what we do with what we have &
whether we are content with what we have.
There is a universal condition which all people have in common, whether living in the United States, Korea, Angola, the Congo, Colombia, Israel, Egypt, Spain, France or Syria which may lead to personal or national conflict.
That universal condition is Discontentment.
Proverbs.30:7-9 says:
7 “Two things I ask of you, LORD;
do not refuse me before I die:
8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
9 Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’
Or I may become poor and steal,
and so dishonor the name of my God.
Rich caught in endless cycle. “The one who dies with most toys, wins.” Solutions: Wealth, Fame, Filling Time or Withdrawing.
Greek Philosophers defined contentment as
autarkeia - self-sufficiency, autonomy & autocratic.
Frame of Mind completely independent of all outward or external things.
Contentment comes from an inner attitude towards life
Those having wealth & power don’t have to flaunt it.
Henry VI, Shakespeare, Third Act draws a picture of the king wandering through the country un-recognized. Meeting two gamekeepers he tells them he is the king. One of them asks:
“If thou be king, where is thy crown?”
The king gives this great answer:
“My crown is in my heart, not on my head,
not decked with diamonds & Indian stones,
nor to be seen: My crown is call’d contentment
a crown it is that seldom kings enjoy.
Epicurious wrote: “The secret to Contentment:
Add not to a man’s possessions,
But take away his desires.”
Christianity does not promote poverty.
There is no virtue in being poor. (Blessed are the poor ...)
It acknowledges what I Timothy 6:7 says:
We brought nothing into the world & it is clear
that we can take nothing with us when we die.
Beatles’ Songs: Which best expresses your attitude towards money:
Money (That’s what I want) or
Money Can’t Buy Me Love?
ILLUSTRATION: A close friend worked hard & long hours
became a millionaire. That was not his goal. It was the result of his labor & investments. He was proud of doing it on his own. Not quite:
• long hours meant his family was neglected.
• drain on his energy & health.
• a major law suite took away years of life & finances.
• result he was divorced from his wife.
“I would give anything, money, if I could have my wife back”
Jesus said: What good is it for a person to gain
the whole world but loose her/his soul?
Read Luke 16:19-31. It is a parable ( a story with a point) taught by Jesus about a Rich man & a poor man named Lazarus ... Notice what the rich man asks in vs. 27, 28 & Abraham’s responses.
Jesus also said: Seek first the kingdom of God and these thinngs will be given to as well. (Matthew 6:33)
We acknowledge that all we have comes from God.
We are not autonomous: Don’t need anything or anyone.
There is no such thing as a self-made person.
Wealthy Barron - discovered minerals:
gold, silver, diamonds, oil etc.
Used cheap labor ...
Business person - Markets products or services
Needs customers...
Athlete or Actor - Someone: discovered him/her, developed his/her talent.
payed to see him/her play or act.
Autonomy often leads to loneliness.
That is not what the Greek Philosophers & definitely, not Paul, meant by “contentment.”
“Happiness/Contentment comes from relationships.
Paul, nearing the end of his life, writes to Timothy: (6:6)
Do you want to be rich?
You are when you are content.
On another occasion Paul wrote: (Philippines 4:11-12)
I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need.
I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any & every
situation, whether fed or hungry, in plenty or in want.
Contentment comes when we escape the servitude to things & find our wealth in the love, friendships & especially our friendship with God made possible through Jesus Christ.
TRANSITION: It is that love & friendship we celebrate each Sunday.
1. God loved us so much that he came in human form.
Jesus took our place of condemnation,
dying that we might live.
We read a story or see a movie where some saves another’s life.
What is the response? “Because you saved my life,
I owe you.”
Jesus saved out lives, yet ...
we owe nothing except gratitude.
2. We are God’s children, so are those born in bamboo huts.
We each came into the world the same.
We each will leave this world the same.
What is the difference?
We have been given opportunity, good diet,
medical care, education & an atmosphere of support.
Acknowledge it all as God’s provision.
Use it wisely
Share what we have learned & earned with others.
We enjoy:
The Good News given to us.
The beautiful churches which have been entrusted to us
What will we do with what we have received?
Paul writes:
You are people of God:
Walk with shoulders straight,
head high.
Given commission from God.
I Timothy 6:11-16 Pursue: (Greek Words - Translated)
dikaiosune: Right Relationships - God, others, self.
eusebeia: Godliness - Aware of God’s presence.
pistis: Faith - Fidelity to God.
agape: Love - Love of God for us.
hupomone: Patience - Victorious endurance.
paupatheia: Gentleness - Doesn’t blaze into anger for
for its own wrongs, but
for wrongs against others.
- Humility that all one has comes from God &
- Pride of calling from God.
Remembering our Baptism:
Our Helplessness
Public Confession of Faith
All we have comes from God.
Joel 2:23, 26 Affirms how we respond to God for all that God
provides for us:
Be glad, oh people of (insert you city),
rejoice in the Lord your God,
for he has given you the autumn rains in righteousness.
He sends you abundant showers, but autumn & spring rains..
You will have plenty to eat, you are full &
you will praise the name of the Lord.
Stuart Hamblem “had a series of highly popular radio programs on the West Coast or the United States (1931-1952.)
He composed music & acted with others stars as Gene Autry, Roy Rogers & John Wayne ...Hamblem didn’t cope well with the pressure ... sought relief in alcohol ... which often landed him in jail for public brawling & other destructive behavior...
In 1949 he attended a Billy Graham crusade in Los Angeles.
His life was dramatically changed when he turned his life over to Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior. He described this as “the turning point” of my life. He was fired from his radio career when he declined to continue with his radio station’s sponsor’s beer commercials. Hard times were upon him. During this struggle, John Wayne took him aside & told him “your troubles started when you ‘got religion’ & asked if it was worth it all. Hamblen answered simply, “Yes.”
Then John said, “You liked booze so much. Don’t you ever miss it?”
The answer was “no.” John continued:
“I don’t understand how you could give it up so easily.”
Hamblen’s response was “It’s no big secret. All things are possible with God.” To this John said,
“That’s a catch phrase. You should write a song about it.”
He did and it is called: It Is No Secret . The first verse is:
“The chimes of time ring out the news Another day is through
Someone slipped and fell Was that someone you?
You may have longed for added strenght Your courage to renew
Do not be disheartened For I bring hope to you.
It is no secret, what God can do What he's done for others, he'll do for you With arms wide open, he'll pardon you It is no secret what God can do. With arms wide open, he'll pardon you It is no secret what God can do.”
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