Tuesday, December 8, 2015


                                                                             Luke 1:57-80

This scripture picks up the Story of John, son of Elizabeth and Zachariah, which starts in Luke 1:5.   An angel promises Jewish Priest, Zachariah that his wife Elizabeth would have a son and He is to be called JOHN.  (vs.13-17) Zachariah asked: How can I be sure (sign) this will happen?  I am an old man now, and my wife is well along in years.  The angel said:  “I am Gabriel!  I stand in the very presence of God.  It was he who sent me to bring you this good news!  But since you didn’t believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born.”  (The sign for which you asked.) (18-20)

Now you understand why the people spoke to Zachariah in sign language, (they may have thought he could not hear them since he couldn’t speak) to confirm that the baby’s name was John (vs. 67-80). Zachariah praised God with his first words after months of silence.  This song has been called Benedictus, Latin for Praise the Lord.  He then prophesied    that the coming of the Savior/Messiah, who would save (redeem) them from their enemies. He predicted that his son,  John’s mission was to Prepare the Way for that Messiah.  All the Old Testament prophesies were coming true.   It is no wonder that Zachariah praised God! 

Zachariah recalled hundreds of years of God’s sovereign work in history.  He began with God’s Convent with Abraham, maintained through his descendents, affirmed with his baby being circumcised, as a sign of that continuing Covenant.  The baby was named John, as the angel had instructed.

Zachariah then, tenderly, personalized the story.  His son would bear a key role in the drama of ages.  Although God had ultimate power, God chose to work through frail human beings who     were as helpless as babies.  (John and Jesus were born months apart.  Thirty years later, John and Jesus met again.)   We don’t know what Jesus did before coming to his cousin John,  known as the Baptizer, asking for baptism.   We Know …        

John lived a life of strict discipline. He rebuked evil wherever he saw it.  His message was:  Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.   He had nothing to lose, especially after baptizing Jesus.  His career ended in disaster.  He fearlessly and defiantly  spoke against Herod Antipas of Galilee, who during a trip to Rome had seduced his sister-in-law.  Returning home he dismissed his wife, and married his sister-in-law whom he lured away from  his brother.  John publically and sternly rebuked Herod.  Herod took revenge and had John  thrown into the dungeon of the fortress Machaerus near the Dead Sea.  For anyone that  would be a terrible fate, but for John, a child of desert; where all his life he had lived in open space, with wind blowing on his face and the spacious sky for his roof; being confined by four walls in an underground dungeon must have been almost un-bearable. 

Thus John sent his disciples to ask Jesus a question, which we will read tomorrow.
Question:  How did John’s birth fulfill what the angel said to Zachariah?  List all the things for which Zachariah praises God.  Compare his song with that of Mary’s song, known as the Magnificat (vs.46-55). 

Prayer:  Gracious God as you sent John to prepare the way for your son, Jesus, you sent your Own Son to prepare the way for our salvation.  Give me grace to heed His word and accept His forgiveness of my sins as I prepare for his Advent (Coming.)

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