Saturday, June 25, 2011


Dr. Glen A. Thorp June 26,2011
I Peter 3:13-17, Act. 2:42-47 (All Rights Reserved)

INTRODUCTION: What is the earliest Graduation you remember?
Mine was 8th Grade. I loved graduation of my pervious Church’s Day Care. Children, some who had been with us since their infancy, graduated from Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten in the public schools. They wore robes, mortar boards with tassels and received diplomas that was almost as large as they were, definitely larger than anyone I received. Diplomas seem to get smaller at each level of education. My graduation, from 8th grade was low key. There were no robes or diplomas. It was a boarding school, in Guatemala, C.A., with 8grades and only 3 students in my class. My Dad said: “This is more than graduation, it is a commencement a beginning.” For me it truly was. The week after my graduation my parents put me on plane to Houston, Texas were I was met by a host family, I had never met. The next 24hrs were a real cultural shock for me. Leaving everything I knew and adjusting to the new culture was truly a commencement

In California, this is time for completing education and commencing another. Even those who have completed their formal education are commencing into the work force, if they are lucky to find a job. Many of us are beyond the years of “formal education.” Yet the lessons of commencement still apply to us.

In addition to my academic studies, I learned about the Bible, had music lessons and was a Boy Scout leader. Each was invaluable in my 8th grade commencement and 9th grade in Minneapolis.

The Apostle Peter wrote:
Be ready at anytime to give a quiet and reverent answer to anyone who wants to know a reason for the hope that you have within you. (I Peter 3:15)

In Peter’s day, Christians suffered persecution because of their decision to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Some were “banned from their families,” others were whipped, thrown into prison or placed in arenas with tigers and lions. Today Christians, every day in some part of the world, experience similar treatment for making the decision to follow Jesus, making him Lord of their lives.

Christians suffered not because they placed their trust in Jesus, but because their faith permeated every area of their lives and Christ was in control. Roman Emperors were threatened because a Christian’s first allegiance was to God/Jesus Christ and then Caesar who saw himself as “ultimate” and accountable to noone, let alone a god.

“If you as Christians suffer,” Peter writes, “you should know why you chose to follow Jesus. You ought to take every opportunity of explaining why you are not afraid of human power or death and the hope within you.”

The Apostle Paul used every occasion to tell his story. Christians knew there was nothing too loose. The worse was death and that meant joining their Lord in Heaven.

Few us suffer because of our faith. Some of our friends and colleagues may not know we are Christians. Some, who know we attend church, may tease or harass us. At some point they will ask “why are you different?”
Will we be ready to answer? If we apply what the early followers of Jesus did in Acts 2:42-47, we will be ready. They “Learned, Fellowshiped and Prayed.”

Peter gives Two Characteristics of good and effective responses to the hope within us.

The First Characteristic is Reasonableness. “Reverence.”
Use language and illustrations understood by the person asking us. Theological and Philosophical terminology may impress but not clarify. Unless you know the names of the different knots, used by scouts; a bowline, half-hitch or square knot, mean nothing to you. Most know what a square knot is even if they do not know how to tie one. If you can name the knots and tie them, but never use them for their determined purpose, of what use it. Scouts learn to tie the knots while camping in the wilderness. More importantly they learn to follow instructions, set goals, work in teams, lead as well as many other interpersonal skills to assist them in being ready/prepared for various situations. It sure helped me.

Using words like “Born Again.” “Saved,” “Grace”
even “Sin” in today’s world, have very little meaning.
If you have experienced the meaning of those words, you can Reasonably, Intelligently and Temperately tell your story and give explanation of the hope in which you live.

You can only do that if you know and live what you believe. That comes from Learning - what Jesus taught. It is one thing knowing Bible stories, reciting creeds and even answering the questions of Shorter Catechism, which at one time was required for church membership. It is another, understanding what you are saying and have reflected on its implications. You say “Jesus is Lord.” Is Jesus truly Lord of your daily life?
Are you following implementing his teachings?

Unfortunately, some are not ready when challenged in College or at Work. They find themselves tongue-tied or exasperated. In Scouting, one learns not only what to do but why. So too with our Christian faith, if one never wrestles with the why, one will not comprehend the what.

Experience is the best teacher. Scouts learn about camping from a handbook and set up tents in a church. But if the scout never goes camping, all the knowledge will be of little use. Scouts need the experience of setting up camp in the dark, rain and wind to truly appreciate and put to test the skills they have learned.

So too with our Christian Faith. “We need a first hand discovery not a second hand story.” (William Barclay) The tragedy is that many of us don’t know what we believe let alone why we believe it so that we may ...
Can others see our hope in Christ? Are we prepared to tell others what Christ has done in our lives?

Give a reasonable/logical explanation of the hope in us.

The Second Characteristic is Gentleness.
Teachers instruct in a clear and sensitive manner.
Arrogance, belligerence or trying to cram something down their student’s throat will back fire.

Amazingly, some Christians try “sharing their faith” in an obnoxious manner. They think, “anyone not believing as I do is a fool or knave.” Throughout history people have been forced to accept their conqueror’s beliefs.

Jesus taught: “You are light and salt.” Light brings clarity to what is hidden in darkness. Salt heals, purifies, enhances, preserves and causes thirst. A friend of ours who had a battery of tests, including colonoscopy and endoscopy for cause of nausea, dizziness, dehydration learned that her sodium was low. I wonder if part of the what is affecting our nation is a lack of “Salt”.

Treating those with whom we are sharing our faith with love, gentleness, and in appropriate manner, may open opportunities of giving account of our hope. Bludgeoning closes opportunities of explaining our faith.

A Christian Barber, convinced he needed to share his faith in Christ with others, decided that next Saturday he would tell one of his clients about his faith in Christ. Throughout the day opportunities arose but he froze and was unable to say anything. As the day drew to a close the tension was building. He said: “hook or by crook I am going share my faith with the next person who comes in.” In walked a man asking for shave. The barber thought: “this is the one!” Preparing himself mentally and winding up the courage, he lathered up the man’s face, picked up the razor and sharpened it on a leather strap. Walking to the front of the chair, his voice quivering and his hand shaking he blurted out:
“Brother are you prepared to die?” The man jumped up and ran right through the plate glass window, tearing down the street screaming.” (D. Roper)

Fortunately, that is not the way of sharing our faith. Sometimes we may come across too forcefully or argumentatively and scare people away.

We may not be able to keep people from slandering us for sharing our faith. We can stop supplying them with ammunition. As long as we are
“light” and “salt” living as Jesus taught their accusations will be empty and embarrass them. Let us keep our conduct above criticism remembering:

Gentleness opens doors for us to give a logical reason for the hope within us that enables us to live without fear.

CONCLUSION: Even as scouts learn, practice and experience first hand what being ready means, applying it when necessary, so we as Christians can do the same so we are ready when called upon to explain our faith.

When you are confident of what and why you believe you may be an instrument of God’s love. The Holy Spirit will enable you to respond in a reasonable and gentle manner. If you are not ready you will likely stutter and become argumentative.

"A Godly conduct will silence slander disarming criticism."
The only un-answerable argument for a Christian is a life that is light and salt consistent with Jesus’ teachings, causing an eagerness to believe in God.

That life is one securely anchored on knowledge and experience of the saving activity of Jesus Christ.
How we live, How we handle difficulty and
How we treat others will say more than all our words.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law...Since we live by the Spirit,
let us keep in step with the Spirit
(Galatians 5:22,23,25)

Two Illustrations:

To a Weaver who did more talking than work:
“He needs to let his Christianity come out
through his fingers rather than his mouth.”

A Woman got into a shouting match with her husband. Enraged, stormed through the kitchen swearing under her breath – opening all the cupboard doors then slamming them shut. Walking by an open kitchen door – she was startled to see a neighbor on the other side of the screen door. Terror raced through the woman when she recognized the neighbor as one for whom, for two years, she had been praying and was seeking a way of telling her of her faith in Christ. She thought: “I have really blown it this time.” She invited the neighbor to come in, apologized for her behavior, admitted her own weakness and of the Lord who forgives and gives fresh starts.

Her neighbor was so impressed with the woman’s honesty. courage and certainty of God’s forgiveness that she invited Christ into her life that day. It was a commencement, start of a new life and new chapter.

Learning, Fellowship and Praying.

It is not failure that discourages us – it is not being ready to give a reason for the hope within us. May that be so!

May our commencement be one where we:

Continue Learning, Worshiping faithfully, Praying and keeping in step with the Spirit who reminds us of all we have learned about Jesus and assist us in telling others of the hope within us, that enables us to live with joy and without fear in a time when it is risky talking about our faith in Jesus Christ who is the Lord of our lives.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Dr. Glen A. Thorp June 19, 2011
Romans 8:15-17, Isaiah 6:1-8 (Trinity Sunday)
(All Rights Reserved)

(“Worshiping One God, not Three”)

INTRODUCTION: Christians are often accused of being tri-theists
by Muslims and Jews. We are not. We are Trinitarians.
Today, Trinity Sunday in the Christian calendar, I am going to try explaining the concept and implications of believing in a Triune God.

“The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the deepest and most sacred in the Christian system.”* Yet it is one of the most confusing of Christian doctrines.

The term “Trinity” came from man (Tertullian, 220 AD) and
not expressed in a creed until the Council of Nicea (325 AD)
from which came the first Christian Creed: “Nicean Creed.”

The Triune Nature of God is NOT a human invention.
Nor is the term “Trinity” simply a metaphysical attempt of describing God.

Both the unity and tri-unity of God are revealed in Scripture.
“Reason shows unity of God; only Revelation shows Trinity of God.”+
Although the term “Trinity” is not found in Scripture,
the concept definitely is Biblical.

The term “trinity” designates Facts that help us better understand the Implications of what God has revealed about God’s self to us.

The First Fact is: There is but One God.

We do not believe in three Gods. Along with Muslims and Jews we affirm the powerful phrase in Deuteronomy 6:4
"The Lord our God is One Lord."
“In the midst of the most seductive forms of polytheism, it was necessary that the Israelites be thoroughly instructed in divine unity.”*
St. Patrick of Ireland used a Shamrock, 3 leaf clover in explaining the Trinity. Three leaves yet one clover. By the way that is why all those celebrating St. Patrick’s Day wearing green and Shamrocks.
I wonder how many realize they are affirming their belief in the Trinity.

The first and foundational on the Ten Commandments was
You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)
I could list many other Scripture stating there is but One God.

The Second Fact is: God is Revealed in Three Ways.

From the first verse of the Bible:
"In the beginning God ... Elohim-the Hebrew word for God is plural
created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:26 states:
"God ... Elohim, said:
'Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness." In Genesis 3:22:
The Lord said, this man has become like one of us. Isaiah 6:8:
"The Lord said: Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?"

Even the sacred phrase for Jews, Muslims and Christians:
"The Lord, Elohim (Our Gods) is One Lord."

When Jews and Muslims are asked to explain these verses, their response is: “this is a council in Heaven of which God is the Moderator.”
Jews acknowledge God’s Spirit came upon prophets and priests, but will not say the Spirit is God. Numbers 11:24-24 tells of God’s Spirit being given to seventy elders who had be chosen to assist Moses.
"The Lord took of the Spirit that was on him (Moses)
and put the Spirit on the seventy elders." (11:25)

Though there is but One God, God is revealed in the Three Ways.
The Greek word hypostasis means “substance” and became the technical term explaining that God is One revealed in Three Ways.

A. The Father is recognized as God.

For the Jews and Muslims this is no problem.
Many Scriptures affirm the Father as God. Two:
John 6:27 "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.
On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval."

I Peter 1:2 "Peter as apostle of Jesus Christ ... chosen and destined by God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit for the obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood."

The Lord’s Prayer begins: "Our Father in Heaven ..."

For us to address God as Father is a privilege given by Jesus.

B. The Son, Jesus Christ, is recognized as God.

This is what separates Christians from Jews, Muslims and every other religion. Each acknowledges Jesus was a great prophet who lived a exemplary life. But saying that Jesus born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth and crucified in Jerusalem was God is blasphemy. This is the accusation that ultimately lead to Jesus’ death. Again there are many
Scriptures declaring Jesus was God. Two:

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, (Greek is Logos) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

John 1:14 "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory of the One and Only,
who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

This chapter and the Gospel affirm that the Word was Jesus.

John 20:28 One of Jesus’ resurrection appearances was to the
Apostle Thomas, who did not believe Jesus was alive. Jesus said:
"Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Stop doubting and believe." Notice Thomas’s response:
"My Lord and My God!"

While Jesus was on earth he prayed to the Father:
"I do what the Father tells me to do."
How can God be in two places at once?
We say God is omnipresent,God can be in all places at once.
(Try Comprehending one God being both on earth in a physical human form and yet be transcendent, not bound by earth’s restrictions.)

There are many who say Jesus was a Son of God, just like you and I are Children of God. That is Not What Scripture says. It was against that heresy the Council of Nicea met and drafted what we call the Necean Creed.
(Read the Creed at the end of this meditation**) Notice that Jesus is
described as Substance that is the Greek word: hypostasis.

In Jesus, God revealed God’s self to us.
In Jesus, we who were separated from God by sin were
brought to God through our faith in Jesus, his dying on
a cross and resurrection from the dead. From John and
other Scriptures we read Jesus was present at creation.
We believe that God revealed as the Son is Elohim.

C. The Holy Spirit is recognized as God,

Jesus says to his disciples: (John 14:16)
"I will never leave you or forsake you.
I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor."

Last Sunday we studied Pentecost, time when the promised Counselor,
the Holy Spirit, came and permanently dwelt among Jesus’ followers.
It was the Holy Spirit’s presence who enabled the disciples to boldly speak about Jesus. Two Scriptures: First Peter’s response to Ananias & Saphiria.

Read Acts 5:1-12 to understand who they were and why Peter said the following:

"How is that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself of the money you received for the land. Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing?
You have not lied to men but to God." (Acts 5:3-4)

Notice how the Holy Spirit is God.

I Corinthians 3:16:
"Don’t you know that you yourselves
are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit lives in you?"

Throughout the New and Old Testaments the Spirit of God,
the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, the Guide and other
names given to that manifestation of God, is God.

That is why we Christians believe that though God is One,
God is also Triune. Bringing together these two diametrically opposed opinions was the struggle of the early Christian Community, which developed the term Trinity.

Reading the Scriptures: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are interchangeable. Each has a particular function. Each in interconnected with the other. Father is primarily revealed as Creator,
Son is primarily revealed as Redeemer and
Holy Spirit is primarily revealed as Enabler.

An illustration: The Formula H2O = Water. Combining 2 molecules (hypostasis) of Hydrogen and 1 molecule of Oxygen results in water.
It is liquid and can be swallowed. Same liquid cooled to at least 32*F results in a solid object. Still H2O - different form.
Heat that solid and it becomes liquid and then steam vapor.
That same H2O can be taken to different locations and used in the three forms all at once.

Any analogy trying to illustrate the Trinity is difficult and falls short of explaining the different ways God has revealed God’s self to humanity.

Some of you are asking: “What difference does it make whether we believe in a triune God?” or “I don’t understand the Trinity but I am willing to accept that God is revealed in Three Ways in Scripture.”

There are Three Implications for us.

1. Understanding that we may be accused of worshiping more than one God.

We do Not Worship Three Gods, Only One.
Some say God is ultimate. Jesus is subservient and
the Holy Spirit is at the bottom of the authority grid.

That is Not what Scripture says.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all equal. They are God.

2. God did not create us because it was necessary for God to have relationships. God already had relationships, Elohim.
Elohim wants a relationship with humanity,
but not because God was lonely. God created humanity out of love.

3. God is not restricted to a transcendent state, that is God is not just in Heaven, God the Holy Spirit dwells with us in this 21st century.
God’s presence is God’s Spirit.
We serve God enabled and empowered by The Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of God joins with our spirit testifying that we are God’s children; and if God’s children, then heirs.

"The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
We are God’s heirs and Christ’s fellow-heirs." (Rom. 8:16-17)

CONCLUSION: Trinity is Not a human invention.
It is an aspect of God revealed in Scripture.
As Trinitarians we “believe in a God who is revealed in three different ways.” Each of the Elohim has a particular relationship to us, as God’s children. Each brings a depth of relationship that would not be present if we had only one aspect of God revealed to us.

God may be called Father, Son or Holy Spirit.
Each posses all the substance and all the attributes of the deity.
God is not: Three and One, but Three in One.

The Trinity is not a partnership in which each member can sign for the name of the firm; this is unity of council and operation only (Synchronicity) not essence. God’s nature is not an abstract but an organic unity.

Footnotes: * H. Orton Wiley, Christian Theology, Vol. 1
(Beacon Hill Press: Kansas City, 1969. 393, 395)

+ Augustus H. Strong, Systematic Theology.
(The Judson Press: Valley Forge, 1907, 1967. 304)

The Nicene Creed:

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made. Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life;
who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Dr. Glen A. Thorp June 12, 2001
(All Rights Reserved) ActS 2:1-11, Rm 8:10-14

(Pentecost Sunday)

INTRODUCTION: What comes to your mind when I say, transformer? Electric trains? AC adapters - power cord for computers? Boxes on electric poles? Toys turned transformed into robots and adapted into a movie franchise? The latest: “Dark Side of the Moon” will be released 7.1.11.

“A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors — the transformer's coils or ‘windings’. A varying current in the first or ‘primary’ winding creates a varying magnetic field in the core or cores) of the transformer. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF) or ‘voltage‘ in the ‘secondary’ winding. This effect is called mutual induction.”- (Wikipedia)

Webster's Dictionary says: “A device containing no moving parts and consisting of essentially of two or more coils of insulated wire that transfers alternating current energy by electromagnetic induction from one winding to another at the same frequency but usually with changed voltage and current values.

A person or thing that changes a condition or nature
Changes a personality or character.” Conversion.

Ultimate transformer is the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:1-11 tells of coming of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ followers and the birth of the Church on Pentecost, a Jewish festival 50 days after Passover called Shavuot. I will describe this later.
Pentecost comes from the Greek word 50 and is one of the major
“Holy Days” in the Christian Year.

Scripture describes a Three Step Process by which followers of Jesus, who 50 days earlier were hiding behind locked doors were transformed.

Filled: All were filled with the Holy Spirit. v.4
Fulfilling what the Prophet Exekiel 39:29
I will pour out my Spirit upon them ...
The Prophet Joel said: 2:28-29
I will pour out my Spirit on all people ...

Up to that time the Holy Spirit was available to kings, prophets and judges. Each was anointed with oil, as a symbol of God’s Holy Spirit,
coming upon them when crowned, commissioned or installed:
Like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard ...
down upon the collar of his robes.
(Psalm 133:2)

The Prophets envisioned a time when the Spirit would be available to every follower of God. John the Baptist(Luke 3:6) speaking of the Messiah: All mankind will see God’s salvation. and in 3:16
I baptize with water He will baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire...

Before Jesus’ ascension 10 days before Pentecost, (which we discussed last week) he told his disciples: You will receive power when -
the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

The Tongues of Fire: were God’s purifying presence
: Speech, Communicating the Gospel
Ignited their hearts with the desire of reaching others and Available to All

Read: Romans 8:10-14. The Entire Chapter is on the Holy Spirit.
High Power of the Holy Spirit transformed ...
Romans 8:10 If Christ is in you, the Spirit lives in you.
Romans 8:14 Those led by the Spirit are children of God
Romans 8:26 The Spirit helps us in our weakness ...
We don’t know what we are to pray for. The Spirit intercedes for us with groans words cannot express.

Enabled: Began speaking in other languages
as the Spirit enabled them
. v.4

The disciples exploded on to the streets, enabled by the Spirit, telling everyone of Jesus. All of a sudden, everything they had heard and experienced over the last three years made sense. The miracle that ocurred was that pilgrims from all around the Mediterranean area, heard the message in her or his own language. The commotion drew a crowd.
Amazed and Bewildered: they asked one another,
What does this mean? Some said: They have hadtoo much to drink when they Saw the Effects of the Presence & Power of Holy Spirit.

“Thin Places” is a Celtic metaphor describing places were God is present, ie retreat centers & sanctuaries, Garden of Eden, Mt. Sinai, Pillars of Smoke & Fire,Tabernacle and Temple in Jerusalem. Shavuot was a
Feast of Weeks (Lev. 23:15-16, Deut. 16:16) called Pentecost that commemorated the giving of the Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai and the Jews giving of “First Fruits,” of their Spring harvest in gratitude to God.

Jesus is the ultimate place where God’s presence is revealed most directly. Those following Jesus, enabled by the Holy Spirit, carry on God’s “thin place” wherever they go home or in another country.

Peter enabled by the Holy Spirit spoke to an international audience. What the Holy Spirit started through Peter, continues as worldwide harvest today.

Used: Peter stood up with the Eleven...spoke-v.14

Witnessing to what they had seen and heard while with Jesus. Affirmed that what looked like a defeat of Jesus and his teachings was a victory. For God raised Jesus from the dead.
We are all witnesses of the fact. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear. (Acts 2:32-33)

The Holy Spirit enables us to adapt the true story into our story. Holy Spirit uses us in transmitting the story to others. Pentecost reminds us that we are not alone. The Holy Spirit is present and will enable us, if we allow Him. God is a living, dynamic, active, passionate, reality in our lives.

After Jesus’ ascension and descent of the Holy Spirit, God chose to make himself know to the world through you and me (the Church, eklesia)
God is not limited. God can reveal himself in many ways and places. But, from God’s Word we learn the Church is primary way he has chosen to tell the story of the Tranforming love of God, (Good News).

Jesus did not tell his disciples to argue with people. He said:
You will demonstrate the Good News through your life-Love, Joy and Peace your Relationships with each other and me.

Pentecost demonstrates that no barriers; language, culture, geography or laws can stop the Holy Spirit.

(Next week I will discuss more fully the role of the Holy Spirit as part of the Godhead, as we look at the way God is revealed in Scripture.
What we cal the Triune Nature of God, The Trinity.)

CONCLUSION: Transformed from death to life.
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

The Holy Spirit renews, re-educates and redirects,
our minds are we truly transformed/transformers.

Romans 8:5 Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
:6 The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace
Romans 8:26 The Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We don’t know what we are to pray for,
but the Spirit intercedes for us
with groans that words cannot express.

Pentecost commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon ordinary people fulfulling the prophecies of Joel and Ezekiel. It celebrates the birth of the church (those called into community with Jesus Christ and
the Transformer of God’s energy the Holy Spirit who:

Spirit of Truth who comes from the Father
will testify about me.You will testify about me
you have been with me from the beginning.
When the Spirit comes ... guide into all truth.
The Spirit will take what is mine and make it known to you.

(John 14:17ff)

That the world may see and respond to God’s Transforming Love.
The Book: Acts of Apostle’s is really Acts of Holy Spirit through
the Apostles and Us?

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Dr. Glen A. Thorp June 2, 2011
I Pe. 2:1-12, Acts 1:1-11 (All Rights Reserved)


INTRODUCTION: Two pair of shoes. One black the other red.
One for a man the other for a lady.
How much are they worth?
Workmanship, material and condition determine value. What if the shoes were scuffed up with holes in the soles? Would that reduce their value?
What if the scuffed up shoes had been worn by Buster Keaton would that change their value?
The Black Shoes were worn by Fred Astair.
The Red Shoes worn in “The Wizard of Oz.”

The value of an item, especially in the collectable market, depends on who possessed or used it.

The Apostle Peter wrote in I Peter 2:1-12,
“You are ordinary people, who acquire value, dignity
and greatness because you belong to God.”

Remembering Who You Are will assist you in times of difficulty, confusion and persecution. This was one of the messages Jesus gave his disciples when he met with them for 40 days after he was raised from the dead. As part of a crash course on what he had taught them for 3 years, Jesus commissioned them to tell others about who he was and what he taught.

Acts1:1-11 tells of the Day of Jesus’ Ascension; 40 days after Easter,
this year, June 2; and is one of the most important in the Christian Calender. Dr. James Edwards, theology professor at Whitworth University, says "it the most important. Yet, few Protestants know when it is or why it is so important." In the Nicene and Apostles Creeds:
We affirm: Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord...
Was crucified, dead and buried;
he descended into hell; the third day
he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven, and
sitteth on right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he will come to judge the quick
and the dead.

Another Creed: The Heidelbrg Catechism asks:
"How do you understand the words: (Q. 46)
He ascended to heaven?"
A. “That Christ was taken up from the earth into heaven before the eyes of his disciples and remains there on our behalf until he comes again to judge the living (quick) and the dead.”

"What benefit do we receive from Christ’s ascension into heaven?" (Q. 49)
A. “First that he is our Advocate in the presence of his Father in heaven. Second, that we have our flesh in heaven as a sure pledge that he as the Head, will also take us, his members, up to himself. Third, that he sends his Spirit as a counterpledge by whose power we seek what is above...”

Incarnation: “Unseen is Revealed.” is central to understanding why the Son of God came to earth in human flesh, born in Bethlehem and named Jesus.

Ascension: “Humanity Returns with Jesus.”
Our humanity sits at the right hand of God.
Jesus returned to heaven, from where he came to “Reveal the Unseen God” to humanity. Now he sits (sitteth) at right hand of the God the Father as our advocate, knowing struggles as humans.

Other Religions: i.e. Hindu/Bahai use the term Avaita which means temporary human appearance, like wearing a mask in play.
: Budah Goal get out of human life)
Jesus Christ is Complete Revelation of unseen God.

When Jesus returned to Heaven, the Apostles like Peter taught that our worth as humans comes from belonging to God and commissioned them to reveal, to those they/we meet, who Jesus is why he came to earth.

TITLES given to us to help us know who we are:

Chosen People.

God called/chose Abram, Moses, Samuel, Isaiah, Disciples, Saul, Luke a Gentile, and You & Me.
Not out of innate ability, beauty or worth,
Simply out of Love and Knowing Potential.
Key verse: "Once you had no special relationship w/God.
Now you are people of God, through whom God will reveal himself
When God Chose Israel - were salves.
God Chooses us out of love, not our ...
Chosen as building material-temple."
(I Peter 2:11)

Royal Priesthood.

God selected Priests like Aaron, Levi, Eli, Jesus, us to provide
Access to God & Bringing others to God.
Supervise the Tabernacle, Temple-Body/Christ
Building not with stones as a Community.

C.E.B. Cranfield: "The free-lance Christian, who would be a Christian but is too superior to belong to the visible Church upon this earth in one of its forms, is simply a contradiction in terms."

A Spartan King: “Boasted of the wall of Sparta.
A visiting Monarch saw no walls. ‘Where are these walls?,’ he asked.
The Spartan King pointed to his body guards:
‘These are the Wall Of Sparta & every one a brick’.”

As long as a brick lies by itself it is useless.
Only when it is united with others under the skill
of a Master does it become a wall and building.

Foundational to any building is the Corner Stone.
The Capstone is Jesus the stone who was rejected.

"Royal Priesthood": Christians speak of the “Priesthood of Believers.”
We are given the privilege going directly to God and ministering to others in Jesus’s name.

Holy Nation.

God chose and Dedicated a particular people for His Purpose.
Called them and us,
Not to conform to the world’s standards.
Live a Life worthy of their and our calling.
Live according to His Commandments.
Jesus summarized them as:
"Loving God with all your heart, mind and soul.
Your neighbor as yourself."

Belonging to God.

God Chose us as His People ... to Reveal Himself
to the world and to Minister to the world.
We become God's people because God Chose Us and gave Us purpose.

You may not seem worth much to those persecuting you, in fact you are not, except forn what God has done for you.

God does not posses us to put us on a shelf as we do with souvenirs.
God Chose us to “declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called us out of darkness into His Marvelous Light." (I Pt. 2:9)

God is looking for people through whom He can speak to others,
who Believe Jesus is the one reconciling world to Himself.

How does this happen?
Belonging to the right race?
Coming from a Christian Home?
Growing up in the Church? NO!

By believing Jesus is God’s Chosen one.
Through him God’ plan/love was revealed.
Through him we become part of his body ...
He will return to judge the living & the dead.

"You may shut up Jesus Christ in hell with the demons. Or you may think he is a lunatic on the level with the may who think he is a poached egg. Or you may fall on your knees and call him God. But let’s not have anymore this patronizing nonsense about his being good man! He simply is not merely that. He is the God of eternity. He is the Sovereign Lord of the Universe and we either believe him and make him the foundation of our life, or we reject him and spend the rest of our lives falling over him. There is no alternative." (C.S. Lewis)

We have value because God posses us and wants to use us.
Remembering Who You Are will give you value, purpose
and a foundation when facing times of uncertainty and trials.

Because of Jesus’ ascension we know we have one who is God in the Father’s presence who has experienced everything will ever go through, including death and resurrection.

If Jesus had remained on earth, even in his resurrection body, he would only be able to be in one place at a time. Because he ascended to heaven
and entrusted his disciples and us to continue the work he began, his presence was multiplied over and over again. It would not have happened if what Jesus promised: "I will send an advocate who will remind you of all I said and did empowering you to fulifill my commission of you." (Acts 1:8)

The coming of that Advocate and Power is the Third Person of the Godhead/Trinity. I will write about on June 12, PENTECOST.