Saturday, March 30, 2013

Death Defeated

Dr.  Glen A. Thorp                                                      Matthew 28:1-1        
(All Rights Reserved)                                                  March 31, 2013

                                        "DEATH DEFEATED"                                                (Easter Sunday)

If you attended a Maundy Thursday Service, the last words you
likely heard were:  "They handed him over to be crucified." 
The last hours of Jesus’ life were a total confusion for his disciples:

-Their leader had been arrested without his resisting.
-He was mocked, tried and convicted in an illegal trial,
with no defense.
-The disciples fled out of fear for their own lives.
-Peter had enough courage to follow Jesus but denied ever knowing
Him, when he was backed into a corner.
-John was one disciple who saw Jesus hanging on the cross.
-"Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses and
the mother of James and John" were among the many women,
with Jesus’ mother, witnessing the cruelty and Jesus’
agony on the cross.
-The darkness which engulfed the land, when Jesus died only
characterized the darkness, loneliness and anger the disciples
must have felt.  "Something, terrible, grand and awesome had
occurred on the place of the skull."  Latter the disciples learned
that at the moment Jesus gave up his spirit and died,                  
"The veil in the temple was torn - hence the Holy of Holies would
be open for everyone and the cross had sealed a New Covenant.
Power of New Life had begun!

None of this was clear to the Scattered Followers.
That Sabbath beginning at sundown Friday running through
sundown Saturday, while Jesus’ body lay in a borrowed tomb
not fully prepared for burial, must have been the longest period
of time in His follower’s lives: 

-Feeling the dread of death and life with out Jesus.
-What would they do now?
-How could they worship a God who allowed such a
great man, who had done so much good and transformed
so many lives including their own to suffer such cruelty and death?
-They lived in utter defeat!

History dramatically changed that week, (Holy Week.)
The closing scene, was - First Easter Morning!

-That Band of Cuddled, Cowards who abandoned Jesus
in a time of Crisis "Took On The World!"
What brought about the change? 
Death was Defeated! We read: Jesus did not remain in the ground, but conquered death
by rising up and personally meeting his disciples.

Three Imperatives: Apply to Us!

Urged to Believe! (Matthew 28:6)

The women who had seen Jesus nailed to a Roman Cross,
declared dead, removed from cross and placed in a tomb
(Joseph from Arimathea) (Matthew 27:57-61), saw the huge stone
rolled in front, sealing the tomb.  (Read Matthew 27:62-66)

Imagine the urgency the women must have felt as dawn dispelled
the darkness.  Maybe they were awaken by a violent earthquake.
They could hardly wait to complete the preparation of Jesus’ body
for burial. What emotion must have gripped the women when they
saw the large stone had been moved from the opening of the tomb. 

-Fear: Grave Robbers? Desecration of Jesus’ body?
-Joy: Angel of God: "Do Not Be Afraid! Good News!

I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
The news was too good, was it true? It was beyond belief.
God knew that. That is why a Messenger was sent. 
The Angel reminded the women of Jesus’ promise that he would
not remain in the tomb but rise to life. 

The Angel gave Four Messages applicable to us as well. 

1. Do Not Be Afraid. - The Resurrection brings Joy!
When you are afraid, remember the empty tomb!
2. He Is Not Here. - Jesus is not dead, not found
among the dead.  He is alive among his people.
3. Come and See. - The women could check the
evidence.  (Force of the Greek Verb is one of
"seeing with intention of being a witness.") 
Remove all doubts. The reason the stone was
rolled back was not so Jesus could get out but so
that all could see the tomb was empty. 
It is still empty today! The resurrection is a historical fact! 

(Jesus gradually revealed himself, bringing his followers along
according to their capacity to comprehend.)

(Read Matthew 28:11-15) – Guards are bribed.

The fourth message was the second imperative:

Urged to Share! (Matthew 28:7)

4. Go Quickly and Tell the Disciples: - The women were conferred
the honor of proclaiming the Good News: The joy of the resurrection.

We too are to share the good news about Jesus’ resurrection.

Imagine the excitement those women felt when they saw the
empty tomb and heard the Angel’s Message: Christ has risen!

When You hear good news, what is the first thing you
want to do? "Tell Someone, right?"
You grab the phone and call your friends and family
to spread the news!

Angie could hardly contain herself. She wanted us to know and
give thanks to God for her granddaughter’s being able to come
home after three months in the hospital fighting for her life. 
"We are pregnant. Our baby was born.  I got a new job. 
I was accepted into graduate school. We just got engaged. 
We made NCAA-Basketball Final Four!"

There is little doubt the women didn’t need the urging to tell
others – but they were assured that it was OK to tell others.
The women were given a specific message to take to the disciples.
It was another of Jesus’ promises: I will meet you in Galilee.
(Matthew 26:32)

It is in context of Jesus telling the disciples and especially
Peter that they would "fall away on account of me ...
But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee."

Jesus’ resurrection is the Key to Christian Faith.

Five Reasons:
1. Jesus kept his promises. Just as he said, he rose from the dead. 
We can be confident that he will accomplish all that he has promised.
2. Jesus’ bodily resurrection shows the living Christ is ruler of
God’s eternal kingdom, not a false prophet/imposter.
3. We can be certain of our resurrection because he was
resurrected.  Death is NOT the end! There is a future life
Death Swallowed by Triumphant Life.
Who got the last word, of Death?Oh Death, who’s afraid of you now? (I Corinthians 15:55)
4. The power that brought Jesus back to life will bring our
spiritually dead selves back to life.
5. Resurrection is the basis for the churches’ witness to the world. 

The implication is that Jesus is more than a human leader;
he is the Son of God!

Urged to Rejoice! (Matthew 28:9)

Once again, imagine the emotions those women were experiencing:
"Awe & Great Joy," as they ran off to tell the disciples the
wonderful news!  Suddenly Jesus steps into their path and his first
words were: Xaipete!  The NIV translates the word as: Greetings:
Hello, hi, good morning, aloha, shalom, ciao the list is endless.
The word Jesus uses is lost in the English Translations.
None capture Xaipete! The word is the imperative form of Xaipw=
Rejoice! Be Glad! Be Joyful! Be Full of Joy!
Even those words loose the impact. Illustrations of same word
Used of the "Wisemen ... when seeing the star."
Jesus: ... "you reward is great in heaven."
When lost sheep was found he ...

Wouldn’t it be exciting if we greeted each other with rejoice!
rather than Hello!  In this word we are not rejoicing in our
situation but in the Hope demonstrated on Easter. Xaipete!

When we have seen the evidence and felt despair turn to
hope we cannot but Rejoice!  We of all people should rejoice
because we have the certainty the Death is Defeated!

It is that assurance that allows us to rejoice when people
mock us. When life is rough.  When we face death.
There is nothing you or I will ever experience that
Jesus did not experience. We have the promise that
Jesus conquers all forces and that nothing can separate
us from his love, not even death!

Jesus reaffirms the message given to the women

Go tell my brothers (Disciples) to go to Galilee; there they will see me.
The temptation of the women would have been to cling to Jesus.

"We lost you once, we don’t want to loose you again.                                                                        " From the other Gospels we read that the disciples
did not believe the women or were still afraid and
remained behind locked doors rather than traveling
to Galilee, so Jesus met them there and then in Galilee.

Thus the Three Imperatives are given to us today

Believe! (The Evidence)
Share! (Don’t keep Good News to yourself)
Rejoice! (Your Fears are conquered)

I Corinthians 15:13-30:  Affirms the implication of Jesus' resurrection for us.

12-15 Now, let me ask you something profound yet troubling.
If you became believers because you trusted the proclamation
that Christ is alive, risen from the dead, how can you let people
say that there is no such thing as a resurrection? If there’s no
resurrection, there’s no living Christ. And face it— if there’s no
resurrection for Christ, everything we’ve told you is smoke and
mirrors, and everything you’ve staked your life on is smoke and
mirrors. Not only that, but we would be guilty of
telling a string of barefaced lies about God, all these affidavits
we passed on to you verifying that God raised up Christ—  
sheer fabrications, if there’s no resurrection.

16-20 If corpses can’t be raised, then Christ wasn’t, because he was
indeed dead.  And if Christ weren’t raised, then all you’re doing is
wandering about in the dark, as lost as ever. It’s even worse for those
who died hoping in Christ and resurrection, because they’re already
in their graves. If all we get out of Christ is a little inspiration for a few
short years, we’re a pretty sorry lot. But the truth is that Christ has been 
raised up, the first in a long legacy of those who are going to leave the cemeteries.*

Do You Believe In Easter?

If so, live in it’s hope and share it's good news with others!

* Taken from The Message.

Monday, March 18, 2013


                DEVOTIONALS for March 18-22, 2013

MONDAY –  Read Matthew 16:1-12
Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.  Red sky in the morning,
sailors take warning.” Jesus was asked of the religious
leaders for a sign from heaven.  Jesus’ response: 
“You can tell the weather by the sky.  But you can’t
interpret the signs of  the times.” Jesus had spoken clearly,
performed miracles, including feeding 5,000 people (Mt. 14:1-21)
and healed many people.  The religious authorities tried explaining
away the miracles, as sleight of hand, coincidence or use of evil
power.  They believed only God could do a sign in the sky.
This, they were sure was beyond Jesus’ power. Jesus could                                    
have easily impressed them.  He refused. knowing that
no sign would convince them.  He remembered how Satan
tested him to use his power to attract a crowd. (Mt. 4:1-11)

We’re starting the last week of the 40 day sof Lent,
identifying with Jesus’ 40 days of testing.  
As we journey with Jesus to Jerusalem and his Triumphal Entry,
(Palm Sunday), notice how little the people know him and
especially what he was to face that last week of his life, 
(Holy Week).  Even his disciples didn’t understand, even though
Jesus had told them that he was going to Jerusalem, as we will 
read tomorrow,  arrested, tried, crucified and rise from death. 
Thus Jesus’ response to the Religious Leaders was:
"The only sign you will receive is the sign of Jonah.” (Mt. 12:38-42)
Jesus knew miracles never convince skeptics.  Sometimes we
want a miracle to affirm our faith.  Jesus said: 
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” 
(Jn. 20:29)  Let us simply step forward in faith, believing what 
we read is true.  We may be surprised by miracles that God
will do in our lives.

What is the connection between yeast and what
Jesus was teaching?  (Mt. 16:6,12)

Jesus, you came that we may have experience life
in its full dimensions.  As we journey with you to
Jerusalem this week, help us appreciatewhat it cost
for us to have life.

TUESDAY –   Read Matthew 16:13-28
 “From that time on” marks a turning point in Jesus’
ministry.  He is headed for Jerusalem, despite knowing
what faced him.  Jesus emphasizes his death and
resurrection.  It is vital understanding that what we will
commemorate next Holy Week was part of God’s
plan for us.  Jesus was not forced to do anything he did
not choose.  Yet, the disciples still didn’t grasp Jesus’ purpose. 
They had a preconceived notion about the Messiah. 
Notice how impetuous Peter tries stopping Jesus.                                                         
Jesus’ strong response:  “Get behind me Satan!” (Mt. 16:23)
illustrates what we read yesterday,
how Satan still wanted to trip up Jesus.

Jesus uses a picture: “take up your cross and follow me” (Mt. 16:24) that the disciples understood.  Crucifixion was a common Roman method of execution and condemned criminals were forced to carry their own crosses through the streets to the execution site.    Following Jesus meant true commitment, risking death and not turning back.  (Mt. 10:39)  The disciples were to learn the cost of following Jesus.  In giving their lives to Jesus, they discovered the real purpose of living. 
Do we make choices as though life is all we have or do seek to follow Jesus knowing that our choices may be costly?  Jesus’ promise is that “even if we lose our lives, we will find it ”  Our life on earth is but a brief span.  Jesus promises because he died and was raised to life, we too will be given life eternal.  During these next two weeks let us seek to live as Jesus taught even if it means we may have to pay a cost of popularity, being made fun of or abuse.


1.       How would respond if Jesus asked you:  “Who do You say that I am?                                           (Mt. 16:13)

Tuesday:    Jesus, give us the courage and your wisdom to speak of love and sacrifice to those who have not heard of or chosen not to follow you.  May we pick up our cross and follow you.

WEDNESDAY – Read Matthew 17

If you have skied, hiked or even driven in the mountains, you know the “High of being at the Top.”  If you’ve been blinded by the sun reflecting off freshly fallen powder snow or gone on a retreat in the mountains you likely tried capturing that experience hoping never to forget it.  After a few hours in the silence of the high Sierras or San Gabriels, you likely don’t want to come back down to the hustle and traffic of the flat lands.  I’m sure Peter, James and John who witnessed this glorious event did not want to return to the reality of normal life.  If there was a moment when Jesus was glorified it was the one recorded in Mt. 17:1-13.  What significance was this event in Jesus’ life and what difference does it make in our lives?

It was an encouragement for Jesus.  He knew his time on Earth was coming to an end.  He had told his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, even though he was a wanted man.  He would face a trial resulting in death.  Yet, Jesus, the human, may have questioned his decision.  Later, Jesus was to pray: (Mt. 26:39)  My Father, everything is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet  not as I will, but as you will.  Jesus was affirmed by Moses, Elijah, most of all by God the Father.  Jesus went to the mountain to pray: What would you have me do?  (Lk. 9:28-29).  All my plans and intentions are before you Father. God the Father responded, This is my Son, whom I love, with whom I am well pleased.  Listen to him.  (Mt. 17:5)   He has chosen the right road. The cross is not only inevitable, it is essential in completing my plan”.
It was a great encouragement for the disciples.  Seeing the Giver- Interpreter of the Law, Moses and the First Prophet, Elijah, talking with their Master and witnessing his glory-physical transformation (II Pt. 1:16-18) affirmed Jesus was the Son of God.  It is a great encouragement for us.  The Transfiguration affirms for us who Jesus is and helps us understand His death.  Jesus was not dragged unwillingly to death but he came forward  of his own accord as an offer of sacrificial obedience.”  (Calvin)   Jesus’ transfiguration helps us understand why “mountain top experiences.”  They are an encouragement and renewal of energy which we need to live in mundane life.

Have you found that after a “Mountain Top” experience you often
are faced with challenging situation as Jesus did in Matthew 17:14-20?

Wednesday:    Almighty God, you are able to make all things news and restore life anew every morning, help me never to be conformed to this world but transformed by your Holy Spirit.

THURSDAY – Read Matthew 20:17-34

 Jesus predicted his death for the third time as he approached Jerusalem.  He must have thought, “Do the disciples comprehend what I have taught them for three years?”  They were arguing about the “positions they would have in His kingdom.”  (Mt.20:20-28)  The argument seemed to have started when the mother of James and John kneeled before Jesus asking him the favor of granting her sons the right to sit on either side of Him in His kingdom.  Jesus said:  Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?  “We can,” Jesus responded:  You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at right or left is not for me to grant.  This sounds similar to “Take up your cross and follow me,” we read about on Tuesday.  When the other ten disciples heard about the request they were indignant.  Jesus was facing the cross and his disciples were arguing about who would be in leadership with Jesus. 

Jesus used this incident as “teaching moment.”  Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man (Jesus’ term for Himself) did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many.  Jesus described leadership from a new perspective instead of using people, we are to serve them.  Jesus’ mission was to serve others and give His life away. 

Jesus was teaching, and later illustrated when he washed his disciple’s feet, that a real leader has a servants heart.  Servant leadership appreciates other’s worth and realizes that the’re not above any job.  Are we like James and John’s Mother, asking God to give us something in return for our faithfulness to God?  Or do worship God for who God is and what God has done?  Mt. 27:56 says that the mother of James and John was present when Jesus was crucified.  James was put to death by a sword, ordered by King Herod.  (Acts 12:1-2).  John spend the latter years of his life in prison.  Both were servant leaders who paid a price for  inviting others to receive and follow Jesus.  It looks like they applied what Jesus taught them.
Do you know what Maundy Thursday is in Holy Week? 
If not look up the Words to see what it means.  If you know, the meaning
what is the connection between Mt. 20:26 and Jn. 13:12-17?

Thursday:     Loving God, let us hear again your Word:  “Chose today whom you will serve.” Help me to serve you and your people.  Speak Lord for your servant in listening.

FRIDAY – Read Matthew 21

What first comes to your mind when you think of Palm Sunday?  A more accurate term is Passion Sunday.  Jesus finally allows his disciples to “let loose” and shout “Hosanna to Son of David!  Blessed is he comes in the name of the Lord.”  Up this time, Jesus kept his disciples or anyone from “making him king.”  Jesus arranged, beforehand, for the use of the donkey, Sending his disciples to get it, he said:  “If anyone asks anything reply:  “The Lord has Need of it.”  He fulfilling what the Prophet had spoken 500 years earlier demonstrating he was the Messiah. (Zechariah 9:9)

Jesus riding on a donkey was a Messianic claim.  Jesus was offering himself to the people, at a time when Jerusalem was surging with Jews from all over the country and the known world, as the Anointed One of God.  “One who brings Peace.”  It took Courage for Jesus to enter a hostile city.  However enthusiastic the crowd, the religious authorities had sworn to eliminate him.  Jesus deliberately set himself at center stage so that every eye would see him and every ear hear about him.  God’s plan was that everyone would know when Jesus was crucified.  “For God So Loved the World that He Gave His Only Begotten Son ...(Jn. 3:16)

Jesus was Claiming he was the Messiah, Liberator and Savior.  If he had claimed to be a prophet, he would not need to die.  We must acknowledge Jesus a King and Savior or reject him and decide what we will do with him. This was one of the few places where Jesus’ Glory is recognized on earth.  Jesus boldly claimed he was King and the crowd gladly joined him.  These same people bowed to political pressure and deserted him in just a few days. Jesus’ Appeal was not claiming an earthly kingship.  He wanted the kingship of our hearts.  In the west, a donkey is a despised beast; but in many parts of the world and especially in the Eastern nations it was a noble beast.  Often a king would ride an ass as a sign that he came in peace not war.                                                                  When Jesus entered Jerusalem he claimed the kingship of peace.

  We have something to celebrate.  Our King has come!  He entered Jerusalem, triumphantly, boldly, majestically and courageously defiant of all authorities who wanted to kill him!  At last he allowed his people and us to proclaim Jesus King.  Jesus comes as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  We can throw off all restraint, and like those greeting Jesus, throw our coats before him.  This is the message of Palm Sunday.  Our King has come.  Hosanna, Rejoice!
Palm Sunday is called Passion Sunday?  Can you think why?  If not look It up in a dictionary or search engine?  Read Luke 19:41-44
Friday:     Jesus, give me the courage to move out or my comfort zone and join in publically proclaim you are King of Kings,  Lord of Lords and Savior of the World.