Wednesday, February 25, 2015

AMOS: Prophet of Justice and Righteousness -- Chapter 9 and last in series.

              AMOS:  PROPHET OF JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS         

Amos 9, the fifth vision is of the Temple, is real for us living in earthquake territory.  Note the message of v.1-4.  V. 7 God would not treat Israel differently than other nations.  God is not just the God of Israel and Judah, but sovereign over all nations, and the universe.
 Amos’ message is not only judgment but also a promise of restoration and prosperity v. 11-15. Amos ends with a sense of hope.  Interwoven throughout Amos is God’s warning but also an appeal for Israel to turn from her selfish lives and return to God.  In the midst of judgment there is opportunity for escape.  Israel did not change her ways until it was too late.  Israel failed to hear God’s promise of one day returning to the land from which they were taken and rebuilding the society that once existed.  Amos spoke in a time of prosperity and peace.  They couldn’t believe they would lose it all.  Maybe while in captivity, seeking for answers as to why,  Amos 9:11-12 was discovered.

The promise was not fulfilled by an earthly political ruler, but by the Messiah.  The Apostle James quoted this verse, Acts 15:16-17, finding the promise fulfilled in Jesus’ resurrection and the presence of Jews and Gentiles in the Christ’s church.       
V. 13-17 describes a time of prosperity.  God is Just and will not tolerate evil.  Judgment will come at one point or another.  However, there is always hope of forgiveness.

Amos Prophet of Justice and Righteousness, called people to a “right relationship” with God and each other.  Israel exchanged her relationship with God for relationships with other gods.  The consequences: the poor were neglected and self-satisfaction dominated.  What looked like a healthy society on the surface would soon collapse.  All the prophesies were fulfilled.
What is the purpose of studying Amos and what does it have to do with Jesus and us?  Scripture does not condemn wealth.  When wealth is shared with those in need The Heart of Jesus is revealed.            

The Keyword/image of the plumb line and Amos 5:24 remind us of Amos’ message.
Pray that God will show you how to equitably use the resources God has given you in ministering to those in need.  Pray also that you are in a right relationship with God and are living according to His plumb line and His Word.  Continue praying for those in leadership of our nation.

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