Saturday, December 12, 2015


                                                     John 14:5-14

Thomas, the disciple’s, question is in response to what Jesus had just told his followers, Don’t let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God, and trust in me…I AM going to prepare a place for you.  When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I AM.  And you know the way to where I AM going (John 14:1-3).

This is one of the most important scriptures in the Bible.  How do we know the way to God?, Through Jesus.  Jesus is the way because, the Word (God) became human and made his home among us…And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son  (John 1:14). This is John’s the narrative of Jesus’ birth.  John 14 records some of the last teachings of Jesus before he was arrested and crucified.  There is a similar theme between John 1 and 14. 

As Jesus united his life with ours, taking on a human body, so as we unite with Jesus, we are united with God.  Jesus is saying:  “Trust me and I will take you to the Father.  All the benefits of being God’s child will be yours.  Some people say that “Jesus is the only way to God is too narrow.”  In reality is so wide that whole world, if they choose to follow Jesus, will know the way to God.  Let us thank God for providing a sure way into his God’s presence.

The disciple Philip says:  Show us the Father, and we will be satisfied. Jesus responded:  Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.  Don’t you believe that IAM in the Father and the Father is in me?  The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me and does his work through me…Believe because the work you have seen me do (vs. 8-11).  Jesus is the visible, tangible image of the invisible God.  (Colossians 1:15-23)  He is the complete revelation of what God is like.  To know Jesus is to know God.  Those searching for God, truth and reality need only look to and follow Jesus.

Jesus says:  I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works.  This verse is used as the theme of this Advent.  The disciples did what they had seen Jesus do, heal a lame man and raising someone from the dead.  It was the “Promised Holy Spirit” who lead them into truth and empowered them.

Jesus gives us the same message and promised Holy Spirit.  As we tell Jesus’ story and how he has impacted our lives, the Holy Spirit will help us to know what to say.  When we see a need, we are invited to pray for God’s healing, direction, forgiveness or provision for the person or situation.  Ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.  (vs. 14)              

Question:  Jesus said:  I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life … Follow me.   Have you ever tried going your own way, rather than following Jesus?  What were the results?  In troubled times what promises of God give you hope and courage?  

Prayer:  Ever-loving God, you came into this world clothed in our garments of flesh.  Clothe me in your Spirit, that others will recognize you in me and receive your greatest gift of love.  I pray in the name of Jesus, your greatest gift. Amen.   

Friday, December 11, 2015


                                                              John 10:25-30

People were asking for proof that Jesus was the Messiah.  How long will you keep us in suspense?     If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly (vs. 24).  This was a similar question to John the Baptist’s question to Jesus. (See yesterday’s Devotional.)  Jesus gave the people an answer that sounded like that given to John.  The proof is the work that I do in my Father’s name. (vs. 25)
This week, Jewish people are celebrating Hanukkah, the “Feast of Dedication” (vs. 22), recalling the miracle of one day of oil for the Menorah lasting for eight days.  This occurred after the Maccabean revolt against the Greeks and the rededication of the “defiled” Temple.  Jews today, as in Jesus’ day, are waiting for the Messiah to come.  Thus feelings about Roman domination might have surfaced,
prompting the question.   

Most people asking for “proof/sign” that Jesus is who he said he was, do so for the wrong reasons.  In Jesus’ day, the questioners did not want to follow Jesus, especially if it meant submitting to his leadership.  The same is true today.  People were hoping Jesus would declare himself Messiah for their own reasons.  They were looking for someone to drive out the Romans.  Today, people may be looking for Jesus to do … (add whatever topic).  Others were hoping Jesus would identify himself so they could accuse him of telling lies. Today, some are looking for Christians to say Jesus can do … (add action) and when it doesn’t happen, it is “proof” to them that Jesus was only a historical person who did not do miracles.

Jesus’ response to the question was:  You don’t believe me because you are not my sheep.  My sheep hear my voice and follow me (vs. 25-26). Just as a shepherd protects his sheep,   Jesus protects those who follow him.  This does not mean that we, who follow Jesus, will not experience suffering on earth.  We live in a “broken world,” and are not exempt.  We can know, we are never alone, God is with us, and will bring us through pain.  Jesus said:  I give eternal life, and they will never parish.

No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me… No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.  The Father and I are one (vs. 28-30).  This is clearest statement of who Jesus is.  He is divine.  Jesus and the Father are One, not the same person but same in essence and nature.  Jesus was not merely a good teacher—he is God!  His claim is unmistakable.  The people wanted a Messiah to overthrow Rome.  The religious leaders wanted to kill Jesus because of Jesus’ claim of being God.  Verse 31 records how the Jews reacted.  Jesus questions:  I have shown you many great miracles/signs from the Father.  For which of these do you stone me?  Note the response:  for your blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.  That is the question.  Who is Jesus?

Question:  Read John 10:34-42.  What is Jesus’ response to those who wanted to stone him?  What accounted for the difference of reception across the Jordan as compared to Jerusalem?  (vs. 41)  Who is Jesus to you?  Are you following him?  If so how?  Advent (Coming) is preparing and anticipating.  Maybe we can appreciate our Jewish friends, who are reading Isaiah 35 and still waiting for the Advent of the Messiah , as they celebrate Hanukka, recalling God’s miraculous provision.    

Prayer:  Loving God, what joy it is recalling your promise to come.  What peace I have knowing you came in the form of a human baby, so that we would know who you were, and lived on this earth experiencing everything I do.  Your coming brought new life, hope and direction.  Come, O Come live with me and reign within me now and forever.  Amen.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


                                                                             Luke 7:18-23

                                  Are you the Messiah we have been expecting,
                                  or should we keep looking for someone else? (vs. 19) 

That was the question John the Baptist wanted to ask Jesus.  He sent two of his disciples to inquire of the Lord.  Yesterday we read that John was in prison for speaking against Herod, (See yesterday’s Devotional.)  He was confused about the reports he received about Jesus.  John’s questions were natural.  Jesus wasn’t condemning, speaking against Roman abuse or “bringing God’s wrath” (3:7).

There is Danger of following a dream that is only a dream.  Had John misunderstood what he was called to do?  He gave his life in preparing the Way, had it been in vain?  Was he only following a dream?

John had expected a military take over!  Judgment had not come!

Jesus answered: Go back and report to John what you hear and see.  The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and good news is preached to the poor.  (Note First Devotional and read again Isaiah 35:3-5.)

John, “you are not following just a dream.  You are following me.”  Jesus was the only person who could ever demand, without qualification and condition, to be judged not by what he said, but what he did. 

Jesus said, after John’s disciple left, I tell you, of all who ever lived, none is greater than John.  Yet even the least person in the Kingdom of God is greater than he is! (vs. 28) That includes you and me.  How is that possible?  They, (we) have heard and have a clearer knowledge of the purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  John was the last to function as an Old Testament Prophet in preparing people for the coming of the Messiah.  Jesus was contrasting life before his coming with the fullness of life in Christ’s Kingdom lead by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, which he promised to send after he left this earth and returned to God the Father.  

Today, Jesus says:  Look at what I can do for you.   See what I have done for others.   

What Jesus did in Galilee he still does today.  Dr. Springs in Denver, Colorado said:  “I can heal no one.     I have studied and learned the skills of being a surgeon.  All I can do is identify and remove a tumor or repair a torn organ.  God does the healing.  God gave us humans, curiosity and desire of finding plants and minerals that may lead to healing.  We crush and blend them, but God is the One who gives wisdom

I can help a patient find a specialist who can remove cloudy eye lenses and replace them other lenses, resulting in people being able to see.”  Wherever Dr. Springs does surgery, he does in the name of and gives to glory to Jesus for the privilege of “Demonstrating God’s Healing Love to all, especially the poor.”

Question:  How did John receive information about Jesus?  Why could he not get if first hand?   What six things characterize Jesus’ ministry?  How would that answer John’s question?  (Isaiah 35:3-5)

Prayer:  Thank you God, for the Good News awaiting me today and always.  Thank you for your grace and mercy which you promised, in my life, when I experience disappointments or fear that hinder my journey toward your kingdom.  Thank you for using me as a living oracle of Good News for all living in darkness and crying in despair.          

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


                                                                             Luke 1:57-80

This scripture picks up the Story of John, son of Elizabeth and Zachariah, which starts in Luke 1:5.   An angel promises Jewish Priest, Zachariah that his wife Elizabeth would have a son and He is to be called JOHN.  (vs.13-17) Zachariah asked: How can I be sure (sign) this will happen?  I am an old man now, and my wife is well along in years.  The angel said:  “I am Gabriel!  I stand in the very presence of God.  It was he who sent me to bring you this good news!  But since you didn’t believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born.”  (The sign for which you asked.) (18-20)

Now you understand why the people spoke to Zachariah in sign language, (they may have thought he could not hear them since he couldn’t speak) to confirm that the baby’s name was John (vs. 67-80). Zachariah praised God with his first words after months of silence.  This song has been called Benedictus, Latin for Praise the Lord.  He then prophesied    that the coming of the Savior/Messiah, who would save (redeem) them from their enemies. He predicted that his son,  John’s mission was to Prepare the Way for that Messiah.  All the Old Testament prophesies were coming true.   It is no wonder that Zachariah praised God! 

Zachariah recalled hundreds of years of God’s sovereign work in history.  He began with God’s Convent with Abraham, maintained through his descendents, affirmed with his baby being circumcised, as a sign of that continuing Covenant.  The baby was named John, as the angel had instructed.

Zachariah then, tenderly, personalized the story.  His son would bear a key role in the drama of ages.  Although God had ultimate power, God chose to work through frail human beings who     were as helpless as babies.  (John and Jesus were born months apart.  Thirty years later, John and Jesus met again.)   We don’t know what Jesus did before coming to his cousin John,  known as the Baptizer, asking for baptism.   We Know …        

John lived a life of strict discipline. He rebuked evil wherever he saw it.  His message was:  Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.   He had nothing to lose, especially after baptizing Jesus.  His career ended in disaster.  He fearlessly and defiantly  spoke against Herod Antipas of Galilee, who during a trip to Rome had seduced his sister-in-law.  Returning home he dismissed his wife, and married his sister-in-law whom he lured away from  his brother.  John publically and sternly rebuked Herod.  Herod took revenge and had John  thrown into the dungeon of the fortress Machaerus near the Dead Sea.  For anyone that  would be a terrible fate, but for John, a child of desert; where all his life he had lived in open space, with wind blowing on his face and the spacious sky for his roof; being confined by four walls in an underground dungeon must have been almost un-bearable. 

Thus John sent his disciples to ask Jesus a question, which we will read tomorrow.
Question:  How did John’s birth fulfill what the angel said to Zachariah?  List all the things for which Zachariah praises God.  Compare his song with that of Mary’s song, known as the Magnificat (vs.46-55). 

Prayer:  Gracious God as you sent John to prepare the way for your son, Jesus, you sent your Own Son to prepare the way for our salvation.  Give me grace to heed His word and accept His forgiveness of my sins as I prepare for his Advent (Coming.)


                                                             Isaiah 35:1-10                                                               
One year from now we will know who will be the next President of the United States.  Some will be excited and hopeful while others fearful.  Seven years ago our current president promised Hope and Change.  Some are happy about the change and others not.  My purpose is not to raise a political issue, but to illustrate that placing hope in anyone or anything, other than God, is False Hope.

Advent is four weeks focused on the Hope of the One who came and promises to come again. The Advent Candles remind us of the hope of the Prophets.  Isaiah 35 is a message of hope, an oasis between the wasteland of chapters 1-34 and 36-39, which are messages of judgment, on all nations including Israel and Judah and a history of war and sickness, for rejecting God.

God Never Allowed His People to Go Without Hope or Comfort.
The same is true for us.  God Will Never Leave Us Without Hope.
When our hands are feeble, and our knees give way.
When our hearts are filled with fear-Disease, Death, Age. 
God says: Be strong, do not fear, I will Come, AM With You!

                                                                     As time drew near for the Israelites to return to their homeland after being held as captives for 48 years in Babylon, it was important for them to remember the lessons of their ancestors.  The coming Exodus would be greater than the first when they were liberated from Egypt.  Inspired by the Holy Spirit, in chapter 34, Isaiah exhausts the picture of a stricken earth, shrouded in smoke from the smoldering ruins, haunted by wild beasts, empty of all human life, the stench of the slain, clinging to the very soil drenched with rotten death. In Contrast, Chapter 35, One passes from a sense of despair to hope, thanksgiving, beauty and joy, “oracle of divine redemption.”   The homecoming would be glorious, traveling on the Kings Highway.  God’s Coming makes the desert blossom.  The King’s Highway would take the pilgrims from the desert of suffering to Jerusalem.  The way was found only by following God.   The theme of this Advent is Super. Natural. In this week’s Devotional:  Sign, note that God doesn’t simply point the way.  God is the Way and always beside us.   The One we anticipate during Advent said: I AM the Way, I AM With You!

 QUESTION:  What pressures are causing your hands and knees to tremble?  How might the message of verse 4 bring strength to you?  When you were ready to “give up,” how did God come to you?   

PRAYER:  Gracious God, I put myself before you with a waiting heart and expectant desire.  Open my eyes that I may see your promise fulfilled; open my ears that I may hear your word whispered to my deepest being.  Strengthen my hands and trembling knees while I await your coming anew. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

BE Prepared


(Giving Account of our Hope)
INTRODUCTIONWhat is the earliest Graduation you remember?  Mine was 8th Grade.  Our Day Care, at Community PC, WC. had graduation, children, some who had been with us since infancy, graduated from Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten in the public schools.   (They wore robes, mortar boards with tassels and received a large diplomas.)  It seems diplomas get smaller at each level of education. My graduation was low key, no robes or diplomas. I attended a Boarding School, 1st- 8th grade with 3 in my class.  
My Dad said: “This is more than a graduation, it is a commencement, a beginning.  You are prepared for the next stage in your education."  For me it truly was.
Were you born or raised in another country?  If so, what was your experience in coming to the USA?  I was raised in Guatemala and flew to the USA, alone after graduating from 8th grade.  My parents put me on a plane to Houston, Texas where I was to meet a man wearing a large cowboy hat.  Every man in the airport was wearing such a hat.  Fortunately, my hosts had a photo of me.  When I arrived in their home, I began walking around looking for water to drink. The hostess asked what I was looking for? I told her and she said:  "we drink water out of a tap."  In Guatemala, we always drank water our of a bottle.  Cultural Shock 1!  The TV was on and there were women walking across a stage in swim wear.  Seeing a women in shorts, let alone a swim suit, in public, other than a lake, ocean or swimming pool, was considered poor taste.  Yes, it was 1957 and dress codes were different then.  I learned I was watching the "Miss America Contest."  A couple minutes later, four teenagers walked in.  The boys were my hosts and their girlfriends were wearing short shorts. Culture Shock 2!
I was invited to go to a party with them.  We got in a Hot Rod and started driving on a Free Way when I young lady in a Corvette pulled up next to us and we were off on a Drag Race. Culture Shock 3! (I knew about Hot Rods and Drag Races, but this was first experience riding in or participating in either.)  We arrived at the party where everyone was dancing.  At the Boarding School we were told dancing was wrong and doing anything on Sunday other that reading the Bible, attending Sunday School, Worship or writing letters to home was forbidden. Thus Culture Shock 4!  After a little while, some said:  "Let's go TP."  We walked down the street and started throwing roles of toilet paper over trees.  Then some nut lit a match and the TP caught fire.  Every one ran away.  We got in the Hot Rod and arrived home, after dropping the girls off at their home, around 1:00 AM.  I had never been up that late.  Culture Shock 5!  The next morning we attended the First Baptist Church, Houston.  It was a multi story building.  We went to the terrace where their were youth playing basket ball.  Cultural Shock 6!  The Sunday School Class had hundreds of youth.  During worship I was asked by the pastor to say a word about growing up in Guatemala and what my parents did, as missionaries.  I was terrified, but believe I did OK. Culture Shock 7!
That afternoon the hosts put me on a sleeper car train to Minneapolis, Minnesota where I was to live with my grandparents while attending 9th grade.  I wrote a post card to my parents:  "I am ready to come home!"  My parents had prepared me for life in the USA but I was not prepared for all the Cultures Shocks I experienced in 24 hours.     
Are you attending some level of education?  Those of us who have completed our formal education have been prepared to move into the work force etc.  Many of us are beyond the years of “formal education.” Yet the lessons of being prepared still apply to us. 
In addition to my academic studies, I learned about the Bible, had music lessons  and was a Boy Scouts leader.  Each was invaluable in my being prepared. 

The Boy Scout Motto is Be Prepared.  Read I Peter 3:13-17
TEXT: Be ready at anytime to give a quiet and reverent answer to anyone who wants to know a reason for the hope that you have within you.  (I Peter 3:15)
In Peter’s day Christians suffered persecution because of their decision to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Some were  “banned from their families,”  others whipped, thrown into prison or placed in arenas with tigers and lions. Today Christians, every day, around the world are experiencing similar treatment for making the decision of following Jesus.+  (Nun is Arabic symbol for N.  It is painted on the homes, in Syria & Iraq by ISIS, of those who are called Nazarene.  ISIS will not use Christian.  Like, in Peter's day, these Christians join others around the world that have to choose each day whether to continue following Jesus or denying him and "converting to Islam or whatever religion is being imposed on a specific community. (I Peter 1:3-12)
Christians did not suffer because they placed their trust in Jesus, but because their faith permeated every area of their lives.  Roman Emperors were threatened because a Christian's first allegiance was to God/Jesus Christ & then Caesar.    Caesar was the “ultimate” accountable to no one.
If you as Christians suffer, Peter writes, you should know why you chose to follow Jesus.  You ought to take every opportunity of explaining why you are not afraid of human power or death & the hope within you.
The Apostle Paul never lost an occasion of telling his story.  Each Christian knew there was nothing too loose.  The worse that could happen was death and that meant joining their Lord in Heaven.
Few of us suffer because of our faith. Some of our friends colleagues may not know we are Christians.  Some, knowing we attend church, may tease or harass us/faith.

At some point they may ask “why are you different?”
Will you be ready to answer?  If you followed what the early followers of Jesus did in Acts 2:42-47, you will be ready.  They Learned, Fellowshipped & Prayed.
Peter gives Two Characteristics of good & effective responses to the hope within us.
1.  The First Characteristic is Reasonableness.   Reverence. 
Use language and illustrations understood by the person asking you. Theological and Philosophical terminology may impress but not clarify.  Unless one knows the names of the different knots used by scouts, a bowline, half-hitch or square knot they mean nothing to you.  Most know what a square knot is even if they do not know how to tie one.  If one can name the knots and tie them, & never uses them for their determined purpose, of what use are they?*
Scouts learn to tie the knots while camping in the wilderness.  More importantly they learn to follow instructions, set goals, work in teams, lead as well as many other interpersonal skills in assisting them in being ready/prepared for various situations.  (They sure helped me.)
Using words like “Born Again.” “Saved,” “Grace” even “Sin” in today’s world, have very little meaning.  If we have experienced the meaning of those words we can Reasonably, Intelligently and Temperately tell our story giving an explanation to the hope in which we live.
We can only do that if we know and live what we believe. That comes from Learning. It is one thing knowing Bible stories, reciting creeds and even answering the questions of Shorter Catechism, which at one time was required for church membership, it is another to understand what we are saying and have thought out the implications. We say “Jesus is Lord.” Is Jesus truly Lord of our daily lives? Are we following and implementing his teachings?
Unfortunately, some are not ready when challenged in College or at Work. We find ourselves tongue-tied or exasperated.  In Scouting one learns not only what to do but why.  So too with our Christian faith.  If we never wrestle with the why, we will not comprehend the what.
Experience is the best teacher.  Scouts learn about camping from a handbook and set up tents in the church, but if the scout never goes camping, all the knowledge will be of little use.  Scouts need the experience of setting up camp in the dark, rain and wind to truly appreciate the skills they have learned.
So too with our Christian Faith.  “We need a first hand discovery not a second hand story.”  (W. Barclay, 273)  The tragedy is that many Christians don’t know what they believe let alone why they believe.  (That is one reason for having Bible Studies.)
Can others see our hope in Christ?  Are we prepared to tell them what Christ has done in our lives?
Giving a reasonable / logical explanation of the hope within us is the 1st Characteristic
2.  The Second Characteristic is Gentleness.
Teachers instruct in a clear and sensitive manner.   Arrogance, belligerence or trying to cram something down someone’s throat will back fire.
Amazingly, some Christians try “sharing their faith” in this manner.  They think, “anyone not believing as I do is a fool or knave.”  Throughout history people have been forced to accept their conqueror’s beliefs. 
Jesus taught: “You are light and salt.  Light brings clarity to what is hidden in darkness.  Salt heals, purifies, enhances, preserves and causes thirst.  A friend of ours who had a battery of tests, including colonoscopy and endoscopy for cause of nausea, dizziness, dehydration learned that she had low sodium.  I wonder if part of the what is affecting our nation is a lack of Salt.
Treating those with whom we are sharing our faith with love, gentleness, and appropriate manner, may open opportunities of giving account of our hope. Bludgeoning  closes opportunities of explaining our faith. 
Story of a Christian Barber convinced he needed to share his faith in Christ with others.  He decided that the next Saturday he would tell one of his clients about Christ.  Throughout the day opportunities arose but he froze and was unable to say anything.  As the day drew to a close the tension was building.  He said: “hook or by crook” I am going share my faith with the next person who comes in.  In walked a man asking for shave.  The barber thought: “this is the one!” Preparing himself mentally and winding up the courage, he lathered up the man’s face, picked up the razor and sharpened it on a leather strap. Walking to the front of the chair, his voice quivering and his hand shaking he blurted out: 
“Brother are you prepared to die?” The man jumped up and ran right through the plate glass window, tearing down the street screaming.”  (D. Roper. “Loving Life”)
Fortunately, that is not the way of sharing our faith.  Sometimes we may come across too heavy or argumentatively scaring people away. 
We may not be able to keep people from slandering us for sharing our faith.  We can stop supplying them with ammunition.  As long as we are “light” and “salt” living as Jesus taught, their accusations will be empty and embarrass them. 
Let us keep our conduct above criticism. Remembering that:  Gentleness opens doors to giving a logical reason for our hope within us enabling us to live without fear.

Pray for opportunities to share the Hope we have in Christ with others we come in contact with during this journey. Pastor John Foye, CPCWC, before meal introduces himself & me and asks: “Is there anything for which you would like us to pray?”  She was surprised and then said:  "Yes, my mother is failing in her health and I am afraid."

CONCLUSION:   Even as scouts learn, practice and experience first hand being ready  means, applying the knowledge when necessary, so we as Christians can do the same, so we are ready when called upon explain our faith.

When we are confident of what and why we believe we may be instruments of God’s love.  The Holy Spirit will enable us to respond in a reasonable and gentle manner. 

When we are not ready, we will likely stutter and become argumentative. 

 A Godly conduct will silence slander & disarm criticism.

The only un-answerable argument for a Christian is a life that is light and salt consistent with Jesus’ teachings, causing an eagerness in believing in God.

That life is one securely anchored on knowledge and experience of the saving activity of Jesus Christ. How we live, How we handle difficulty and
How we treat others will say more than all our words.

But the fruit of the Spirit is live, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law...Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
                                                (Galatians 5:22,23,25)

 Two Illustrations:

1.  Weaver who did more talking than work: 

          “He needs to let his Christianity come out
          through his fingers rather than his mouth.”    

2.  Woman who got into a shouting match with her husband.  Enraged, stormed through the kitchen swearing under her breath – opening all the cupboard doors then slamming them shut.  Walking by an open kitchen door – she was startled to see a neighbor on the other side of the screen door.  Terror raced through the woman when she recognized the neighbor as one for whom she had praying and was seeking a way of leading her to Christ for two years.  She thought: “I have really blown it this time.”  She invited the neighbor to come in, apologized, admitted her own weakness & of the Lord who forgives.

Her neighbor was so impressed with the woman’s honesty. courage and certainty of God’s forgiveness that she invited Christ into her life that day.  The Christian woman had been prepared to lead her neighbor in starting of a new life in Jesus Christ– beginning a new chapter and being prepared to tell others of the change in her life and reason for the hope within her.  Read Again:  (I Peter 3:15)
Be ready at anytime to give a quiet and reverent answer to anyone who wants to know a reason for the hope that you have within you. 
It is not failure that discourages us – it is not being ready to give a reason for the hope within us.  May that not be so!

Continue Learning, Worshipping faithfully and Praying & Keeping in step with the Spirit who reminds us of all we have learned about Jesus & assisting us in telling others of the hope within us, that enables us to live with joy & without fear in a time when it is risky talking about our faith in Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives.       

Friday, June 5, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 5

                                               Genesis 22:15-18

Abraham!  Abraham!, is the title of this painting.    Salvador Dali (1904-1989), a Spanish surrealist painter, included this lithograph into a selection of 105 renditions of biblical stories in Biblia Sacra (Holy Bible), a new version of the Vulgate, Catholic, Bible. 

Dr. Giuseppe Albaretto, a devout Christian and man of faith who was dedicated to the Catholic Church, commissioned his close friend Dali to create the illustrations for the new Bible he wanted to print.  He knew the project would require Dali studying the Bible to fully depict the meaning of the stories. His hope was that the commission would bring Dali back to God.  There is no account of that occurring.

What is the first thing you see in the painting?  What do you think Dali was emphasizing?  Read again Genesis 22:11-14.  How would draw the story?  If you haven’t seen Rembrandt’s version of this passage, look for it.  What are the differences and similarities between the two?

Dali stared with watercolor, then showed a range of creativity both in use of color and context.     His works show spontaneity with the use of “bulletism,” a Dalinian invention where an arquebus    (a type of antique gun) was used with ink filled capsules and then fired at blank sheets of paper.  The results were patterns/designs incorporated into the illustrations.* Note its use on Abraham!  Abraham!  The commissions were done between 1963-1964.  Bible published in 1969.  The painting is 19” x 13.75”.                                                             

Today’s scripture affirms Abraham’s obedience and the angel proclaiming God’s promise would be fulfilled.  Note verse 18.  Abraham named the place The Lord Will Provide.  How do God’s promises to Abraham relate to us?  What and how did The Lord provide for us?  What are the similarities and differences between what God provided for Abraham and Isaac and what God provides for us today?   Our lives have been changed as result of knowing of the faith of Abraham.  (Romans 4:1-3).   All nations on Earth will them find themselves blessed through your descendants because you obeyed me  (Genesis 22:18, The Message)    

Bernad Ewell, Park West Gallery, 2009 and  William Bennett, Madison Ave. Gallery, 2015. 

What is the primary lesson you have learned from these studies in Genesis 21 and 22?  Does that lesson impact your daily life?  If so how?  What lesson did Abraham learn between the events recorded in Genesis 21 and 22?  Are you ready to trust God with your entire life and family?  

Pray for your pastor as he or she prepares to proclaim God’s Word and interpret God’s Word, this Sunday.  Pray that you will have the courage of trusting God with all you have, including your family.  
If you would like to hear a sermon based on Dali’s painting, The Rev. Jim Miller, Pastor of Glenkirk Church, Glendora, California will be using “Abraham!  Abraham!” in his sermons this Sunday, June 7. has all the details regarding address and times of services.  If you cannot attend, the sermon will be posted on their website early next week.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 4

                                       Genesis 22:11-14

Upon reaching the place God had told him, Abraham prepares the altar for a sacrifice.  Reread:  Genesis 22:9.  Note the frightful accuracy.  The wood is taken off Isaac’s back and laid across the stones set up as an altar.  Then he gently binds Isaac’s arms behind him and ties his feet.  He lifts his son – his only son whom he loved – lays him on the wood.  Taking a knife, he raises it above his head; pounding in his mind were the words:  God will Provide. 

Artists, including Salvador Dali, have tried capturing this moment.  Look at the Photo at the bottom.  What do you see?  What is Dali portraying?  Is it accurate with this Scripture?  Rembrandt van Rijn’s painting is different.  Look for it on your search engine or books on art.  Compare it to Dali. Tomorrow, we will look more into Dali and this piece entitled:  Abraham! Abraham!  Why the title?

Just as Abraham was going to thrust the knife into Isaac, an angel called his name twice and said: Do not lay a hand on the boy … Now I know you fear God, because you have not withheld your son,    your only son.  The greatness of Abraham’s faith, was not that he would sacrifice his son, but that he believed God would Provide.  Tears of joy must have run down Abraham’s face when the voice said:  Stop!  He is a different God!  Looking around Abraham saw a ram in a thicket caught by it’s horns.

In place of his son, God Provided a ram for the sacrifice.  In that moment of ultimate risk Abraham makes the ultimate discovery:  God’s unconditional, unmerited and free love of God.  God had told him: I will be you God. All that I AM I will give to you. 

Comparing Isaac and Jesus:  both carried wood on which they would be sacrificed.  The difference:  God gave His one and only son as a sacrificial lamb for us.  There within eyesight of Mt. Moriah, on Golgatha, Jesus died for our sins fulfilling:  All the world will be blessed through him.
Did you notice the parallel between the ram being offered as a substitute for Isaac and Jesus being offered on a cross as a substitute for us?  Whereas God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, God did not spare his only Son so that we would not experience eternal death.  (John 3:16)

Pray, in thanksgiving, for God provision of Life in its fullness.  Offer your life to God as a living sacrifice, as your spiritual worship.  (Romans 12:1)  All God wants is You.  Will you say:  Here I am!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

GOD WILL PROVIDE: Devotional # 3

                                        Genesis 2:1-10   
Isaac is the one through whom the whole world would be blessed. This must have run through Abraham’s mind when God Called him and said:  Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – to the Land of Moriah.  Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering.  (Genesis 22:1-2)  Life was good.    Isaac had grown into a young man.  For over 50 years Abraham had hoped for a son.  He had learned a lesson with the birth of Ishmael.  God wanted Abraham to learn an additional lesson.

God tested Abraham’s faith not to trip him up (James 1:12-13 says:  God blesses those who patiently endure testing … God never tempts anyone)., but to deepen his capacity of obeying God and developing his character.  It was a lesson for Isaac as well.  God took Father and Son through an experience which severely tested their trust in God and each other.  Something profound is revealed in this moving story.

Abraham takes a huge risk, acting in obedience, as he traveled 50 miles to Mount Moriah on the eastern side of today’s Old Jerusalem.  Taking that ultimate risk leads to an ultimate discovery.  There is a universal feeling that humans must do something to please God.  Many religions practiced human sacrifice to appease their gods.  That was the case in Abraham’s day.  (Read Micah 6:7)

During the three day ride to Mount Moriah, Abraham must have wrestled with what God was asking of him.  “God had promised to bless the whole world through his son.”  God had said “it would be through Isaac’s descendants.”  God kept his promises.  Therefore, God likely would raise Isaac from the dead.  (Read Romans 4:18 and Hebrews 11:19)

As Abraham (carrying the fire) and Isaac (carrying the wood) walked to the top of the mountain,  Isaac asks: Where is the lamb for the…offering?  Abraham’s heart must have broken.  Trying to explain to his son that he was the sacrifice, Abraham answers, God will provide.  He didn’t have the slightest clue how God would provide, only believed God is a different God.          (Continues Tomorrow) 

Have you ever been asked by God to “give up someone you deeply love”?  What was your response?   My Grandfather was a Baptist Pastor who strongly supported overseas mission.      When his daughter said that she and her husband were called by God to serve as missionaries in Guatemala, C.A., he said:  “There is plenty of need in this country, why do you have to go to another country?”  For him, it was “almost as painful as death.”  How has your character been strengthened though God’s testing? 

Thank God for the provision of forgiveness through the death of Jesus on the cross.  Pray for a heart of gratitude and courage in telling others of God’s Amazing Love.  Pray for courage to trust God when asked to give up something or someone, you love, for God’s Service.   