Friday, September 29, 2023

AMOS: Prophet of Justice and Righteousness -- Chapter 4


                                                            AMOS 4
                        AMOS:  PROPHET OF JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS         

What gets you angry?  Have you ever called a person by an animal name?  Read Amos 4, (If you haven't read the previous chapters, do so now.) Who is angry? Bashan was known for raising “fatted” cattle.  Bethel is where Jacob had his dream of a ladder to heaven (Genesis 28:10-22, 35:1).  Gilgal was where the Israelite’s camped after crossing the Jordan River into the “Promised Land.” (Joshua 4:19-24). Amos gives a picturesque reason for God’s anger.  What was the cause of the warnings and plagues (Amos 4:6-11)?   
God through a variety of ways and repeated warnings; of famine, blight, locusts and war, tried getting God’s people’s attention, but they fell on deaf ears.  Therefore, God would bring judgment on His beloved people.  Because they ignored God, they would have to face God’s judgment (v. 12). No longer could they ignore God.  They would face the One whom they rejected and refused to obey. 

What accusations were brought against Israel?  List them.  Do any of those charges apply to us or our nation?  What was the main accusation?  How have we as a nation ignored our history, its foundation and our faith?
The point God, through Amos, was making was:  "Though the wealthy lived in prosperity, sleeping in ivory beds, having both summer and winter homes, and eating feasts; they did not care for the poor nor were people treated fairly and justly.  Though people went through the charade of worship, making melody on their instruments, God would not hear them.  Their worship made God nauseated."                                                          

The essence of Amos’ message was: “Because you have failed to follow God’s plumb line in constructing your society, it will crash.”  History illustrates that when the wealthy exploit and do not care for the poor, the poor become disenchanted, and with nowhere to turn, except God, violence occurs, and societies fall.  This was true from the Mayas, Romans to the French Revolution.    
The slaves God brought from Egyptian slavery to a “Promised Land” now were wealthy but had forgotten or ignored their history, the foundation of their society, and faith.   The result would be they would lose everything and become slaves of foreign leaders.


Write down everything for which you are grateful.  Thank God for each of those persons, items or opportunities.  Too often we take for granted all that God has given to us.  Keep that list and read it on regular basis, especially when you believe God is not responding to your prayers.                                                                                                                                    

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