FULFILLMENT: “The Time Came” (Last in an Advent series entitled: “Prepare the Way”) (Read Luke 2:1-20)
Everything has been leading up to this time: The Angel visitations, Making/Rounds. Zachariah, Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph, the songs of praise, the precious time Mary had with Elizabeth and the return trip to Nazareth. (Luke 1:39-56) The required return to Bethlehem – the city of David – for a census while Mary was in the ninth month of her pregnancy. Finally, The Time Came: the child is born!
History was Made. Fulfillment of all the prophesies, promises and expectations. Paul in Romans 5:6 writes: "At just the right time ...Right Time?" "God you must be kidding!"
Herod was the puppet king of the Empire of Rome. Caesar Augustus was the first Emperor of Rome ...Considered as a god. Taxes were cruel, opposition was stamped out by the boot of Rome. Roads were built, and communication enabled.
Bethlehem God, through the Prophet (Micah 5:2), had said is from where the Messiah would come. Problem: Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth in Northern Israel. Bethlehem was in Southern Judah.
Caesar’s edict: ((Luke 2:1-4) What? This was terrible timing. Mary was about to give birth. Travel took several days. There was sufficient cause for Joseph to go to Bethlehem, but to bring a woman in her 9th month of pregnancy...?
When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, they found all the homes and Inn were full, "God now what?"
The stage was set. God’s Perfect Timing in bring his Son into the world. We see how God used “strange means” in accomplishing His will. Little did the Emperor or King know that God used their tyrannical subjection and edict, which was a way of tagging, checking on each person and taking away their freedoms, was fulfilling God’s plan for humanity. God guided the whole thing.
Pastor and Theologian John Calvin writes: “Men, then, must be blind when they are not willing to recognize, hear the Word of God, who marked His only Son, so He could be received without doubt as Him who was promised.”
Each year we revisit this moment in history reflecting on the mystery of the incarnation: “entering into or becoming flesh.” “Incarnation is not just a beautiful idea or abstract theological truth. It Happened!” * It Happened then and it happens today as we live in relationship with Christ. Jesus Christ promised deliverance, not from Rome or any Government edicts but from Satan and sin.
When Joseph and Mary came as poor subjects to a pagan tyrant, Jesus born in Bethlehem, showed the Fulfillment of God’s Promises. God gave full certainty to His own people so that we would not doubt the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the history which Luke recites, we learn how the Son of God emptied Himself of everything for our salvation clothing Himself in human flesh. Though Jesus was born in an obscure village in extreme poverty and without honor, He was magnified by Angeles from Paradise, honoring him and bearing the message of Christ’s birth to shepherds and through the heavens to Magi.
Everyone’s response to the Good News is different. The shepherds couldn’t contain themselves, rushing to see what the angels had told them, unable to contain themselves, telling everyone of what they had seen and heard. Magi traveled for months to visit a newly born king. They brought gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Mt. 2:1-12 Mary treasured and pondered in her heart. (Lk. 2:19) Herod in jealousy and rage tried killing the "newborn king". (Mt. 2:16-18)
Angeles: "Fear Not! News of Great Joy!. Peace on earth to those on whom God’s favor rests." (Lk. 2:13-14) Peace and Joy are inseparable. Peace with God comes through His Son who removed our sins by unmerited love. Good News, salvation comes through Jesus Christ.
Sometimes we may think: “If I am living as God has asked of me, why aren’t things going better?" When facing discomfort or inconvenience and thinking we have misread God’s will.
“The Timing is Not Right, Why Now?” Remember this couple headed to Bethlehem. God didn’t soften the bumpy road. God strengthened Joseph and Mary. God didn’t provide a luxurious inn for Mary and Joseph. God brought His Son into the world in humble surroundings.
When we follow God, we are not guaranteed comfort and convenience. God does promises, not leave or forsake us and that everything has meaning in God’s plan. God will guide and provide for us as He did for Mary and Joseph. God is in charge. “At Just the Right Time...”
How has God become flesh in you? How do you respond to the Good News? As Mary, the Shepherds, the Magi or as Herod?
*(Shirley Gutherie)
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