Thursday, June 4, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 4

                                       Genesis 22:11-14

Upon reaching the place God had told him, Abraham prepares the altar for a sacrifice.  Reread:  Genesis 22:9.  Note the frightful accuracy.  The wood is taken off Isaac’s back and laid across the stones set up as an altar.  Then he gently binds Isaac’s arms behind him and ties his feet.  He lifts his son – his only son whom he loved – lays him on the wood.  Taking a knife, he raises it above his head; pounding in his mind were the words:  God will Provide. 

Artists, including Salvador Dali, have tried capturing this moment.  Look at the Photo at the bottom.  What do you see?  What is Dali portraying?  Is it accurate with this Scripture?  Rembrandt van Rijn’s painting is different.  Look for it on your search engine or books on art.  Compare it to Dali. Tomorrow, we will look more into Dali and this piece entitled:  Abraham! Abraham!  Why the title?

Just as Abraham was going to thrust the knife into Isaac, an angel called his name twice and said: Do not lay a hand on the boy … Now I know you fear God, because you have not withheld your son,    your only son.  The greatness of Abraham’s faith, was not that he would sacrifice his son, but that he believed God would Provide.  Tears of joy must have run down Abraham’s face when the voice said:  Stop!  He is a different God!  Looking around Abraham saw a ram in a thicket caught by it’s horns.

In place of his son, God Provided a ram for the sacrifice.  In that moment of ultimate risk Abraham makes the ultimate discovery:  God’s unconditional, unmerited and free love of God.  God had told him: I will be you God. All that I AM I will give to you. 

Comparing Isaac and Jesus:  both carried wood on which they would be sacrificed.  The difference:  God gave His one and only son as a sacrificial lamb for us.  There within eyesight of Mt. Moriah, on Golgatha, Jesus died for our sins fulfilling:  All the world will be blessed through him.
Did you notice the parallel between the ram being offered as a substitute for Isaac and Jesus being offered on a cross as a substitute for us?  Whereas God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, God did not spare his only Son so that we would not experience eternal death.  (John 3:16)

Pray, in thanksgiving, for God provision of Life in its fullness.  Offer your life to God as a living sacrifice, as your spiritual worship.  (Romans 12:1)  All God wants is You.  Will you say:  Here I am!

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