Friday, June 5, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 5

                                               Genesis 22:15-18

Abraham!  Abraham!, is the title of this painting.    Salvador Dali (1904-1989), a Spanish surrealist painter, included this lithograph into a selection of 105 renditions of biblical stories in Biblia Sacra (Holy Bible), a new version of the Vulgate, Catholic, Bible. 

Dr. Giuseppe Albaretto, a devout Christian and man of faith who was dedicated to the Catholic Church, commissioned his close friend Dali to create the illustrations for the new Bible he wanted to print.  He knew the project would require Dali studying the Bible to fully depict the meaning of the stories. His hope was that the commission would bring Dali back to God.  There is no account of that occurring.

What is the first thing you see in the painting?  What do you think Dali was emphasizing?  Read again Genesis 22:11-14.  How would draw the story?  If you haven’t seen Rembrandt’s version of this passage, look for it.  What are the differences and similarities between the two?

Dali stared with watercolor, then showed a range of creativity both in use of color and context.     His works show spontaneity with the use of “bulletism,” a Dalinian invention where an arquebus    (a type of antique gun) was used with ink filled capsules and then fired at blank sheets of paper.  The results were patterns/designs incorporated into the illustrations.* Note its use on Abraham!  Abraham!  The commissions were done between 1963-1964.  Bible published in 1969.  The painting is 19” x 13.75”.                                                             

Today’s scripture affirms Abraham’s obedience and the angel proclaiming God’s promise would be fulfilled.  Note verse 18.  Abraham named the place The Lord Will Provide.  How do God’s promises to Abraham relate to us?  What and how did The Lord provide for us?  What are the similarities and differences between what God provided for Abraham and Isaac and what God provides for us today?   Our lives have been changed as result of knowing of the faith of Abraham.  (Romans 4:1-3).   All nations on Earth will them find themselves blessed through your descendants because you obeyed me  (Genesis 22:18, The Message)    

Bernad Ewell, Park West Gallery, 2009 and  William Bennett, Madison Ave. Gallery, 2015. 

What is the primary lesson you have learned from these studies in Genesis 21 and 22?  Does that lesson impact your daily life?  If so how?  What lesson did Abraham learn between the events recorded in Genesis 21 and 22?  Are you ready to trust God with your entire life and family?  

Pray for your pastor as he or she prepares to proclaim God’s Word and interpret God’s Word, this Sunday.  Pray that you will have the courage of trusting God with all you have, including your family.  
If you would like to hear a sermon based on Dali’s painting, The Rev. Jim Miller, Pastor of Glenkirk Church, Glendora, California will be using “Abraham!  Abraham!” in his sermons this Sunday, June 7. has all the details regarding address and times of services.  If you cannot attend, the sermon will be posted on their website early next week.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 4

                                       Genesis 22:11-14

Upon reaching the place God had told him, Abraham prepares the altar for a sacrifice.  Reread:  Genesis 22:9.  Note the frightful accuracy.  The wood is taken off Isaac’s back and laid across the stones set up as an altar.  Then he gently binds Isaac’s arms behind him and ties his feet.  He lifts his son – his only son whom he loved – lays him on the wood.  Taking a knife, he raises it above his head; pounding in his mind were the words:  God will Provide. 

Artists, including Salvador Dali, have tried capturing this moment.  Look at the Photo at the bottom.  What do you see?  What is Dali portraying?  Is it accurate with this Scripture?  Rembrandt van Rijn’s painting is different.  Look for it on your search engine or books on art.  Compare it to Dali. Tomorrow, we will look more into Dali and this piece entitled:  Abraham! Abraham!  Why the title?

Just as Abraham was going to thrust the knife into Isaac, an angel called his name twice and said: Do not lay a hand on the boy … Now I know you fear God, because you have not withheld your son,    your only son.  The greatness of Abraham’s faith, was not that he would sacrifice his son, but that he believed God would Provide.  Tears of joy must have run down Abraham’s face when the voice said:  Stop!  He is a different God!  Looking around Abraham saw a ram in a thicket caught by it’s horns.

In place of his son, God Provided a ram for the sacrifice.  In that moment of ultimate risk Abraham makes the ultimate discovery:  God’s unconditional, unmerited and free love of God.  God had told him: I will be you God. All that I AM I will give to you. 

Comparing Isaac and Jesus:  both carried wood on which they would be sacrificed.  The difference:  God gave His one and only son as a sacrificial lamb for us.  There within eyesight of Mt. Moriah, on Golgatha, Jesus died for our sins fulfilling:  All the world will be blessed through him.
Did you notice the parallel between the ram being offered as a substitute for Isaac and Jesus being offered on a cross as a substitute for us?  Whereas God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, God did not spare his only Son so that we would not experience eternal death.  (John 3:16)

Pray, in thanksgiving, for God provision of Life in its fullness.  Offer your life to God as a living sacrifice, as your spiritual worship.  (Romans 12:1)  All God wants is You.  Will you say:  Here I am!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 3

                                        Genesis 2:1-10   
Isaac is the one through whom the whole world would be blessed. This must have run through Abraham’s mind when God Called him and said:  Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – to the Land of Moriah.  Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering.  (Genesis 22:1-2)  Life was good.    Isaac had grown into a young man.  For over 50 years Abraham had hoped for a son.  He had learned a lesson with the birth of Ishmael.  God wanted Abraham to learn an additional lesson.

God tested Abraham’s faith not to trip him up (James 1:12-13 says:  God blesses those who patiently endure testing … God never tempts anyone)., but to deepen his capacity of obeying God and developing his character.  It was a lesson for Isaac as well.  God took Father and Son through an experience which severely tested their trust in God and each other.  Something profound is revealed in this moving story.

Abraham takes a huge risk, acting in obedience, as he traveled 50 miles to Mount Moriah on the eastern side of today’s Old Jerusalem.  Taking that ultimate risk leads to an ultimate discovery.  There is a universal feeling that humans must do something to please God.  Many religions practiced human sacrifice to appease their gods.  That was the case in Abraham’s day.  (Read Micah 6:7)

During the three day ride to Mount Moriah, Abraham must have wrestled with what God was asking of him.  “God had promised to bless the whole world through his son.”  God had said “it would be through Isaac’s descendants.”  God kept his promises.  Therefore, God likely would raise Isaac from the dead.  (Read Romans 4:18 and Hebrews 11:19)

As Abraham (carrying the fire) and Isaac (carrying the wood) walked to the top of the mountain,  Isaac asks: Where is the lamb for the…offering?  Abraham’s heart must have broken.  Trying to explain to his son that he was the sacrifice, Abraham answers, God will provide.  He didn’t have the slightest clue how God would provide, only believed God is a different God.          (Continues Tomorrow) 

Have you ever been asked by God to “give up someone you deeply love”?  What was your response?   My Grandfather was a Baptist Pastor who strongly supported overseas mission.      When his daughter said that she and her husband were called by God to serve as missionaries in Guatemala, C.A., he said:  “There is plenty of need in this country, why do you have to go to another country?”  For him, it was “almost as painful as death.”  How has your character been strengthened though God’s testing? 

Thank God for the provision of forgiveness through the death of Jesus on the cross.  Pray for a heart of gratitude and courage in telling others of God’s Amazing Love.  Pray for courage to trust God when asked to give up something or someone, you love, for God’s Service.   

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 2

                                    Genesis 21:8-21
                   (Read Passage of Scripture)

Not everyone laughed and rejoiced at the news of Isaac’s birth.  Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant, was unhappy.  Read Genesis 16:1-15 for the background of Hagar’s disappointment.  Since Abram’s wife, Sarai, could not bear children, she suggested that her husband “sleep” with Hagar.  It was a common custom, for a married woman who could not have children, to give her female servant to her husband to produce an heir.  The children born were considered children on the wife.

God told Abram that he would have heirs but Hagar was not what God meant.  Abram’s and Sarai’s lack of faith resulted in unintended consequences.  Sarai took matters into her own hands, having difficulty believing God.   God was teaching Abram and Sarai patience.   The consequence of Hagar’s pregnancy was that she despised her mistress (vs. 4) Hagar likely said:  “I can do something you can’t, get pregnant” 

Sarai said to Abram:  You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering … Do with her whatever you think best, replied Abram, (vs. 5-6).  It was Sarai’s idea of giving Hagar to her husband.  When Hagar “mocked” her, Sarai blamed her husband for the way she was being treated.     

Sarai mistreated Hagar, so she fled from her (vs. 6) Hagar ran away from her problem.  An angel of God gave advice to return and face Sarai and the problem, by submitting to her.  Hagar needed to work on her attitude no matter how justified she was (vs. 7-15).

Note the similarities to Genesis 21:8-21.  This time it is Hagar’s son Ishmael who mocked. Sarah said:  Get rid of that slave woman and her son … for he will never share in the inheritance with my son, Isaac, (vs. 10).  God tells Abraham that it is through Isaac that the whole world would be blessed.  Ishmael will be father of a nation as well.  Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away with provisions.  Vs.14-20 records what happened and how Ishmael became father of a great nation, the Arabs. Muslims believe it is through Ishmael not Isaac that God’s covenant and promise is fulfilled.
How does this scripture illustrate the consequences of past mistakes?  What does it teach about God’s care for those experiencing the results of other’s actions?   Have you been such a person?   Did you blame, run away or seek God’s guidance?

Think of someone who has mistreated you or a problem from which you ran away, rather than face.  Pray that God will give you insight on how to respond to the person and or face the problem.        Pray for the courage of following God even when revenge would “feel” better. 
 * Written for Glenkirk Church, Glendora, California:  Weekly Devotional On Salvador Dali's Painting:  "Abraham!  Abraham!"                                        

Monday, June 1, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional *

                                                      Genesis 21:1-7
                                  (Read Passage of Scripture)
God was faithful in his promise to Abraham and Sarah.  The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised.  She became pregnant and gave birth to a son … This happened at just the time God said it would, (Genesis 21:1).  Who would believe that Abraham at the age of 100 and Sarah long beyond her child bearing years would have a son.  Abraham named their son Isaac … Eight days after Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him as God commanded, (vs. 3-4).  This fulfilled what God had promised Abram (Genesis 18:1-21). (This passage gives us insight into God’s patience:  The sins of the Amorites do not yet warrant their destruction, (vs. 16).  It was stating that Abram’s descendants would not live in the land, promised him, for 400 years.  The circumcision carried on God’s covenant to Isaac made to Abram in Ur, on the Euphrates River, in today’s Iraq.    All the families on earth will be blessed through you, (Genesis 12:1) 
Isaac means he laughs.  Sarah declared:  God has brought me laughter.  All who hear about this will laugh with me … Who would have said … Sarah would nurse a baby?  (Genesis 21:1-7}  As we will see in the next blog, not everyone laughed and rejoiced at the news.  Some of you may have experienced heartbreak when your desire for a child was not fulfilled, whether difficulty in getting pregnant or loss of an infant/child through death.  You may have rejoiced with the birth of your child only to learn she or he had physical or mental issues.  You don’t love the child any less.         Yet, the initial pain is severe.  Those pains are augmented when you learn of another having a healthy baby, with no difficulty.

During these studies we will learn God is faithful, patient and merciful even though at the time of our pain it seems impossible to comprehend.  Hopefully we will learn, that the way of bringing peace into a troubled heart is focusing on God’s promises and trusting God to do what God says.    
Do you have a personal dream you would like to see fulfilled?  Do you believe God can still do the impossible today?  Will you trust God to lead in fulfilling the dream or handling a problem you face?

PRAYER:                                                                                                                                                             Pray in gratitude to God for fulfilled promises.  Pray for promises for an understanding of promises not fulfilled.  Pray for faith and courage to trust God daily even we are not sure of the future.
* Written for Glenkirk Church, Glendora, California:  Weekly Devotional On Salvador Dali's Painting:  "Abraham!  Abraham!"